Statius Bibliography by Author

Baehrens, Emil, "Emendationum in Statii Silvas Particula I," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 28 (1873): 250-63
• On Silv 5.5.24-28, 1.1.27-28, 1.3.15-17, 1.4.58-60, 1.4.86-88, 1.6.51-55, 1.6.93-95, 2.1.65-68, 2.3.43, 3.3.71-75, 3.3.74, 3.5.14-16, 3.5.18-22, 3.5.26-29, 3.5.33-35, 4.1.44-47, 4.4.81-84, 4.4.101-105, 4.6.41-43, 4.6.47, 4.6.67, 4.8.15, 5.1.146, 5.3.43.
Baehrens, E., "Jahresbericht über Statius," Bursians Jahresbuch 6 (1878): 154-6; 10 (1879): 52-4
Baehrens, E., "Jahresbericht über Statius," Bursians Jahresbuch 10 (1879): 52-54
Bahrenfuss, W., Das Abenteuer der Argonauten auf Lemnos bei Apollonios Rhodios (Arg. 1.601 bis 909), Valerius Flaccus (Arg. 2.72 bis 403), Papinius Statius (Theb. 4.746 bis 5.498), Dissertation, Kiel, 1951
Baier, T., "L'Ara Clementiae nella Tebaide di Stazio (XII 481-518)," Aevum 81.1 (2007): 159-70
Baier, Thomas and Ferdinand Stürner, Götter und menschliche Willensfreiheit von Lucan bis Silius Italicus, Zetemata 142 (München: Beck, 2012)
• Reviews: Delarue, Revue des études latines 90 (2012) 400-402; Schafer, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 67 (2014) 316-319; Augoustakis, The Classical World 107 (2013-2014) 553-554; Evenepoel, L'Antiquité classique 82 (2013) 349-351
Shackleton Bailey, David R., "Τί δεῖμε χορεύειν;," Classical Journal 97.2 (2001-2002): 177-78
• On Silv. 2.6.38-43. The passage does not need reconstruction. Bellis should be retained in 42. Mollis… iubent (39-40) refers to boys emasculated to preserve their prepubescent charms. Dubiae crimina formae (39) may be translated, "reproach of ambiguous beauty." Qualis and uisu go together.
Baines, Victoria, "Umbricius' Bellum ciuile: Juvenal, Satire 3," Greece & Rome 50.2 (2003): 220-37
• Umbricius' description of an encounter at night between a poor man and a drunken thug (278-301) alludes to Theb. 2.489-95 as well as Vergil and Homer. The allusions illustrate how epic reinvents itself.
Baines, Victoria, "Bella satirica: Rhetorical Engagement with Epic in Juvenal's Satires," PhD dissertation, Nottingham, 2004
• Post-Virgilian epic, especially that of Ovid, Lucan, and Statius, is revealed to be as important a model for Juvenal as Homer and Virgil.
Bajard, Sophie, "Pygmées et Amazones dans la Silve I, 6 de Stace," Revue des études latines 88 (2010) 188-205
• The comparison of gladiators fighting dwarfs and women fighting pygmies and Amazons supports Domitian propaganda.
Baldini Moscadi, Loretta, "La magia nell'epica latina: Funzionalità e trasgressione (a proposito di Virgilio e Silio Italico, Lucano e Stazio)," Mene 4 (2004): 33-49
• Comparison of the episodes of Dido (Aen. 4.474 ff.), Hannibal (Sil. Ital. 1.70-139), Erictus (Lucan 6.413-830) and Tiresias (Theb. 4.406-645) and their role in epic tradition.
Banos Banos, J.M., "El Versus aureus de Ennio a Estacio," Latomus 51.4 (1992): 762-74
Baptista, Natan, and Leni Leite, "Recusatio e encômio a Domiciano nos proêmios épicos de Estácio (Theb. 1.1-45; Ach. 1.1-19) - Recusatio and Praise to Domitian in Statius' Epic Proemia (Theb. 1.1-45; Ach. 1.1-19)," Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 21 (2019) 117-35
• "The proemia to Statius' epic poems are analyzed as dedications to Domitian. The proemia are central to these works since it is through them that Statius builds the ideal motif underlying the imperial praise and the justification of his choice of mythological themes. Through the use of the concepts of ethos and scenography, from French Discourse Analysis, the poet's excusatio, as it appears in the poems, contributed to determine his poetic place and to shape his ethos as a poet-client." Includes Portuguese translations of several passages.
Barchiesi, Alessandro, "La guerra di Troia non avrà luogo: Il proemio dell'Achilleide di Stazio," AION 18 (1996): 45-62
• Distinction between epic and autoironic aspects of the proem. Analysis of epic elements and questions regarding the modern tendency to find it as more elegiac.
Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Genealogie letterarie nell' epica imperiale: Fondamentalismo e ironia," in Ernst August Schmidt, ed., L'histoire littéraire immanente dans la poésie latine, Vandœuvres-Genève, 21-25 août 2000: Huit exposés suivis de discussions (Genève-Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt, 2001): 315-54
• Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, and Statius show a tension between respect for the epic canon and an ironic, subversive worldview.
• Reviews: Korenjak, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 56.3-4 (2003): 204-208; Hardie, Classical Review n.s. 53.2 (2003): 355-57; Ambühl, Museum Helveticum 61.4 (2004): 252; Dangel, Revue des études latines 80 (2002): 314-17
Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Masculinity in the 90's: the education of Achilles in Statius and Quintilian," in Michael Paschalis, ed., Roman and Greek imperial epic, Rethymnon classical studies 2 (Herakleion: Crete UP, 2005), 47-75
Bardon, H., "Notes sur la littérature impériale 2: Hypothèse sur l'Octavia," Latomus (1939): 253-8
Silv. 2.7.58-9 suggests that the tragedy was written by Lucan.
Bardon, H., "Le goût à l'époque des Flaviens," Latomus 21 (1962): 732-48
Barker, E. Ph., "Poeta fit: A Study of Statius," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association (1933): 26-8. 
• A discussion of the career of Statius. The lack of unity in the Thebaid is because the literary taste of the time favored a mechanical and episodic production. 
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "Els arguments en vers a la Tebaida d'Estaci," Universitat de Barcelona, Anuari de filologia, secció D 13 (1990): 15-24
• The Cambridge argument to Book 1 is authentic, that to Book 6 is a later reconstruction. Edition of 1.arg. with translation of 2-12.arg.
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "En comentari al·legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Mitògraf," in E. Artigas, ed., Homenatge a Josep Alsina: actes del Xè simposi de la secció catalana de la SEEC, II (Tarragona, 1992): 157-61.
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "La Tebaida de Estacio en el manuscrito 148 del Archivo Capitular de Tortosa," Habis 23 (1992): 63-95
• Connection with Hill's group DNtQdO. Full collation.
Barreda Edo, Pere-Enric, "Una interpolación de Juan de Arjona a su traducción al castellano de la Tebaida de Estacio," in Actas del VIII congreso español de estudios clásicos: (Madrid, 23-28 de septiembre de 1991) 3 (Madrid: Ed. Clásicas, 1994), 357-63
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Los traductores de la Tebaida de Estacio al castellano: Juan de Arjona y Gregorio Morillo," Anuari de filologia, Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina 18.6 (1995): 37-62
• On the translation begun by J. de Arjona and completed after his death by G. Morillo.
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Notas sobre la tradición textual de la Tebaida de Arjona," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 8 (1995): 255-79 and pll.
• Critical notes on the translation by Juan de Arjona.
Barreda, Pere-Enric, ed., Aquil·leida, fragment de la guerra de Germània. P. Papini Estaci. Introd., text revisat, trad. I notes, Col·lecció dels clàssics grecs I llatins 377 (Barcelona: Fundació Bernat Metge, 2010)
Barredo I Edo, Pere-Enric, "Un comentari al-legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Muògraf," in Homenatge a Josep Alsina: Actes del Xè simposi de la Seccio catalana de la SEEC, Tarragona, 28 a 30 de novembre de 1990: II., ed. Esther Artigas (Tarragona: Diputació de Tarragona, 1992), 157-61
Bartolomé, Jesús, "El proemio de la Farsalia de Lucano y su recepción. 1," Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos 29 (2009) 25-44
• On the influence of the preface to Lucan's De bello civile in his literary successors. Special focus is on the reception of Lucan in Statius' Thebaid.
Basile, Anna, "Stazio e Pollio Felice: Caratteristiche di un elogio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 6 (1-2) (2012): 77-89
• Analysis of how Statius addresses Pollius Felix and how Statius justifies his art to his patron.
Basile, Anna, "Stazio e Pollio Felice: Caratteristiche di un elogio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 6 (1-2) (2012): 77-89
• Analysis of how Statius addresses Pollius Felix and how Statius justifies his art to his patron.
Basile, Anna, "Alcune riflessioni sulla rappresentazione letteraria delle ville campane in età flavia," in Olivier Devillers, ed., Neronia 9, La villégiature dans le monde romain de Tibère à Hadrien: Actes du IXe congrès de la SIEN, Scripta antiqua/Ausonius 62 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2014), pp. 79-87
• On villas in Persius, Martius, Pliny the Younger, and Statius.
Battles, D., The Medieval Tradition of Thebes: History and Narrative in the Roman de Thebes, Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Lydgate, Studies in Medieval History and Culture (New York: Routledge, 2004)
Baumann, Helge, "Der ewige Gärtner: Statius' Silve 2,3 als Geburtstagsgeschenk zwischen Intertextualität und Gartenbaukunst," A&A 59 (2013) 89-111
• On intertextuality in Silv. 2.3, especially as regards the use of a tree to symbolize birth. The poem also discusses Roman garden construction interprets Pan as gardener.
Beck, C., ed., Papinii Statii ad Calpurnium Pisonem Poemation (Olnodus: Brügel, 1835)
Bek, L., "Antithesis: A Roman Attitude in the Concept of Architecture from Vitruvius to Pliny the Younger," in Ascani et al., edd., Studia Romana in hon. Paul Krarup (Odense: U. Pr., 1976): 154-66
• In Vitruvius, antithesis is limited to exterior elements. In Seneca, a confrontation between conditions. In Statius, art and nature are opposed. In Pliny, antithesis is a part of the description of architecture, not only in the case of buildings, but also of houses and gardens. 
Bellandi, Franco, "Stazio e Domiziano: Epica e potere: A proposito di un recente libro sulla Tebaide," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 412-435
• On Bessone 2011.
Bellido Díaz, José Antonio, "Estacio, Tebaida I 214-218: Una oculta alusión al cíclope Pyracmon," Emerita 82 (2014) 291-312
• Statius refers to the cyclops Pyracmon at 1.218 in incudibus ignes.
Beltran Noguer, M.T., En torno a la Aquileida de Estacio, Dissertation, U. de Murcia, 1980
Benker, Margrit, Achill und Domitian: Herrscherkritik in der Achilleis des Statius, Diss. Erlangen-Nürnburg, 1987
• Reviews: F. d'Esperey, Revue des études latines 55 (1987): 335-36; M. Dewar, Classical Review 38 (1988): 252-53
Bennardo, Lorenza, "On Statius, Theb. 8.26 serunt animas and its Interpretation in Later Readers," Mnemosyne 70.3 (2017) 436-449
Bentivoglio, C., trans., La Tebaide da Stazio. Collezione di classici italiani con note, voll. 10-11 (Torino, Torinese, 1928) [with notes]
Bergk, T., "Kritische Analekten," Philologus 16 (1860): 620 n. 17
• On Silv. 1.3.50.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Per una storia dell' esegesi moderna alla Tebaide di Stazio. Riflessioni a proposito dell' edizione di Parigi, 1825 - 1830 (Amar - Lemaire)," in Renate Burri. Aline Delacrétaz, Jacques Monnier, Marcello Nobili, edd., Ad limina II. Incontro di studio tra i dottorandi e i giovani studiosi di Roma. Istituto svizzeo di Roma, Villa Maraini, febbraio - aprile 2003 (Alessandria: Edizioni dell' Orso, 2004)
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Queen Dirce and the Spartoi: Wandering through Statius' Theban past and the Thebaid's Early Printed Editions," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne Suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2006): 129-46
• An examination of 17th-19th century commentaries' interpretations of the origins of the spring Dirce (Theb. 1.38-40, 3.204-205, 4.374-377) and the genesis of the Spartoi (Theb. 3.180-183, 4.440-442) illustrate the usefulness of early modern commentaries in modern discussions. "The various and contrasting attitudes of the exegetical tradition show that the complex interweaving that is characteristic of Statius' poem cannot be reduced to a rigid system."
Berlincourt, Valéry, "à propos des conjectures dans le texte de la Thébaïde de Stace: L'enseignement des premiers incunables," Museum Helveticum 63.2 (2006): 100-103
• an examination of the first editions of the Thebaid indicates variants that may be derived from lost mss.
Berlincourt, V., "'In pondere non magno satis ponderosae...': Gronovius and the printed tradition of the Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 1-18
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Texte et commentaires de la Thébaïde de Stace à l'ère de l'imprimerie: Transmission et histoire culturelle (1470-1851)," Dissertation, NeuchÂtel, 2008
Berlincourt, V., review of J. B. Hall, A. L. Ritchie, M. J. Edwards (ed.), P. Papinius Statius. Thebaid and Achilleid (2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.04.10 (2010)
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Indiscrétion et désobéissance: Stratégies de construction du récit dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Therese Fuhrer and Damien P. Nelis, edd., Acting with words: Communication, Rhetorical Performance and Performative Acts in Latin Literature, Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, n.F., 2. Reihe 125 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2010): 101-28
• The embassy of Tydeus to Thebes (Theb. 2.375-3.406) provides us with direct and indirect discourse. Statius uses this to underscore the artificiality of epic.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Emericus Cruceus' Conjectures on the Thebaid and the Achilleid (1620). A Supplement to the New Edition of Statius' Epics," Mnemosyne 64.2 (2011): 285-94
• Discussion of Cruceus' emendations and their sources. Passages include Théb. 1.227, 284-285, 439-440, 461; 2.17-19, 219, 401; 4.153, 481-482; 9.99-100, 500-501, 976; 10.16-17, 215-216; 11.54; 12.58-59, 620; Ach. 1.243-244; 2.93, 132-134.
Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Innuptae ritus imitata Minervae: Une comparaison chez Claudien et ses connexions flaviennes," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• The scene at DR 1.84, Claudianus echoes Il/ 5.720-732 but his language echoes Silius Italicus (ritus imitata, 4.768-769) and the Thebaid (innuptae... Minervae, 12.529-539).
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Early Modern Thebaid: The Latin Commentary Tradition," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 543-561
• On the commentaries on the poem in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Le codex Buslidianus des épopées de Stace: La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 128 A 38," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60 (2016) 420-432
• Identification of the codex Buslidianus collated in editions from Bernartius' on.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "The Statius of Gronovius (Amsterdam, 1653) and the Manuscripts London BL Royal 15.C.X and 15.A.XXI," Classical Quarterly 66 (2016) 376-383
• Gronovius' 1653 edition is the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late 19th century. In accordance with contemporary practice, Gronovius selectively corrected a printed textus receptus. Gronovius's corrections are usually of great value and many of them promote readings that are still considered correct today. Regarding his sources, this article compares what Gronovius says in the commentary with his hitherto unstudied documents, in particular his collations, which are preserved in Leiden. Identification of two additional manuscript sources he used.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Commenter la Thébaïde de Stace (livre 3): Éléments de problématique," Appunti Romani di Filologia: Studi e Comunicazioni di Filologia, Linguistica e Letteratura Greca e Latina 4 (2002): 61-79
• Structural and compositional aspects of Book 3.
Bernstein, Neil Warren, "Stimulant manes: The Ghost in Lucan, Statius, and Silius Italicus," Dissertation, Duke, 2000
Bernstein, N.W., "Ancestors, Status, and Self-Presentation in Statius' Thebaid," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 133.2 (2003): 353-79
Bernstein, N.W., "Auferte oculos: Modes of Spectatorship in Statius Thebaid 11," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 58.1/2 (2004): 62-85
Bernstein, N.W., "Mourning the Puer Delicatus: Status Inconsistency and the Ethical Value of Fostering in Statius, Silvae 2.1," The American Journal of Philology 126.2 (2005) 257-80
Bernstein, N.W., review of Heslin, P.J., The Transvestite Achilles (2005), The American Journal of Philology 128.1 (2006): 142-45
Bernstein, N.W., rev. of Rühl, M., Literatur gewordener Augenblick: Die Silven des Statius im Kontext literarischer und sozialer Bedingungen, Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 81 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2006) in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.02.26
Bernstein, N.W., "Fashioning Crispinus through his Ancestors: Epic Models in Statius Silvae 5.2," Arethusa 40.2 (2007) 183-96
Bernstein, N.W., In the Image of the Ancestors: Narratives of Kinship in Flavian Epic, Phoenix. Supplementary Volume 48 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008)
Bernstein, Neil Warren, "Cui parens non erat maximus quisque et vetustissimus pro parente: Parental Surrogates in Imperial Roman Literature," in Growing Up Fatherless in Antiquity, ed. Sabine Hübner and David M. Ratzan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 241-256
• "Despite its relatively high incidence, fatherlessness presented a social challenge to young aristocratic Roman men who aspired to a political career. Such men often negotiated this challenge by associating themselves with paternal surrogates who had no familial connection to them. The rhetorical strategies used by Statius (Silv. 5.2, an encomium to the fatherless Crispinus) and by Pliny the Younger in his Letters to assert the legitimacy of the political aspirations of the fatherless are explored. Anthropological studies of shared parenthood and fosterage in West African states provide valuable parallels."
Bernstein, N.W., review of Ripoll, F., and J. Soubiran, Stace. Achilléide (2008), Gnomon 81.7 (2009): 654-56
Bernstein, Neil W., "Family and Kinship in the Works of Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 139-154
Bernstein, Neil W., "Light on the Water in Silius Italicus' Punica and Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 69 (2016) 1050-1057
• Among other points, the reception of the Hannibal passage (Sil. 7.143-145) in Statius (Theb. 12.270-273) and the use of both in Claudian (Rapt. Pros. 3.444-446).
Bernstein, Neil W., "Nec tibi sufficiat transmissae gloria vitae: Otium and Ambition from Statius to Ennodius," Classical Journal 115.1 (2019) 63-85
Bernstein, Neil W., "'A Greater Love': Fides in Statius' Silvae," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 68-81
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26
Berrigan, J.R., "The Achilleid of Statius in the Chronicon of Benzo d'Alessandria," Manuscripta 16 (1972): 177-84
Bessone, Federica, "Voce femminile e tradizione elegiaca nella Tebaide di Stazio," in A. Aloni, E. Berardi, G. Besso, and S. Cecchin, edd., Atti del Seminario internazionale 'I Sette a Tebe. Dal mito alla lettura'. Torino 21 - 22 febbraio 2001, Università degli studi di Torino. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di filologia, linguistica e tradizione classica 'Augusto Rostagni' 18 (Bologna: Pàtron, 2002): 185-217
Bessone, Federica, "Un mito da dimenticare: Tragedia e memoria epica nella Tebaide," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 56 (2006): 93-127
Bessone, Federica, "Epica e potere: Forma narrativa e discorso politico nella Tebaide di Stazio," in Renato Uglione, ed., "Arma virumque cano...": L' Epica dei Greci e dei Romani. Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Studi. Torino, 23 - 24 aprile 2007, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica (Alessandria: Edizioni dell' Orso, 2008): 185-208
• Neither the myth nor the structure of the Thebaid suggests a correspondence with contemporary events, but it does provide positive and negative exempla about power.
Bessone, Federica, "Teseo, la clementia e la punizione dei tiranni: Esemplarità e pessimismo nel finale della Tebaide," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 5 (2008): 3-56
• A reexamination of the end of the Thebaid shows Statius' opposition to tyranny. A comparison with Euripides' Supplicants and Seneca's Hercules furens shows the comparison of democracy and tyranny.
Bessone, Federica, "Clementia e philanthropia: Atene e Roma nel finale della Tebaide," Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici 62 (2009) 179-214
• An analysis of the conception of clemency shows Statius' desire to present opposing ideas of the tyranny and a benevolent sovereign, which shows an integration of Greek and Roman culture.
Bessone, Federica, "Feminine Roles in Statius' Thebaid: The Heroic Wife of the Unfortunate Hero," in Marco Formisano and Therese Fuhrer, edd., Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Gender-Inszenierungen in der antiken Literatur, Iphis 5 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verl. Trier, 2010), 65-93
Bessone, Federica, La Tebaide di Stazio: Epica e potere, Biblioteca di Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 24 (Pisa: Serra, 2011)
• Review: Jäger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.09.12
Bessone, Federica, La Tebaide di Stazio: Epica e potere, Biblioteca di Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 24 (Pisa: Serra, 2011)
• Review: Jäger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.09.12; F. Bellandi, "Stazio e Domiziano: Epica e potere: A proposito di un recente libro sulla Tebaide," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 412-435
Bessone, Federica, "Polis, Court, Empire: Greek Culture, Roman Society, and the System of Genres in Statius' Poetry," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 215-233
• "The Thebaid and the Silvae are connected by a unitary conception of poetry as a socially prestigious profession, a trade on which authority is conferred by comparison with archetypes of Greek literature: the Homeric aoidos, the lyric singer in the manner of Pindar, the figures of the mythic vates, or the god of poetry, Apollo. Statius's construction of his poetic identity is thus a mixture of the archaic and the contemporary. The historically different experiences of Greek literature are integrated into the ecumenical frame of the Roman empire, and almost into an ecumenical poetics," (from LAPH).
Bessone, Federica, "Love and War: Feminine Models, Epic Roles, and Gender Identity in Statius's Thebaid," in Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Alison M. Keith, edd., Women and War in Antiquity (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015), pp. 119-137
• On the characterization of Argia, comparing Theb. 4.200-210 and 12.134-136 and 177-186 with Plato (Smp. 179) and Ovid (Epist. 13.31-42).
• Reviews: Weiberg, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016
Bessone, Federica, "Sondaggi di stile: A proposito di uno studio sulla Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 183-192
• On Sacerdoti's 2012 edition.
Bessone, Federica, "The Hero's Extended Family: Familial and Narrative Tensions in Statius' Achilleid," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)
• "Achilleid's family dynamics are much more fluid than Thebaid's, and therefore closer to those of Ovid's Metamorphoses than those of Statius' own earlier work" (from Davis' review). •Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04
Bessone, Federica, "Signs of Discord: Statius's Style and the Traditions on Civil War," in Lauren Donovan Ginsberg and Darcy A. Krasne (ed.), After 69 CE: Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 65 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 89-108
• Review: Jessica Blum-Sorensen, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.01.14
"Flavian authors engage with their predecessors through an established language of civil war."
Bessone, Federica, "Visions of a Hero: Optical Illusions and Multifocal Epic in Statius's Achilleid," Helios 45.2 (2018) 169-94
Bessone, Federica, "Quam Romanus honos et Graia licentia miscent: Cultural Fusion, Ethical Temper, and Poetic Blend in Statius' Ideal Campania," chapter 10 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Bessone, Federica, "Quam Romanus honos et Graia licentia miscent: Cultural Fusion, Ethical Temper, and Poetic Blend in Statius' Ideal Campania," chapter 10 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Bessone, Federica, "Allusive (Im-)Pertinence in Statius' Epic," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches,Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 133-168
Bessone, Federica, "'Nimis mater': Mother Plot and Epic Deviation in the Achilleid," in Alison Sharrock and Alison Keith, eds., Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020),
Betts, G.G., "Statius, Thebais 1.72," Mnemosyne 15 (1962): 44
• Read promatre instead of in matre.
Beuchler, F. "Coniectanea," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 39 (1884): 283-5 nr.7
• The Bellum germanicum may have been in Juvenal's mind as he wrote Sat. 4. Valla might have gotten the Statius citation from Probus.
Bevegni, Claudio, "Poliziano lettore dei Moralia di Plutarco: Alcuni dati di ordine statistico," Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009) 205-219
• On Politian's knowledge of Plutarch in, among other works, his commentary on the Silvae.
Bezzola, G., "Un frammento di codice della Tebaide di Stazio," Athenaeum n.s. 18 (1940): 51-3
• A fragment containing Theb. 11.307-500, with LP, in a private collection. 
Bickel, E., "Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte, 2: Zum Cybele-kult," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.s. 72 (1917-18): 52-61
• Interpretation of Silvae 5.3.176-84 in terms of the cult of Cybele. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142-43
Bidez, J., and F. Cumont, Les mages hellénisés (Paris, 1938)
• Edition of LP adThebaid 1.226-227 and 4.515.
Bieber, E., Hygini fabularum supplementum, PhD Dissertation, Uni-Marburg, 1904
• On pp. 5-9 is an attempt at a stemma of the manuscriupts of Lactantius Placidus. See too chapter 2, p. 53 n. 2.
Biedermann, J.G., De virga medica ad Stat. Theb. II, 2 commentatio (Freiberg: Lit. Matthaean., 1750)
Billanovich, G., "Veterum vestigia vatum nei carmi dei preumanisti padovani," Italia medioevale e umanistica 1 (1958): 155-243
• Reminisciences of Lucretius, Catullus, Martial, and S.'s Silvae.
Billerbeck, M., "Der Unterweltsbescreibung in den Punica des Silius Italicus," Hermes 111 (1983): 326-338
• His description is mostly from Virgil with some motives from Ovid, Seneca, Valerius Flaccus and Statius.
Billerbeck, M., "Aspects of Stoicism in Flavian epic," Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 5 (1986): 341-56
•On stoicism in Silius Italicus, Statius' Thebaid, and Valerius Flaccus.
Billerbeck, M., "Stoizismus in der römischen Epik neronischer und flavischer Zeit," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 3116-3151
Billerbeck, Margarethe, "The Tree of Atedius Melior (Statius, Silvae 2.3)," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature 4, Collection Latomus 196 (Bruxelles, 1986): 528-536
Billerbeck, M., "Kritische Kleinigkeiten zu Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 133 (1990): 80-85
• On Silv. 2.2.100-103; Ach. 1.8-11, 129-33, 228-236.
Binderwald, K.W., ed., Statius Werke, Im Vermass der Urschrift übersetzt, 2nd ed. (Berlin, 1907)
Birley, A., "The Emperor Septimius Severus," History Today 17 (1967): 667-673
Silv. 4.5 probably refers to the emperor's grandfather.
Birt, Th., "Zu Senecas Tragödien," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 24 (1879): 557
• On LPs' treatment of the Thyestes myth in 4.530.
Bisanti, Armando, "Il fior del giglio nella tradizione poetica latina e medievale (note ad Alessandro Neckam, Suppl. defect. 1.331-46)," MLatJb 40.1 (2005): 85-95
• Use of Statius to illustrate the brevity and fleeting nature of life and of existence, and the ephemerality of the flower.
Bischoff, Bernhard, "Das griechische Element in der abenländischen Bildung des Mittelalters," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1951): 51, n. 3 = Mittelalterliche Studien, vol. 2 (Stuttgart, 1967): 271
• On the date of Fulgentius Planciades.
Bishop, J.H., "The Debt of the Silvae to the Epyllia," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 6 (1951): 427-32
• The Silvae are a development and extension of the epyllion and serve the same goal. 
Bishop, J.H., "Two notes on Silvae 4.1," Classical Review n.s. 4 (1954): 95-97
• At 4.1.38, read Tarenti; at 4.1.46, it's possible that rex magne refers to the princeps.
Bishop, J.H., "The Silvae of Statius," in M. Kelly, ed., For Service to Classical Studies: Essays in Honor of Francis Letters (Melbourne: Chishire, 1966): 15-30
• "An interpretive essay". 
Bishop, J.H., "The Ghost of a longaevus parens," Classical Review 10 (1968): 8
• Critique of H. Erkell, "Statius' Silvae 4.1 und das Templum gentis Flaviae," Eranos 56 (1958) 173-82.
Bitschofsky, R., "Zu Statius Silvae," Jahresbuch für classische Philologie 117 (1878): 573-4
• On Silv. 2.2.93.
Bitschofsky, R., "Zur Kritik und Erklärung des Statius," Zeitschrift für die österrichische Gymnasien 29 (1878): 907-12
• On Silv. 1.3.31-33, 1.3.106-108, 3.3.60-61, 2.1.40, and 5.2.73.
Bitschofsky, Rudolph, De C. Solii Apollinaris Sidonii studiis statianis (Wien: Karl Konegen, 1881)
Bitto, Gregor, Vergimus in senium: Statius' Achilleis als Alterswerk, Hypomnemata 202 (Gottingen, 2016)
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, Die wiedergefundene Bibliothek: Antike und mittelalterliche Autoren in Pergamentfragmenten der Mainzer Martinus-Bibliothek, Aus der Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz 9 (Mainz: Martinus-Bibliothek, 2012)
Blake, Sarah, "Saturnalia clamata: Noise and Speech in Flavian Literary Saturnalias," Mouseion (Canada) 11 (2011) 361-380
• "Analysis of the noise and speech associated with the Saturnalia in the poetry of Martial and Statius illuminates some political aspects of individual and collective speech and noisemaking in Flavian Rome" (from LAPH).
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Achilleus in Mainz: ein in der Martinus-Bibliothek neu gefundenes Handschriftenfragment von Statius' Achilleis als Zeugnis der spätmittelalterlichen Priesterausbildung," Mainzer Zeitschrift: Mittelrheinisches Jahrbuch für Archäologie, Kunst und Geschichte 2006 101: 29-35
• Im Rahmen der Schullektüre von der Spätantike bis ins späte Mittelalter vertritt die oft gelesene und abgeschriebene Achilleis das Epos. Sie machte mit dem im ganzen Mittelalter bekannten und für Allegorien beliebten Trojanischen Krieg vertraut und stellte wegen des manierierten Stils an das Textverständnis hohe Anforderungen. Ein Vergleich der insgesamt 116 Verse aus beiden Büchern der Achilleis in der neu gefundenen Handschrift mit neueren textkritischen Ausgaben ergibt, dass die Qualität des Textes recht gut ist. Mit Überblick über weitere im mittelalterlichen Schulunterricht beliebte Texte.
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Ein neues Handschriftenfragment der Achilleis des Statius. Mainz, Martinus-Bibliothek, frag. lat. I (frM): Ach. I, 579 - 636, 2, 25 - 82," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 151 (2008): 326-50
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Drei römische Dichter über Strassenbau und Reiseverkehr," in Vorträge und Aufsätze zur lateinischen Literatur der Antike und des Mittelalters, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 170 (Bern: Lang, 2015), pp. 375-388
• On Horace, Statius, and Ausonius.
• Review: Schmitz, Forum Classicum 59 (2016) 176-178
Blass, H., "Ueber die von Poggio zu den Zeiten des Kostnitzer Concils gefundene Handschrift des Quintilianus und von Statius Silven," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 30 (1875): 258-63
Blomgren, S., "De Statii apud Venantium Fortunatum vestigiis," Eranos (1950): 57-65
• Fortunatus was inspired by the Ach., Theb., and Silvae, notably the Epithalamion, which he knew as well as the one of Claudian.
Blümner, H., "Zu Statius Achill. I, 332," Wissenschaftlicher Monatsbericht 6 (1878): 156-7
Boccia, Alessandro, "Appunti sulla presenza di Stazio nella Divina Commedia," AIIS 18 (2001): 29-45
Bocciolini Palagi, L., "Enea, Scipione e i fratelli siculi (a propositio di Stat. Silv. 3.3.188 ss.)," Maia 43 (1991): 199-207
• Statius shows the traditional approach to Aeneas and the Siculi in the Scipio episode, in that he uses them to display heroic pietas. His treatment is similar to that of Silius Italicus.
Bode, Georg Heinrich, Scriptores rerum mythicarum latini tres Romae nuper reperti, 2 voll. (Celle, 1834)
•Used LP. Also reprints, in the preface, Angelo, Cardinal Mais' remarks on LP, "which had best be forgotten," according to Sweeney.
Boeckh, August, Editio maior Pindari (Leipzig, 1821)
•2.2.567 discusses LP ad Theb. 2.85.
Bognini, Filippo, "Classical Characters in the First Commentary on the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Unpublished Glosses from Ms. München, BSB, Clm 29220.12," in Forme di accesso al sapere in età tardoantica e altomedievale. 6, Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell'incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca statale, 24-25 settembre 2015, ed. Lucio Cristante and Vanni Veronesi [special issue], Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica 19 (Trieste: EUT, 2016), 59-74
• Edition and analysis of glosses on the Rhetorica ad Herennium attributable to Menegaldus. The glosses uses characters from Terence, Statius, Virgil, and Sallust in discussions of misericordia e mentitio (Rhet. Her. 2.31.50 and 3.2.3).
Bolaffi, E., "L'epica del 1 secolo dell'impero," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 12 (1959): 218-230
• Discusses "la tendance novatrice" of Lucan and the neoclassicism of Silius, Valerius Flaccus and Statius.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "I classici nella paideia di P. Papinio (Stat. Silv. 5,3)," in A. Bonadeo and E. Romano, edd., Dialogando con il Passato. Permanenze e innovazioni nella cultura latina di età flavia. (Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze): Le Monnier Università, 2007): 160-76
Bonadeo, A., ed., L'Hercules Epitrapezios Novi Vindicis: Introduzione e commento a Stat. Silv. 4,6, Studi latini 72 (Napoli: Loffredo editore, 2010)
• Reviews: Henderson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.10.25; Rossana Ingellis, Aufidus 24.70 (2010): 115-17; Enrico Maria Ariemma, BStudLat 41.1 (2011): 351-54; Linda Cermatori, Prometheus 37.1 (2011): 92-94
Bonadeo, Alessia, "Torvus: Valenze poetiche e metapoetiche di un lessema in Stazio," Athenaeum 99.1 (2011): 81-101
• An analysis of related passages shows that Silv. 5.3.63 (toruo... Maroni) is an allusion to epic as opposed to occasional poetry. This is an example of Statius' emulative dynamic.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "Torvus: Valenze poetiche e metapoetiche di un lessema in Stazio," Athenaeum 99.1 (2011): 81-101
• An analysis of related passages shows that Silv. 5.3.63 (toruo... Maroni) is an allusion to epic as opposed to occasional poetry. This is an example of Statius' emulative dynamic.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "Martem... aequare canendo: (Stat. Silv. 5.3.11): Divagazioni sulla concezione della poesia nelle Silvae," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 68 (2012) 111-151
• Statius' relationship with his muse and his inspiration helps reconstruct the poetic experience of the author and how Statius depicts his poetical production.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "Nella biblioteca di Stazio: Spigolature dalle Silvae," BStudLat 43 (2013) 37-86
• List of the poets whom Statius uses and cites directly or indirectly as his models in the Silvae.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "Il Culex e la Batrachomachia in Stazio e in Marziale: Modelli canonici e coscienza di genere di una poesia minore," Sileno 41 (2015) 95-125
• On the meaning of Martial's and Statius' references to the poem.
Bonadeo, Alessia, "A Iove principium (Silv. 1, praef. 19): Stazio si presenta," Latomus: Revue d'études Latines 75 (2016) 943-959
• An examination of how the narrator presents himself, his poetic style, and his work. Includes a discussion of the origins of the formula a Iove principium and its usage in Statius.
Bonds, W.S., "Two combats in the Thebaid," Transactions of the American Philological Association 115 (1985): 225-235
• The parallels between the battle between Polynices and Tydeus in Book 1 and that between Polynices and Eteocles in Book 11.
Bornmann, F., "Note sulla fortuna di Callimaco a Roma," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 114 (1986): 437-442
• A discussion of S.5.3.89-99, 1.2.76-77, 5.2.124 and Horace, Serm 1.6.45-6.
Bouquiaux-Simon, O., "Un manuscrit de Stace à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Liège (Thébaïde 10.197-254)," Latomus 21 (1962): 839-847
Boussard, J., Étude des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace, Mém. de diplome d'ét. sup. Fac. de Paris. Summary in Revue des études latines (1935): 358
Boussard, J., "Un manuscript inédit de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 14 (1936): 95-101
• On Paris, BN, lat. 8054, about as correct as the Puteanus, but of a different tradition. 
Boussard, J., "Le classement des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 30 (1952): 220-51
• The manuscripts belong to two large families, founded on variants in Book 10. Includes an attempt at a stemma. See D.E. Hill, "The Manuscript Tradition of the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly n.s. 16 (1966) 333-46.
Bower, E.W., "Notes on Juvenal and Statius," Classical Review 8 (1958): 9-11
• Parallels between Sat. 4.127-8 and Theb. 1.138.
Boyancé, P., "Encore sur le Peruigilium Veneris," Revue des études latines (1950): 212-235
• Discussion of sources suggests it was composed for a real religious festival. Details of the redaction and inspiration and a comparison between Statius and the Hellenistic poets suggest that the poem is by a poet or poetess working in Naples after Statius.
Boyancé, P., "La science d'un quindecimuir au 1er siècle ap. J.C.," Revue des études latines 42 (1964): 334-346
Silv. 5.3.176 ff. demonstrates aspects of the education of priests.
Bozzolo, C. and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47
• Edition of his prose arguments to the Thebaid. Pp. 413-438: Jeudy, "L'Abrégé de la "Thébaïde" de Laurent de Premierfait"; 439-447: Bozzolo, "Le 'Dossier Laurent de Premierfait'". See C. Jeudy and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974) 143-80.
Braden, Gordon, "Statius," in A. Grafton, G.W. Most, and S. Settis, edd., The Classical Tradition (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010): 907-908
Brakman, C., "Ad Statium," Mnemosyne 57 (1919): 251-62
• Statius neglects composition, modifies the sense of certain words, uses many verbs rarely used by others, uncommon forms, archaisisms, etc. Critical observations to passages: Silv. 1.5.10; 2.6.30, 7.14; 4.3.145; 5.1.207, 3.112; Theb. 10; 3.139, 932; 11.57, 273; Ach. 2.16.
Brancato, Nicolò B., "M. VLPIVS AVG. L. ABASCANTVS: un'epigrafe inedita da Vicovaro," Klio 80.2 (1998): 491-503
• A funerary altar at Vicovaro (Rome) was by M. Ulpius Aug. l. Abascantus, freedman of the emperor Trajan. The inscription can be dated during the reign of Trajan, but Abascantus "with difficulty" can be identified with the one in Silv. 5.1.
Brantegem, Nick, "Elements of Horror in Statius' Thebaid," thesis, Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte, Uni-Gent, 2014. • Available here.
Brass, E.J., Quaestiones Statianae metricae et prosodicae, Diss. Rostock, 1923
Braund, S.M., "Ending Epic: Statius, Theseus and a Merciful Release," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 42 (1996): 1-23
• Theseus is a model for the Roman emperor in his controlled indignatio and his excercise of clementia
Braund, S., "A Tale of Two Cities: Statius, Thebes, and Rome," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 60.3/4 (2006): 259-73
• On the uses made of the ancient Theban legend by Latin poets, with a specific focus on Statius. Thebes provides a vehicle for discourse about civil war and that it invites reflection on the inescapability of one's origins.
Braund, Susanna, "Naturalizing Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 578-599
• On the translations of Statius into English between 1648 and 1767.
Braund, Susanna Morton and Giles Gilbert, "An ABC of Epic ira: Anger, Beasts, and Cannibalism," YClS 32 (2003): 250-85
• Achilles' description of his eating wild animals in infancy (Ach. 2.96-102) indicates a tendency toward aggression and anger. A comparison with Aen. 12.101-109; Lucan 1.204-12; Theb. 1.395-433, 8.383-94, and 12.736-40; and Silius 5.306-315 illustrates this and how ira in epic takes its moral aspect from its context.
Braun, W., Der Oedipus des Seneca in seinen Beziehungen zu den gleichnamigen Stücken des Sophocles und Euripides und zu Statius Thebais (Wesel[?], 1867)
Breese, J., De scholiis Statianis quae Lactantii Placidi nomine feruntur, quaestiones selectae, Diss. Griefswald, 1919 (extracts printed by Griefswald: Alder, 1921)
• Argues LP was African and lived at the beginning of the 5th c. 
• Review: Lammert, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 231 (1931): 93-5
Bremmer, J.N., "Seneca, Phaedra 651-2," Mnemosyne 26 (1973): 180
• Use of Theb. 2.231 and Ovid, Amor. 1.8.35 to support readings.
Bremmer, Jan N., "The Self-Sacrifice of Menoeceus in Euripides' Phoenissae, II Maccabees and Statius' Thebaid," Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 16 (2014) 193-207
• The self-sacrifice of a man has a higher psychological effect than a virgin's would have.
Bretzigheimer, Franz, Studien zu Lactantius Placidus und dem Verfasser der Narrationes fabularum ovidianarum, Dissertation, Uni-Würzburg, 1937
• On the personalities of the two and whether they are identical.
Bright, D.F., Elaborate Disarray: The Nature of Statius' Silvae, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie 108 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1980)
Briguglio, Stefano, "Perversa vota: Edipo, Tisifone e la poetica della Tebaide," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 4 ser. 12 (2014) 235-250
• Oedipus' prayer to Tisiphone has a rich tradition and sets the scene for the themes of the Thebaid. Oedipus is presented as a authorial figure with a poetic conscience.
Briguglio, S., Fraternas acies: Saggio di commento a Stazio, Tebaide 1.1-389, Millenium 9 (Alessandria, 2017)
• Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.06.26
Briguglio, Stefano, "Ipsipile tra Ovidio e l'epica flavia: Ritratti di signora," in Federica Bessone and Sabrina Stroppa, eds., Lettori latini e italiani di Ovidio: Atti del convegno, Università di Torino, 9-10 novembre 2017, Quaderni della Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale 18 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2019), 41-49• "Valerius Flaccus offers a glorifying epic variation on Hypsipyle's story, following Apollonius. Almost as a response to that, Statius took the Ovidian material and narrative techniques as his starting point. Thus, as Hypsipyle remembers, expands, and corrects her elegiac past, Statius creates an ambivalent tale and seems to instigate suspicion about narrative truthfulness, something Ovid is well known for," from rev. by Pere Fagrave;bregas Salis, Bryn Marw Classical Review 2020.03.13
Brinkgreve, M.R.J., "Statiana," Mnemosyne 42 (1914): 104-109
• Notes on Th. 3.463-64, 4.558, 3.513-15, 5.633-35, 6.466-67, and 9.212-13; and Ach. 1.155, 1.256, 1.306, 1.325, 1.326, 1.676, 1.745, 1.931, 2.42, and 2.93.
Brinkgreve, R.J., ed., Achilleis (Rotterdam: Brusse, 1913) [with notes]
• Reviews: R.J. Brinkgreve, "Statiana," Mnemosyne 42 (1914): 104-9; H.W. Garrod, Classical Review 28 (1914): 67; Lafaye, Journal des Savants (1914): 330-31; Harder, WKPh (1915): 172; R. Helm, BPhW (1915): 550; Lenchantlin, BFC (1915): 247; Prinz, ZöG (1915): 125-8
Broganelli, Letizia, "Ne consanguineis certetur comminus armis: La rappresentazione artistica della guerra civile (e la figura dei Dioscuri) nell'In Gildonem di Claudiano," RCCM 55 (2013) 95-115
• Claudian summarizes the Thebaid in ll. 1-348 as a way of comparing contemporary Africa with Thebes, and makes the Dioscuri an example of concordia fratrum.
Broscius (Brožek), M., "De Silvarum materia et forma a Statio suis consiliis accommodata," [in Polish with a summary in Latin] Meander 21 (1966): 453-468
• How Statius uses his desire for improvization.
Broscius (Brožek), M., "De Statio Pindarico," Eos 15 (1965 [1968]): 338-340
• Aspects of Pindar's influence on the Silvae.
Broscius (Brožek), Miecislaus, "De Statii Silv. I epist. initio restruendo," Eos 80 (1992): 35
Broscius (Brožek), M., "Quo tempore Statii Epicedium patris conscriptum sit," Eos 82 (1994): 53-4
• Statius began the epicedium shortly after his father's death (ca. AD 82), but never finished it.
Brown, C.G., "Where Armies Clash: Statius, Thebaid 9.674," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 142 (1999): 321-6 
•Read pectora. The line is derived not from Aen. 12.540-41 but from Aen. 10.354-61.
Browning, Robert, review of Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid (1954), Classical Review 69 (1955): 281-83
Brown, J. Into the Woods: Narrative Studies in the Thebaid of Statius with Special Reference to Books IV-VI, Dissertation, Cambridge, 1994
Bruggisser, Philippe, "Claude le Gothique, arbiter deorum. Une réminiscence de Stace dans les contexte de la propagande constantinienne," in G. Bonamente and H. Brandt, edd., Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bambergense, Historiae Augustae Colloquia, n.s. 10. Munera 27 (Bari: Edipuglia, 2007): 83-94
• Review: Paschoud, AntTard 15 (2007): 357-62• An expression inHist. Aug. Claud. 10.3 recallsTheb. 4.751-52, suggesting an imperial propaganda intended to show Constantine's apotheosis.
Brugnoli, G., "Longaevus parens," AFLL 2 (1964-65): 71-78
Silv. 4.1.38 makes an allusion to a temple of the gens Flavia, the ara of the magnus parens, and longaevus Vespasian.
Brugnoli, G. "Due note dantesche," RCCM 7 (Studi in onore di A. Schiaffini) (1965): 246-51
Brugnoli, G., "Stazio in Dante," Cultura Neolatina 29 (1969): 117-25
• The implied Christianity of Statius is an invention of Dante, but he does serve as a link, in purgatory, between Virgil, who has departed, and Beatrice.
Brugnoli, G., "Silio, Stazio, Ausonio e Foca Carm. de Verg. 38-39," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 40 (1988): 237-40
• Silius 8.209 could have come from Catullus 68.8 because of the way Statius read it. Silv. 3.5.1-2 contaminates the texts of Silius and Catullus. An echo of this is found in Focas, through Ausonius, Epic. In patr. 29-30, which comes directly from Statius.
Brugnoli, G., Identikit di Lattanzio Placido: Studi sulla scolastica staziana, Testi e studi di cultura classica 3 (Pisa: ETS, 1988)
Bruzzone, Antonella, "Ovidio (e altri) in Sidonio Apollinare, carme 6," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), pp. 305-332
Buchheit, V., "Statius' Geburtstagsgedicht zu Ehren Lucans (Silv. 2.7)," Hermes 88 (1960): 231-49
• An analysis and comparison with Mart. 7.21-3 yield aspects of S's formal plan subordinates the rhetorical element at his intentions and greates a work which is "bien à lui".
Buchheit, V., "Lucans Pharsalia und die Frage der Nichtvollendung," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 104 (1961): 362-365
• In Silv. 2.7, Statius pays witness to the incomplete nature of the Pharsalia, proving the thesis of H. Haffter (1957). 
Budaragina, Olga, "Claudian's inamoenus uterque alveus and Its Sources," Hyperboreus 9.1 (2003): 135-39
• Claudian uses the adjective inamoenus in his description of the rivers of the Underworld (In Rufinum 5.466 ff.). This adjective is used only three times before: twice in Statius and once in Ovid, and always refers to the Underworld.
Buecheler, Franz, "Coniectanea," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 54 (1899): 7-8 = Kleine Schriften 3 (Lepizig and Berlin, 1930): 259-260
• Conjectures to LP 2.85, 3.689, 5.163, 5.431, 8.1 and Scholia in Ach. 1.187.
Bühler, W., "Die Pariser Horazscholien: Eine neue Quelle der Mythographi Vaticani 1 und 2," Philologus 105 (1961): 122-135
• Some remarks on the sources, including LP.
Buongiovanni, Claudio, "Literary Representations of Naples in Flavian Poetry," chapter 2 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Buonocore, Marco, "Iohannes Bertus e la Tebaide di Stazio," Aevum 71.2 (1997): 417-22, with plates
• Relationship between Vaticano, S. Pietro H 15 and Firenze, BML, Laur. 91 inf. 10. Notes attributed to Iohannes Bertus di Cividale del Friuli, datable to 1402, not to 1342. 
Burck, E., "Schicksalauffassung des Tacitus und Statius," in G.E. Mylonas and D.I. Raymond, edd., Studies Presented to D.M Robinson, II (St. Louis, Mo.: Washington Univ. Press, 1951): 693-706
• T. and S. have a shared conception of destiny. According to them, it's a vengeance that the gods uxercise against men and which can, by the fault of certain people, hurt an entire people.
Burck, Erich, Vom römischen Manierismus: Von der Dichtung der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971)
• Review: W. Schetter, Gnomon 47 (1975): 556-62
Burck, E., "Die Vorbereitung des taciteischen Menschen- und Herrscherbildes in der Dichtung der fruhen romischen Kaiserzeit," in G. Radke, ed., Politik und literarische Kunst im Werk des Tacitus, AU Beiheft 14 (Stuttgart: Klett, 1971): 37-60
Burck, E., "Die Thebais des Statius; Die Achilleis des Statius," Das römische Epos: Grundriss der Literargeschichte nach Gattungen (Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchges. 1979): 300-358
Burck, E., "Epische Bestattungsszenen: Ein litterar-historischer Versuch," in E. Lefevre, ed., Vom Menschenbild in der römischen Literatur II, Bibl. der Klass. Altertumswiss. N.F. 2R 72 (Heidelberg, 1981): 429-487
• A discussion of the funeral scenes in: Aen. 6.175-84, 212-235; 11.1-224; Od. 24.41-97; Il. 23.1-257 VF 3.274-361; SI 10.503-77, 12.473-8, 15.381-98; Theb. 6.1-248, 12.1-104; 12.409-463; and Lucan 8.712-793.
Burck, E., "Statius an seine Gattin Claudia (Silvae 3.5)," Wiener Studien 99 (1986): 215-27
Burck, E., "Retractatio: Statius an seine Gattin Claudia (Silv. 3.5)," Wiener Studien 100 (1987): 137-153
• Similarity with Horace, O. 2.6
Burgess, J.F., "Pietas in Virgil and Statius," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 11 (1971-72): 48-61
• Aeneas' pietas-suffering for himself and others, but this is subordinated to the final goal. In the Thebaid, the impietas of actions and plans of the gods is the focus. Pietas is often unrewarded.
Burgess, J.F., "Statius' Altar of Mercy," Classical Quarterly 22 (1972): 339-349
• Emphasis on clementia in Th.12 results from the contemporary political situation. While the poem deals with man as tragic victim, the Ara Clementiae is a source of consolation. In contrast to traditional usage, clementia is not defined as the perogative of an injured party, but can be offered by a disinterested third person.
Burgess, J.F., "Statius' Use of Sources," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 69 (1972): 29-30
Burman, P., and J.P. d'Orville, eds., Miscellaneae observationes criticae novae in auctores veteres et recentiores, 42 parts in 14 vols. (Amsterdam, 1732-51)
• A combination of collations on, discussions of, and emendations to many passages (listed here), together with a discussion of Statius' style (at 1/2:153-56). 1/2 (1732) 153-268; 1/3 (1732) 317-63; 2/1 (1733) 62-84; 2/2 (1733) 217-39; 2/3 (1733) 405-7; 4/3 (1734) 388-97.
Burnam, J.M., The Placidus Commentary on Statius, University of Cincinnati Bulletin, Ser. 2, vol. 1, no. 3 (1901)
Burzacchini, G., "Corinna in Rome (Prop. II 3,21; Stat. Silv. V 3,158)," Eikasmos 3 (1992): 47-65
• On the meaning of tenuis at Silv. 5.3.158.
Busch, Austin, "Pederasty and Flavian Family Values in Statius, Silvae 2.1," The Classical World 107 (2013-2014) 63-97
• Statius represents Melior's relationship with the boy Glaucias as both paternal and erotic. Statius subtly likens their relationship to the treatment of slave boys that Domitianic moral legislation rendered illicit. Silvae 2 in fact contains a number of consolatory poems that raise questions about the treatment of slaves.
Buschor, E., "Zwei unausgrabene Heiligtümer," Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (Athenische Abteilung) 77 (1962): 1-2 [2] [German translation of Thebaid 12.481-509]
Bussi, Chiaffredo, "L'ira di Venere tra Stazio e Apuleio," Acme 60.2 (2007): 281-94
• The passages Theb. 5.57 ff. and Apul. Met. 4.29 ff. are influenced individually by Seneca's De ira.