Reception and Nachleben
General (including the reception of Statius' works)
Abbamonte, G., "Naples: A Poet's City: Attitudes Towards Statius and Virgil in the Fifteenth Century," in J. Hughes and C. Buongiovanni, edd., Remembering Parthenope: The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present (Oxford, 2015), pp. 170-88
Anderson, H., Medieval Accessus to Statius, PhD Dissertation, Ohio State U., 1997
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, Harald, "Publius Papinius Statius," Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 13 (2020) 53-346
• Summary of Statius' medieval reception from antiquity to modern times, together with a list and description of pre-17th century commentaries and translations of his works.
Aricò, G., "Per il Fortleben di Stazio," Vichiana 12 (1983): 36-43
• On the Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques of Claudian; Statius in Cassiodorus; and Statius in the Gesta Berengarii
Battles, D., The Medieval Tradition of Thebes: History and Narrative in the Roman de Thebes, Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Lydgate, Studies in Medieval History and Culture (New York: Routledge, 2004)
Billanovich, G., "Veterum vestigia vatum nei carmi dei preumanisti padovani," Italia medioevale e umanistica 1 (1958): 155-243
• Reminisciences of Lucretius, Catullus, Martial, and S.'s Silvae.
Braden, Gordon, "Statius," in A. Grafton, G.W. Most, and S. Settis, edd., The Classical Tradition (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010): 907-908
Buonocore, Marco, "Iohannes Bertus e la Tebaide di Stazio," Aevum 71.2 (1997): 417-22, with plates
• Relationship between Vaticano, S. Pietro H 15 and Firenze, BML, Laur. 91 inf. 10. Notes attributed to Iohannes Bertus di Cividale del Friuli, datable to 1402, not to 1342. 
Caruso, Carlo, "Una nota sulle Silvae di Stazio nel Medioevo," Italia medioevale e umanistica 44 (2003): 303-307
• On the diffusion and knowledge of the Siluae in the Middle Ages, based on the reading sillabarum in the accessus in Città del Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 74.
Clogan, P.M., "The Planctus of Oedipus," M&H n.s. 1 (1970): 233-239
• Edition of the poem. The story of Oedipus's early life, not told by S., was supplied in parallel narratives, such as this poem of the 12th c.
Clogan, P.M., "Literary Genres in a Medieval textbook," M&H 11 (1982): 199-200
• On Statius' Achilleid in the liber Catonianus.
Danglard, J., Sur Stace et surtout de ses Silves (Clermont-Ferrand: Ferdinand Thibauer, 1864)
• (I) On Statius' relationship with his conpemporaries and his reception and influence in the Middle Ages; (II) His life and family; (III) On the composition of the Silvae, including their influence on Politian; (IV) The end of Statius' life and his relationship with Domitian; (V)-(XIV) Discussion of individual Silvae in groups.
De Paolis, Paolo, "Le letture alla scuola del grammatico," Paideia 68 (2013) 465-487
• On the ancient authorial canons. In the Republic, it comprised mostly archaic poets. In Augustus' time, it incorporated contemporary poets. Later authors - Lucan, Statius, and Martial - were included in the canon only in the late antique period (4th century).
Delz, Josef, "Zur Neubewertung der lateinischen Epik flavischer Zeit," in Giancarlo Reggi, ed., Aspetti della poesia epica latina: Atti del corso d'aggiornamento per docenti di latino e greco del Canton Ticino, Lugano 21-22-23 ottobre 1993, Attualità e studi (Lugano: Casagrande, 1995): 143-72
• Reviews: Fedeli, Aufidus 10.30 (1996): 139; Lauletta, Latomus 56.1 (1997): 228-29; Traina, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 124.4 (1996): 465-68; Gasti, Athenaeum 86.1 (1998): 337-38; Leigh, Classical Review n.s. 48.1 (1998): 191-92
Dominik, William J., "Statius' Thebaid in the Twentieth Century," in Richard Faber and Bernd Seidensticker, edd., Worte, Bilder, Töne: Studien zur Antike und Antikerezeption (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1996): 129-41
• Reviews: Voit, Gymnasium 104.6 (1997): 579-81
Edwards, R.R., Chaucer and Boccaccio: Antiquity and modernity (New York: Palgrave, 2002)
Fielding, Ian, "Statius and his Renaissance Readers: The Rediscovery of a poeta Neapolitanus," in Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 271-84
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Gärtner, Thomas, Klassische Vorbilder mittelalterlicher Trojaepen, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 133 (Stuttgart: Teubner, 1999)
• Review: McDonough, Mnemosyne ser. 4 55.6 (2002): 758-62
Gärtner, Th., "Der Text der Statianischen Epen im Spiegel antiker Vorbilder und Imitationen," Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici 27 (2001): 233-49
• Analysis of imitations to get the true reading of several verses. The text at Theb. 8.554-558 is improved on the basis of Aen. 2.339-346.
Gasti, Fabio, "Tema e variazioni su Stazio: Anth. Lat. 189 Sh.-B. (= 198 R.)," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.665-79
• 189 Sh.-B. is modeled on the Achilleid.
Henderson, J., "To Recognise Bosnia: Statius, Thebaid 11.407-8," Liverpool Classical Monthly 19.2 (1994): 25-27
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Koster, Severin, "... des Springquells flüssige Säule: Beschreibungen des elegischen Distichons," Gymnasium 114.4 (2007): 337-55
• The influence of descriptions in Horace, Propertius, Ovid, and Statius on the Weimar poets.
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Vive Precor: On the Nachleben of the Sphragis in Statius' Thebaid," in J. Hilton and A. Gosling, edd., Alma Parens Originalis? The Receptions of Classical Literature and Thought in Africa, Europe, the United States, and Cuba (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007): 257-68  
Manitius, M., "Beiträge zur Geschichte römischer Dichter im Mittelalter, 15. Statius," Philologus 52 (1894): 538-45
• On the reception of Statius in the Middle Ages. The whole series is: (1889): 710-20; 49 (1891): 554-64; 50 (1892): 354-72; 51 (1893): 704-19; 52 (1894): 536-52.
Newlands, Carole E., Statius: Poet between Rome and Naples, Classical Literature and Society (London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012)
• Review: G. Brunetta, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.05.50
Newlands, Carole E., "Impersonating Hypsipyle: Statius' Thebaid and Medieval Lament," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 10 (2013) (unpaginated)
• A study of the uses of the laments in Statius, especially Theb. 5.48-548, in medieval literature.
Olsen, B.M., "La réception de Stace au moyen age (du IX au XII siècle)," in A. Bihrer and E. Stein, edd., Nova de veteribus. Mittel- und neulateinische Studien für Paul Gerhard Schmidt (München: Saur, 2004): 230-46
Paolucci, Paola, "Modelli oltre il fonte: Ovidio e Stazio nel centone virgiliano Hippodamia (A.L. 11 R.)," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 54.2 (2002): 197-209
• On passages in the Hippodamia in which the reuse of Virgilian material seems to be mediated through Ovid's and Statius' treatment.
Pavlovskis, Z., The Influence of Statius Upon Latin Literature Before the Tenth Tentury, PhD Dissertation, Cornell, 1962
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 23 (1963): 3362
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Sabbadini, R., Le scoperte dei codici latini e greci ne' scoli XIV e XV, Vol. 1 (Florence, 1905): 28-29, 33, 185; Vol. 2 (Florence, 1914): 186
• Notes on the reception of Statius and the re-discovery of the Silvae. LP was known to Boccaccio and to Sicco Polenton, but unknown to Petrarch. Was distinguished from Lactantius Firmianus by Domenico di Bandino.
Thomson, H.J., "Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal in the Early Centuries," Classical Quarterly 22 (1928): 24-27
• The theory that Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal were not studied in 2-4 centuries (and that it was Servius that heralded their revival) is not proven. The only reason for dating LP to the end of the 4th century is that he is not mentioned by Jerome. Donatus refers to him in his commentary on Terence.
Trilli Pari, L., "Brevi note sull'epitalamio di Papinio Stazio ad Arrunzio Stella e su quello di Ennodio di Pavia a Massimo," Studi di poesia latina in onore de Antonio Traglia (Roma, 1979): 871-77
• A comparison of the two poems. Ends with a metrical analysis of both poems.
Valmaggi, L., Stazio nella tradizione classica del Medio Evo (extr. from Biblioteca delle Scuole Italiane, 7-10]) (Asti: A. Bianchi, 1889)
Valmaggi, L., "La fortuna di Stazio nella tradizione letteraria latine a bassolatina," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 21 (1893): 409-462, 481-554
Van Dam, Harm-Jan, "Wandering Woods Again: From Poliziano to Grotius," in Johannes J. L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta, edd., The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Supplement 306 (Leiden, 2008): 45-64
Wessner, Paul, "Lucan, Statius, und Juvenal bei den römischen Grammatikern," Philologische Wochenschrift 47 (1929): 296-303, 328-35
• Lucan and Statius had short, immediate success; Juvenal didn't. The reason is that schools didn't want to change their authors. Lucan caught attention again in the end of the third century AD, Juvenal in the middle of the fourth, and Statius at the end of the fourth. See H.J. Thompson, "Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal in the Early Centuries," Classical Quarterly 22 (1928) 24-27.
The Achilleid
Andersen Vinilandicus, Peter Hvilshøj, "Wie Melusine den Drachen verdrängte: Eine sagengeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Unverwundbarkeitsmotiv," Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung = Journal of Folktale Studies 50.3-4 (2009) 227-46 and plate
• Achilles' heel appears first in Apollodorus and the bathing in the River Styx appears first in Statius. Discussion of Statius' Achilles as a model for Seigfried.
Clogan, P.M., "A Preliminary List of Anonymous Glosses on Statius' Achilleid," Manuscripta 9 (1965): 104-9. 
Clogan, P.M., The Medieval Achilleid of Statius (Leiden: Brill, 1968)
• Edition of a combination of several medieval manuscripts and glosses.
•Reviews: van Acker, Latomus 28 (1969): 216-7; Delarue, RBPh 47 (1969): 528-30; Hill, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 23 (1969): 227-30; Lefèvre, Gymnasium 77 (1970): 256-8; Desmed, Scriptorium 24 (1970): 149-50 (estimates that about 200 Achill. mss. are extant); P. Petitmengin, Le Moyen Âge 76 (1970): 574-77; Sweeney, The Classical World 63 (1970): 173
de Angelis, V., "Magna questio preposita coram Dante et Domino Francisco Petrarca et Virgilio," Studi Petrarcheschi, n.s. 1 (1984): 103-209
• On Dante's involvement in a debate about the completeness/incompleteness of the Achilleid in the Middle Ages.
Georgacopoulou, Sophia, "L'Achilleide de Stace et l'Achilleide anonyme byzantine," Classica et mediaevalia 45 (1994): 251-86
• Comparison of the 14th-century Greek romance with Statius' Achilleid.
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61; Reprinted in Bernhard Kytzler, Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004): 85-96
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Lauletta, Mario, "Achille, Iulio e il contadino: l'Achilleide di Papinio Stazio nelle Stanze e nel Rusticus di Angelo Poliziano," AION(filol) 23 (2001): 253-67
• On the reuse of elements from the Achilleid in Politian's last, incomplete poem.
Pavlovskis, Z., "The Education of Achilles, As Treated in the Literature of Late Antiquity," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 20 (1965): 281-297
• After S., poets developed an interest in the youth of heroes. Dio Chrystomos exploited it in rhetoric. Only Ausonius reclaimed it for poetry.
Schetter, W., "Merkmale zur Fünfbücherausgabe der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 113 (1969): 306-10 
Sirna, F. G., "Alcmane heuretes ton erotikon melon," Aegyptus 53 (1973): 28-70
• Use of the Achilleid to show Statius' influence on later authors.
Škraban, Kajetan, "Spol, žanr in nasledstvo: recepcija Stacijeve Ahileide v baročni operi [Gender, Genre, and Succession: The Reception of Statius' Achilleid in Baroque Opera]," Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 20 (2018) 105-129
The Silvae
Adam, W., Poetische und Kritische Waelder: Geschichte und Formen des Schreiben 'bei Gelegenheit' (1624-1770), Beiheft zu Euphorion 22 (Heidelberg, 1988)
• On silvae as a genre after the poems' re-discovery.
Caruso, Carlo, "Una nota sulle Silvae di Stazio nel Medioevo," Italia medioevale e umanistica 44 (2003): 303-307
• On the diffusion and knowledge of the Siluae in the Middle Ages, based on the reading sillabarum in the accessus in Città del Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 74.
Fielding, Ian, "Statius and his Renaissance Readers: The Rediscovery of a poeta Neapolitanus," in Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 271-84
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Gothein, M. "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 63 (1908): 475-76
• Cf. A. Klotz, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisched Museum für Philologie 64 (1909) 473-74.
Klotz, Alfred, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 64 (1909): 473-74
• A response to M. Gothein, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 63 (1908) 475-76
The Thebaid
Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Los traductores de la Tebaida de Estacio al castellano: Juan de Arjona y Gregorio Morillo," Anuari de filologia, Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina 18.6 (1995): 37-62
• On the translation begun by J. de Arjona and completed after his death by G. Morillo.
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Notas sobre la tradición textual de la Tebaida de Arjona," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 8 (1995): 255-79 and pll.
• Critical notes on the translation by Juan de Arjona.
Bennardo, Lorenza, "On Statius, Theb. 8.26 serunt animas and its Interpretation in Later Readers," Mnemosyne 70.3 (2017) 436-449
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Texte et commentaires de la Thébaïde de Stace à l'ère de l'imprimerie: Transmission et histoire culturelle (1470-1851)," Dissertation, NeuchÂtel, 2008
Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11
Clogan, P.M., "Medieval Glossed Manuscripts of the Thebaid," Manuscripta 11 (1967): 102-112
• List, with brief introduction.
Cormier, R.J., "The Problem of Anachronism: Recent Scholarship on the French Medieval Romances of Antiquity," Philological Quarterly 53 (1974): 145-157
• Adaptations of the Thebaid
Edmunds, L., "Oedipus in the Middle Ages," A&A 22 (1976): 140-55
• In the Middle Ages, the myth was mostly known from Statius. In the Renaissance, from Sophocles.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Statius Theb. 10,909 f. im Lichte spätantiker Imitationen," Museum Helveticum 58.2 (2001): 123-28
• The imitations of the passage by Claudius Marius Victorius (Alethia 3.210-237) and Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.129-134) suggest the reading, Quae non spes hominum!, which supports a variant in P.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Nochmals zu Statius, Theb. 10,909f.," Museum Helveticum 60.4 (2003): 210
Invernizzi, Simone, "Le glosse alla Tebaide attribuibili a Ilario d'Orléans (libri VII-XII)," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2011)
• Edition of the in principio commentary on Theb. 7-12.
Invernizzi, Simone, "Presenze ovidiane nelle glose alla Tebaide ascritte a Ilario d'Orléans," in Filippo Bognini, ed., Meminisse iuvat: Studi in memoria di Violetta De Angelis (Pisa, 2012), 473-94
• Citations from Ovid in the in principio commentary on the Thebaid.
Premodern Commentaries in General
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Ricerche sul commento inedito di Perotti alle Silvae di Stazio," Studi Umanistici Piceni 17 (1997) 9-20
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.
Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, Harald, "Publius Papinius Statius," Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 13 (2020) 53-346
• Summary of Statius' medieval reception from antiquity to modern times, together with a list and description of pre-17th century commentaries and translations of his works.
Bennardo, Lorenza, "On Statius, Theb. 8.26 serunt animas and its Interpretation in Later Readers," Mnemosyne 70.3 (2017) 436-449
Clogan, P.M., "A Preliminary List of Anonymous Glosses on Statius' Achilleid," Manuscripta 9 (1965): 104-9. 
Clogan, P.M., "Medieval and Renaissance Latin Commentaries on Statius," proposal in APS Yearbook (1965): 498-500
Clogan, P.M., "Medieval Glossed Manuscripts of the Thebaid," Manuscripta 11 (1967): 102-112
• List, with brief introduction.
Clogan, P.M., "The Latin Commentaries to Statius: A Bibliographic Report," in J. Ijsweijn and E. Kessler, edd., Acta conuentus neolatini Loveniensis: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Humanistische Bibliothek I.20 (Leuven, 1973): 149-57
• A short discussion. States that Fulgentius is the author of the allegory on the Thebaid.
Clogan, P.M, "The Renaissance Commentators on Statius," in Alexander Dalzell, Charles Fantazzi, and Richard J. Schoeck, edd., Acta conventus Neo-Latini Torontonensis: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Toronto 8 August to 13 August 1988, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (Binghampton, NY, 1991): 273-79 
de Angelis, V., "I commenti medievali alla Tebaide di Stazio: Anselmo di Laon, Goffredo Babione, Ilario d'Orléans," in N. Mann and B. Munk Olsen, edd., Medieval and Renaissance Scholarship, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 21 (Leiden, 1997): 75-136
• On the possible authorship of the "ip" commentary.
Dommerich, Johann Christoph, De scholiis veterum, earumque cum hodiernis analogia programma (Wolfenbüttel, 1749)
Ibáñez Chacón, Álvaro, "Adulter taurus/notarius: A propósito de Schol. Stat. Ach. 192 y la exégesis palefatea del Minotauro," FlorIlib 26 (2015) 23-43
• The anonymous commentary on the Achilleid contains a unique exégesis palefatea (Schol. Stat. Ach. 192), based on Servius (Aen. 6.14). This explanation of the Minotaur differs from Greek tradition and is based on a verbal misunderstanding.
Ibáñez Chacón, álvaro, "El valor mitográfico del Anonymi in Statii Achilleida commentum," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 35 (2015) 79-100
• The commentum in Statii Achilleida results from a simplification of classical myths, transmitted from late antiquity into the Middle Ages.
Invernizzi, Simone, "Le glosse alla Tebaide attribuibili a Ilario d'Orléans (libri VII-XII)," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2011)
• Edition of the in principio commentary on Theb. 7-12.
Invernizzi, Simone, "Presenze ovidiane nelle glose alla Tebaide ascritte a Ilario d'Orléans," in Filippo Bognini, ed., Meminisse iuvat: Studi in memoria di Violetta De Angelis (Pisa, 2012), 473-94
• Citations from Ovid in the in principio commentary on the Thebaid.
Jakobi, R., "Versprengungen in den Statius-Scholien," Hermes 120 (1992): 364-74
Jakobi, R., "Statius, Homer und ihre antiken Erklärer," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 138 (1995): 190-2
Jakobi, R., "Notizien zu mittelalterlichen Klassikerkommentaren," Studi medievali 38 (1997): 305-15
• On the origin of the commentary to the Achilleid of Ps.-Lactantius. Argues was developed in the early 9th century.
Klotz, A., "Die Statiusscholien," ALLG 15 (1908): 485-525
• Scholia are of 6th c., and the author once lived in Gaul; written in ciceronian, non-accentual clausulae.
Kohlmann, P., Neue Scholien zur Thebais des Statius, aus einer Pariser Handschrift herausgegeben, Programm des Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium zu Posen (Berlin: Calvary, 1873)
• Transcription of glosses in Paris, lat. 10317.
Kohlmann, P., "Beiträge zur Kritik des Statiusscholien," Philologus 33 (1874): 128-138
Kohlmann, Philipp, "Die Inschrift des Othryades beim Scholiusscholiasten," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 31 (1876): 302-304
• On Lactantius Placidus ad 4.48.
Lammert, F., "Literatur zu den Statiusscholien," Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 231 (1931): 93-95
Landi, C., "Di un commento medievale inedito della Tebaida di Stazio," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 30 (1914): 315-340
• On the notes in Padova, Bibl. del Sem. Vescovile, ms. 41. 
Lauletta, Mario, "Un commento medievale all'Achilleide di Stazio (considerazioni preliminari)," Vichiana 4a ser. 4.2 (2002): 261-79
• The manuscript Bruxelles, Bibl. Univ. probably belonged to a teacher and has notes from the 12th and 13th centuries and has links to a 9th century commentary.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (annotazioni di XIII secolo). 2," Vichiana 4a ser. 6.1 (2004): 70-96
• Edition of ff. 8r-16v of the Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis, with notes to 1.312-312 and 167 with an appendix of observations on the commentary.
Manitius, Max, "Aus Dresdener Handschriften, II: Scholien zu Statius' Thebais," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 57 (1902): 397-421
Manitius, Max, "Dresdener Scholien zu Statius Achilleis," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 59 (1904): 597-602
Mayer, Herrmann, "Die Glossen in der Berliner Statius-Handschrift," Philologus 53 (1894): 194-7
Schmidt, M., "Ein Scholion zum Statius," Philologus 23 (1866): 541-47
Speranza, F., "Commento mitologico inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio nel cod. napoletano IV.E.46," Atti. Acad. Pontaniana n.s. 7 (1957): 125-164
Speranza, F., "Per la tradizione testuale e scolastica dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Atti Accad. Pontaniana n.s. 8 (1958): 1-42
• Continuation of edition of scholia in Cod. Napol. IV E 47. Confirms the thesis that the scholiast took his notes from many other manuscripts. 
• Review: Gar, Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 4 (1959): 54
van de Woestijne, P., "Les scholies à la Thébaïde de Stace: Remarques et suggestions," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 19 (1950): 149-63
• The author of LP can be dated between Donatus and Servius (350-400).
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, "Lesefrüchte," Hermes 33 (1898) 513-14
• On the scholium, "dicunt poetam ista omnia a Graeco poeta Antimacho deduxisse," at Theb. 3.466 in Barth's edition.
Wolff, É. "Les Adversaria de Caspar von Barth," Latomus 56 (1997): 40-53
Wölfflin, Eduard, "Zu den Statiusscholien," Philologus 24 (1866): 156-58
• Discussion of Lactantian notes in Munich, clm 6396 and 19482, and the Bamberg manuscript that are not in Jahnke. According to Sweeney, the article is "valuable for reconstructing the Greek quotes in" Lactantius Placidus.
Arguments, Summaries, and Periochae
Anderson, H., "Newly Discovered Metrical Arguments to the Thebaid," Mediaeval Studies 62 (2000): 219-53
• Edition of several new arguments to Books 1 and 6 as well as general arguments and non-dodecastich arguments.
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "Els arguments en vers a la Tebaida d'Estaci," Universitat de Barcelona, Anuari de filologia, secció D 13 (1990): 15-24
• The Cambridge argument to Book 1 is authentic, that to Book 6 is a later reconstruction. Edition of 1.arg. with translation of 2-12.arg.
Clogan, P.M., "An argument of Book 1 of Statius' Thebaid," Manuscripta 7 (1963): 30-1
• Edition of the Cambridge argument.
Ebert, J., "Zum argumentum des ersten Buches der Thebais des Statius," Philologus 134 (1990): 234-7
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52
• In line 4 of the Cambridge argument, as edited by R. Jakobi ("Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44), read hospitium subeunt after Theb. 1.401-13.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Zu einem Prosa-Argumentum der Statianischen Achilleis," Philologus 145.2 (2001): 365-68
• On four corruptions in the accessus edited in C. Jeudy and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974) 143-80.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Eine hartnäckige Korruptel im hexastichischen Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 175 (2010): 48
• Read sociant for cecini in line 4 after Theb. 1.457-65, esp. 460.
Jakobi, R., "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989): 241-44
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument. See W. Schetter, "Argumentum Stat. Theb. 1,9-12," Hermes 117 (1989) 245-46; T. Gärtner, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52; and O. Zwierlein, Otto, "Eine Korruptel im hexastichischen Vers-Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 134 (2001) 52.
Jakobi, R., "At Thetis: Argumentum in Statii Achilleidem," Philologus 142 (1998): 369-74
Jakobi, R., "Weiteres zu den 'Thebais' Argumenta," Hermes 128 (2000): 250-52
Jeudy, C., and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974): 143-80
• Transmission studies and an edition of unedited Compendia and Argumenta to the Achilleid, including that of Laurentius Campanus, but also an argument to Thebaid 6. See C. Bozzolo and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47.
Klotz, A., "Die Argumente zur Thebais des Statius," Archiv für lateinische Lexicographie und Grammatik 15 (1908): 261-74. Link.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XII secolo)," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.1 (2003): 54-93
• Edition of the accessus and commentary.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XIII secolo). 1," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.2 (2003): 249-68
• Edition of the accessus and commentary by the second hand.
Lauletta, Mario, "Parrasio e l'Achilleide di Stazio," AION (filol.): Annuali dell'Universitì degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 27 (2005): 155-64
• Notes on Parrhasius' glosses in Napoli, BN, IV.E.46, the incunable Napoli, BN, S.Q.X.F.6, as well as the Praefatio in Achilleidem of Parrhasius in Napoli, BN, V.D.15.
Lebek, W.D., "Ueber das neue argumentum zum ersten Buch von Statius Thebais," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 24 (1977): 32
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument.
Magoun, F.P., "Chaucer's summary of Statius' Thebaid 2-12," Traditio 11 (1955): 409-20
• Chaucers' Troilus and Cressyde 5.1485-1510 are based on the argumenta antiqua.
Opitz, C.R., "De argumentorum metricorum latinorum arte et origine," Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie 6 (1883): 195-316
Pavlovskis, Z., "From Statius to Ennodius: A Brief History of Prose Prefaces to Poems," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 101 (1967): 535-567
• Usually, prose prefaces were a rhetorical exercise. With Lucian began the idea of mixing poetry and prose. 
Schetter, W., "Merkmale zur Fünfbücherausgabe der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 113 (1969): 306-10 
Schetter, W., "Argumentum Stat. Theb. 1,9-12," Hermes 117 (1989): 245-46
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument based on R. Jakobi, R., "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44.
Zwierlein, Otto, "Eine Korruptel im hexastichischen Vers-Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 134 (2001): 52
• Line 4 should read hospitium coeunt or hospitio coeunt. See R. Jakobi, "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44; and Gärtner, Thomas, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52
Lactantius Placidus and ps.-Lactantius
Adkin, Neil, "More Additions to Maltby's Lexicon of Ancient Latin Etymologies and Marangoni's Supplementum Etymologicum: The Scholia to Statius," Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 45 (2009) 45-56
Arena, Antonelli, "Ad Statium: Le auctoritates linguistiche nel commento di Lattanzio Placido alla Tebaide di Stazio," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014), pp. 271-86
• Study of the authorities cited by Lactantius and his method of commentating.
•Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25
Bidez, J., and F. Cumont, Les mages hellénisés (Paris, 1938)
• Edition of LP adThebaid 1.226-227 and 4.515.
Bieber, E., Hygini fabularum supplementum, PhD Dissertation, Uni-Marburg, 1904
• On pp. 5-9 is an attempt at a stemma of the manuscriupts of Lactantius Placidus. See too chapter 2, p. 53 n. 2.
Birt, Th., "Zu Senecas Tragödien," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 24 (1879): 557
• On LPs' treatment of the Thyestes myth in 4.530.
Bode, Georg Heinrich, Scriptores rerum mythicarum latini tres Romae nuper reperti, 2 voll. (Celle, 1834)
•Used LP. Also reprints, in the preface, Angelo, Cardinal Mais' remarks on LP, "which had best be forgotten," according to Sweeney.
Boeckh, August, Editio maior Pindari (Leipzig, 1821)
•2.2.567 discusses LP ad Theb. 2.85.
Breese, J., De scholiis Statianis quae Lactantii Placidi nomine feruntur, quaestiones selectae, Diss. Griefswald, 1919 (extracts printed by Griefswald: Alder, 1921)
• Argues LP was African and lived at the beginning of the 5th c. 
• Review: Lammert, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 231 (1931): 93-5
Bretzigheimer, Franz, Studien zu Lactantius Placidus und dem Verfasser der Narrationes fabularum ovidianarum, Dissertation, Uni-Würzburg, 1937
• On the personalities of the two and whether they are identical.
Brugnoli, G., Identikit di Lattanzio Placido: Studi sulla scolastica staziana, Testi e studi di cultura classica 3 (Pisa: ETS, 1988)
Buecheler, Franz, "Coniectanea," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 54 (1899): 7-8 = Kleine Schriften 3 (Lepizig and Berlin, 1930): 259-260
• Conjectures to LP 2.85, 3.689, 5.163, 5.431, 8.1 and Scholia in Ach. 1.187.
Bühler, W., "Die Pariser Horazscholien: Eine neue Quelle der Mythographi Vaticani 1 und 2," Philologus 105 (1961): 122-135
• Some remarks on the sources, including LP.
Burnam, J.M., The Placidus Commentary on Statius, University of Cincinnati Bulletin, Ser. 2, vol. 1, no. 3 (1901)
Cardinali, Luca, "A proposito della cronologia e dell'origine di Lattanzio Placido: Osservazioni sulla questione," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014)
•The commentary of Lantatius Placidus date to the second half of the fifth century or the first decades of the sixth.
•Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25
Clogan, P.M., "Lactantius Placidus' Commentary on the Thebaid," in S.P. Revard et al., edd., Acta conuentus neolatini Guelpherbytani: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Neo-Latin, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 53 (Binghampton, NY, 1988): 25-32
• A short discussion with manuscript list.
Cumont, F., Textes et Monuments figurés relatifs aux Mystères de Mithra (Bruxelles, 1896): 2.46
• On LP ad 1.717 ff.
del Re, R., "De fabulis ad Demogorgonem spectantibus," Latinitas 22 (1974): 234-41
• The phrase first appears in LP ad 4.516 ff.
Drexler, W., "Miscellanea," Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 145 (1892): 844
• On LP ad 1.716 ff.
Eitrem, S., "Varia 5," Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi, n.s., 1 (1912): 69-71
• On LP ad 2.95.
Elliott, K.O., and J.P. Elder, "A Critical Edition of the Vatican Mythographers," Transactions of the American Philological Association 78 (1947): 189-207
Ellis, R., "Adversaria IV," Journal of Philosophy 19 (1891): 174-6
• On LP ad 6.322.
Forstner, Karl, "Frühe Salzburger Fragmente des Lactantius Placidus (10./11. Jh.)," Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft 21 (1995): 193-207
• Fragments of a manuscript in the Nachlass of Hans Oellacher.
François, J., Le scoliaste de la Thébaïde de Stace, Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de licencié en Philosophie et Lettres (groupe de philologie classique), Université de Liège (1936)
• A summary of the status quo of scholarship at that point. Link
• Review: RBPh (1936): 1241
Hand, F., ed., Iohannis Frederici Gronovii in P. Papinii Statii Silvarum libros V diatribe... 2 voll. (Leipzig, 1812)
• Also contains some emendations to Lactantius Placidus in vol. 1. Link
Heikel, Einar, "Lactantii Placidi de dei nomine narratio," Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae), ser. B, vol. 12, no. 3 (1914): 3-9
• On LP ad 4.516, arguing for the reading tauri.
Jahnke, R., ed., Lactantii Placidi quae dicuntur commentaria in Statii Thebaidem et Achilleidem (Leipzig, 1898)
• Reviews: J. Ziehen, Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft 19 (1898): 1915-6; anonymous, Literarisches Centralblatt (1899): 346-7; A.S. Wilkins, Classical Review 13 (1899): 64-5; R. Helm, BPhW 19 (1899): 425-8; Lejay, Revue critique d'Histoire et de la litterature 1 (1900): 448; anonynous, ALLG 11 (1904): 296
Jahn, O. "Vermischtes," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 9 (1854): 627 nr. 6
• Lactantius Placidus to 4.482 is based on the Vatican Mythographer 2.42.
Jakobi, Rainer, "Zur Kritik der Statius-Scholien," Eikasmos 15 (2004): 347-59
• Critical notes to passages in Sweeney 1998.
Jakobi, R., "Textgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte. Der sogenannte Lactantius Placidus-Kommentar zur Thebais des Statius," in W. Geerlings and Ch. Schulze, edd., Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter 2: Neue Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung, Clavis commentariorum antiquitatis et medii aevi 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2004): 1-16
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Keseling, Ferdinand, De mythographi vaticani secundi fontibus, Dissertation, Halle, 1908
• See especially pp. 38-62, on Lactantius Placidus.
Klotz, Richard, De scholiis Statianis commentatio I. Gymn. Prog. (Treptow, 1895)
• On ps.-Lactantius' commentary on the Achilleid, including their sources and quality, and whether it is by the same author as the commentary on the Thebaid. Part II seems not to have appeared.
Knaack, G., "Peristera," Hermes 40 (1905): 320
• On LP ad 4.226.
Kohlmann, P., ed., Commentum Lactantii Placidi in Statii Thebaidos. Specimen criticum (Emden, 1887)
• Edition of Lactantius Placidus ad Theb. 3.1-323.
Landi, C., "Il carme De ave phoenice," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 31 (1915): 33-72
• Argues that Lactantius Placidus wrote the poem. Cf. M. Masante, "Lattanzio Firmiano o Lattanzio Placido autore del 'De ave phoenice'?" Didaskaleion n.s. 3 (1925) 1.105-10
Leroy, M., "Argument inédit de la Thébaïde de Stace dans un manuscrit de Bruxelles," summary in RBPh (1933): 873
• The marginal note on Bruxellensis 5337-8, 1r, ought to be the missing argument of LP referred to at 1.61. 
Masante, M., "Lattanzio Firmiano o Lattanzio Placido autore del 'De ave phoenice'?" Didaskaleion n.s. 3 (1925): 1.105-10
• Disputes C. Landi, "Il carme De ave phoenice," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 31 (1915): 33-72.
Mommsen, Th., ed., Jordanes, Romana et Getica, MGH V.1, (Berlin, 1882): xlv and 198
• On LP ad 12.62.
Munckerus, Thomas, Mythographi latini..., 2 voll. in 1 (Amsterdam, 1681)
Mussini Sacchi, Maria Pia, "Per la fortuna del Demogorgone in età umanistica," Italia medioevale e umanistica 34 (1991) 299-310
• The origin of the "Demogorgon" in Boccaccio's Genealogia and its humanistic diffusion. It derives from a gloss from Lactantius Placidus ad Theb. 4.514-516), which equates it with the neoplatonic δημιουργό&sigma.
Otis, B., "The Argumenta of the So-called Lactantius," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 47 (1936): 131-163
• On the Ovidian arguments and paralells with LP. Lengthy discussion of works falsely ascribed to LP.
Philipp, Hans, Die historisch-geographischen Quellen in den Etymologiae des Isidorus von Sevilla, I, Quellen und Forschungen zur alten Geschichte und Geographie, 25 (Berlin, 1912): 61-65
Questa, C., "A proposito della nux makra," RCCM 2 (1960): 95
• On LP ad Theb. 9.424: Alcmene.
Raschke, R., De Alberico Mythologo, Breslauer philol. Abh. 45 (Breslau, 1913)
• On LP as a source for Albericus.
Santini, Carlo, "Scolastica staziana: Lattanzio Placido e le due ultime edizioni," in Concetta Longobardi et al., edd., Scholae discimus: Pratiques scolaires dans l'antiquité tardive et le haut Moyen Âge, Collection du Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'Occident romain, Nouvelle série 46 (Paris: de Boccard, 2014), pp. 305-321
• Comparison of Jahnke's and Sweeney's editions of Lactantius Placidus.
• Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015
Santini, Carlo, "Scoliastica staziana: Lattanzio Placido e le due ultime edizioni," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014)
•Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25
Scaffai, Marco, "Citazioni di Omero nelle note di Lattanzio Placido alla Tebaide di Stazio," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.1481-1502
• Scholia in Lactantius Placidus show a knowledge of Homer and suggest that some of the notes are ancient. It also includes the first citations from the Ilias latina.
Schmidt, P.L., "Lactantius (2) Placidus, Bearbeiter einer Erklärung zu Statius' Thebais," in Der Neue Pauly Band VI. Iul - Lee (Stuttgart & Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 1999): 1045  
Schottky, H., De pretio Lactantiani commentarii in Statii Thebaida et de nomine, philosophia, et aetate commentatoris, Dissertation, Breslau, 1846
Schulz, R., De Mythographi Vaticani primi fontibus, Diss. Halle, 1905: 37-46
Spillemaeckers, Ed., Bijdrage tot de bronnenstudie van Thebaïs scholiën van Lactantius Placidus, These de license, Univ. de Ghent, 1943. Summary in RBPh 23 (1944): 578.
Sweeney, R. D., Prolegomena to an Edition of the Scholia to Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 8 (Leiden, 1969)
• Summary in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 71 (1966): 347-49
• Reviews: Courtney, Classical Review 84 (1970): 197-98; Schindel, Gnomon 45 (1973): 249-58
Sweeney, R.D., Lactantius Placidus in Statii Thebaida commentum, vol. 1 (Leipzig, 1997) [with the commentary to the Achilleid and the allegory of Ps.-Fulgentius Planciades] 
• Reviews: Udaondo Puerto, Helmantica 49.150 (1998): 473; Delarue, Revue des études latines 77 (1999): 312-14; Lesueur, Gnomon 72.5 (2000): 460-61; Hill, Classical Review n.a. 50.1 (2000): 57-59; Mundhenk, IJCT 7.1 (2000-2001): 118-23
Unger, R., Electa e Lactantii in Statii Thebaidem commentariis ad codicum fidem recognitis, Gymn. Prog. (Friedland, 1864)
van de Woestijne, P., "Note sur un passage de Lactantius Placidus," Latomus 5 (Mél. Kugener) (1946): 181-4
• On LP ad Theb. 4.481-86.
van de Woestijne, P., "Marginaliën bij Lactantius Placidus," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 17 (1948): 573-584
• Critical and exegetical notes to 18 scholia on the Thebaid.
Varjás, Istvan, "Kritikai adalékok a Statius Thebaisához, irt scholionkhoz," Egytemes philologiai közlöny 17 (1893): 651-663, 727-745
• Critical notes to LP, especially on the Bambergensis.
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, "Lesefrüchte," Hermes 34 (1899) 601-39
• On problems with Jahnke's edition of Lactantius Placidus.
Woestijne, P. van de, "Le Codex Valentinianus 394 de Lactantius Placidus," RBPh (1940): 37-63
Wolff, Étienne, "Retour sur la datation et l'origine de Lactantius Placidus, commentateur de Stace," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 64.3/4 (2010): 423-29
• Arguments for dating Lactantius' Commentum to the Thebaid of Statius between 410 and 468.
Zetzel, J.E.G., Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity (Salem, 1981): 171-99
• Reviews: Reeve, Classical Philology 80 (1985): 85-92; Grant, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 39 (1985): 86-88.
Anderson, H., "Note sur les manuscrits du commentaire de Fulgence sur la Thébaïde," Revue d'histoire des textes 28 (1998): 235-38, with plates
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "En comentari al·legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Mitògraf," in E. Artigas, ed., Homenatge a Josep Alsina: actes del Xè simposi de la secció catalana de la SEEC, II (Tarragona, 1992): 157-61.
Barredo I Edo, Pere-Enric, "Un comentari al-legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Muògraf," in Homenatge a Josep Alsina: Actes del Xè simposi de la Seccio catalana de la SEEC, Tarragona, 28 a 30 de novembre de 1990: II., ed. Esther Artigas (Tarragona: Diputació de Tarragona, 1992), 157-61
Bischoff, Bernhard, "Das griechische Element in der abenländischen Bildung des Mittelalters," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1951): 51, n. 3 = Mittelalterliche Studien, vol. 2 (Stuttgart, 1967): 271
• On the date of Fulgentius Planciades.
Hays, G., "The Pseudo-Fulgentian Super Thebaiden," in J.F. Miller, C. Damon, and K.S. Myers, edd., Vertis in usum: Studies in honor of Edward Courtney, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 161 (München: Saur, 2002): 200-18
Helm, R., "Anecdoton Fulgentianum," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 52 (1897): 177-186
Helm, R., ed., Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii V.C. Opera (Leipzig, 1898): 180-86 
Jakobi, R., "Die Thebais-Erklärung des Pseudo-Fulgentius," in W. Geerlings and Ch. Schulze, edd., Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter 2: Neue Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung, Clavis commentariorum antiquitatis et medii aevi 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2004): 17-20
Laistner, M.L.W., "Fulgentius in the Carolingian Age," Festschrift Hrushhevsky, Publications of the Ukranian Academy of Sciences at Kiev 76 (Kiev, 1928): 488 and 446 n. 2
Rosa, F., "La doppia trestizia di Giocasta: La ricezioni di Stazio nel Super Thebaiden," in P. Gatti and L. de Finis, edd., Dalla tarda latinità agli arbori dell'umanesimo: alla radice della storia europea, Labirinti 33 (Trento: Università degli studi di Trento/Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche, 1998): 185-97
Stock, B., "A note on the Thebaid commentaries: Paris, B.N. Lat. 3012," Traditio 27 (1971): 468-471
• On the date of Ps.-Fulgentius.
Whitbread, L.G., trans., Fulgentius the Mythographer (Columbus, OH, 1971): 235-44
Winterfeld, Paul von, "Fulgentianum," Philologus 57 (1898): 509
• On Fulgentius Planciades and the name Surculus.
Segato, Maria, "Un inedito volgarizzamento dell'Achilleide di Stazio: Edizione critica e commento," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (Università di Padova, 2016)
• Edition of a 14th-century translation-cum-commentary of the Achilleid.
Statius' Christianity (see too Dante)
Alexis, Louis E. M., School of Nero: Europe's first Christian Ruler Identified and Excerpts Edited from his Literary Heirs, Silius Italicus, Papinius Statius, Valerius Flaccus with Textual Notes, Commentaries, Illustrations (Aberdeen, 1975)
• Review: Usher, Classical Review 27 (1977): 279-81
Altamura, A., "Una testimonianza medievale sul cripto-cristanesimo di Stazio e di Claudiano," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 3 (1950): 81-82
• Unedited letter of Francesco da Fiano, a disciple of Petrarch (actually a defense of the Classics). 
Clay, Diskin, "Dante's Parnassus: Raphael's Parnaso," Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 22.2 (2014) 3-32
Danglard, J., Sur Stace et surtout de ses Silves (Clermont-Ferrand: Ferdinand Thibauer, 1864)
• (I) On Statius' relationship with his conpemporaries and his reception and influence in the Middle Ages; (II) His life and family; (III) On the composition of the Silvae, including their influence on Politian; (IV) The end of Statius' life and his relationship with Domitian; (V)-(XIV) Discussion of individual Silvae in groups.
De Rosalia, Antonino, " Tesi, controtesi e qualche idea nuova su P. Papinio Stazio visto da Dante," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.471-90
• An examination of Statius' affinity to Christian virtues.
Landi, C., "Sulla leggenda del cristianesimo di Stazio," Atti e Memorie del R. Accademia di sciencia... Padova 29 (1913): 231-266
• Also published as Sulla leggenda del cristianesimo di Stazio, Atti e Memorie Padova (Padova: Gian. Batt. Randi, 1913)
• Review: E.G. Parodi, Boll. della Soc. Dantesca Ital. 20 (1913): 184-193.
Marinčič, Marko, "Grška mitologija pri Staciju: Dante, Harold Bloom in meje politične psihologije [Greek Mythology in Statius: Dante, Harold Bloom, and the Limits of Political Psychology]," Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 12 (2010) 189-215 with plate
• Statius' supposed crypto-Christianity stems from Dante's psychological reading of the Thebaid, in which civil war results from a denial of faith. This stems in turn from a political-psychological reading of Flavian literature, in which repression (in Harold Bloom's concept of "anxiety of influence") prevents discussion of current events. The poem becomes a reaction to Virgil.
Mariotti, S., "Il cristianesimo di Stazio in Dante secondo il Poliziano," in Letteratura e critica, Studi in onore di N. Sapegno, vol. 2 (Roma, 1975): 149-61 = Scritti medievali e umanisti, Storia e letteratura 137 (Roma, 1976): 71-85
• Likelihood and unlikelihood of Politian's belief that Dante's attribution stems from Th. 4.514.
Porena, M., La prodigalità di Stazio nella Divina Commedia, extract from Glossa perenne: Giornale critico della letteratura italiana 3 (Milan, 1929)
• Exploration of Dante's claim of Statius' prodigiality. Link.
Ramelli, I., "La concezione del divino in Stazio e la conversione del poeta secondo Dante," Gerion 17 (1999): 417-32
• An analysis of the divine in Statius, especially Jupiter, Pietas, Virtus, Fides y Clementia. This leads to a discussion of the possible reasons for Dante's conversion of Statius.
Verrall, "'To Follow the Fisherman': An Historical Problem in Dante," Independent Review 1 (London, 1903-1904): 246-64
• A source for Statius' Christianity, based on a difference between the prologues of the Thebaid and Achilleid, in that Domitian is praised as a god in the first, second only lauded, without apothesis.
Verrall, "Dante on the Baptism of Statius," Albany Review, n.s. 3 (1908): 499-514
• The hesitation to cross the swollen Asopus is allegory for an "adumbration" or covert confession of Statius' own reluctance to declare his faith. In the phrase "Stat triste pecus" <7.437>, Stat stands for Statius.
Post-medieval and Modern Reception, Including Editions 
Abbamonte, G., "La ricezione della Silva di Stazio sulla Villa Sorrentina di Pollio Felice nei commentari umanistici," in P. Galand and S. Laigneau-Fontaine, edd., La silve. Histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 337-72
Abbamonte, G., "Naples: A Poet's City: Attitudes Towards Statius and Virgil in the Fifteenth Century," in J. Hughes and C. Buongiovanni, edd., Remembering Parthenope: The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present (Oxford, 2015), pp. 170-88
Alonso, D., "Antecedentes griegos y latinos de la poesia correlativa moderna," in Estudios dedicatos a R. Menéndez Pidal, IV (Madrid, 1950): 3-25
• Diverse examples from Alexandrians, the Greek Anthology, S., Martial, and Claudian, show that poetic correlations, which were then popular in European poetry, were used in Greek poetry down to the second century BC and in Latin down to the first century AD.
Anderson, Harald, "Publius Papinius Statius," Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 13 (2020) 53-346
• Summary of Statius' medieval reception from antiquity to modern times, together with a list and description of pre-17th century commentaries and translations of his works.
Aricò, Giuseppe, "Dialogando su Stazio con Paola Venini," in Per Paola Venini: Atti della giornata di studio, Pavia, 14 maggio 1999 (Pisa: ETS, 2003): 81-100
• On Discussion of his work on Statius and discussions of Theb. 4.393-96, 5.11-14, 11.1-2, 11.49-61, 11.89-91, and 11.409-15
• Review: Gasti, Athenaeum 93.2 (2005): 768-69
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Per una storia dell' esegesi moderna alla Tebaide di Stazio. Riflessioni a proposito dell' edizione di Parigi, 1825 - 1830 (Amar - Lemaire)," in Renate Burri. Aline Delacrétaz, Jacques Monnier, Marcello Nobili, edd., Ad limina II. Incontro di studio tra i dottorandi e i giovani studiosi di Roma. Istituto svizzeo di Roma, Villa Maraini, febbraio - aprile 2003 (Alessandria: Edizioni dell' Orso, 2004)
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Queen Dirce and the Spartoi: Wandering through Statius' Theban past and the Thebaid's Early Printed Editions," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne Suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2006): 129-46
• An examination of 17th-19th century commentaries' interpretations of the origins of the spring Dirce (Theb. 1.38-40, 3.204-205, 4.374-377) and the genesis of the Spartoi (Theb. 3.180-183, 4.440-442) illustrate the usefulness of early modern commentaries in modern discussions. "The various and contrasting attitudes of the exegetical tradition show that the complex interweaving that is characteristic of Statius' poem cannot be reduced to a rigid system."
Berlincourt, Valéry, "à propos des conjectures dans le texte de la Thébaïde de Stace: L'enseignement des premiers incunables," Museum Helveticum 63.2 (2006): 100-103
• an examination of the first editions of the Thebaid indicates variants that may be derived from lost mss.
Berlincourt, V., "'In pondere non magno satis ponderosae...': Gronovius and the printed tradition of the Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 1-18
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Emericus Cruceus' Conjectures on the Thebaid and the Achilleid (1620). A Supplement to the New Edition of Statius' Epics," Mnemosyne 64.2 (2011): 285-94
• Discussion of Cruceus' emendations and their sources. Passages include Théb. 1.227, 284-285, 439-440, 461; 2.17-19, 219, 401; 4.153, 481-482; 9.99-100, 500-501, 976; 10.16-17, 215-216; 11.54; 12.58-59, 620; Ach. 1.243-244; 2.93, 132-134.
Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Early Modern Thebaid: The Latin Commentary Tradition," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 543-561
• On the commentaries on the poem in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Le codex Buslidianus des épopées de Stace: La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 128 A 38," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60 (2016) 420-432
• Identification of the codex Buslidianus collated in editions from Bernartius' on.
Braund, Susanna, "Naturalizing Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 578-599
• On the translations of Statius into English between 1648 and 1767.
De Bruyn, F., "The Classical Silva and the Generic Development of Scientific Writing in Seventeenth-Century England," New Literary History 32 (2001) 347-73
Delarue, F., "Stace et les 'modernes'," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 48 (1974): 274-301 
Delz, Josef, "Zur Neubewertung der lateinischen Epik flavischer Zeit," in Giancarlo Reggi, ed., Aspetti della poesia epica latina: Atti del corso d'aggiornamento per docenti di latino e greco del Canton Ticino, Lugano 21-22-23 ottobre 1993, Attualità e studi (Lugano: Casagrande, 1995): 143-72
• Reviews: Fedeli, Aufidus 10.30 (1996): 139; Lauletta, Latomus 56.1 (1997): 228-29; Traina, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 124.4 (1996): 465-68; Gasti, Athenaeum 86.1 (1998): 337-38; Leigh, Classical Review n.s. 48.1 (1998): 191-92
Dominik, William J., "Statius' Thebaid in the Twentieth Century," in Richard Faber and Bernd Seidensticker, edd., Worte, Bilder, Töne: Studien zur Antike und Antikerezeption (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1996): 129-41
• Reviews: Voit, Gymnasium 104.6 (1997): 579-81
Galand-Hallyn, P., "Quelques coïncidences (paradoxales?) Entre l'épître aux pisons d'Horace et la poétique de la silve (au début du XVIe siècle en France)," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 60 (1998) 609-39
Galand, Perrine and Sylvie Laigneau, edd., La silve: histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle, Latinitates 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013)
• Reviews: Charlet, Revue des études latines 91 (2013) 323-327; Furno, BiblH&R 76 (2014) Furno; T. Penguilly, "Une histoire de la silve: l'aventure d'un principe d'écriture dans les littératures européennes," Acta fabula: La recherche en litt&eeacute;rature 15 (2014)
Galán Vioque, Guillermo, "Jacques Philippe d'Orville en Turín," Maia 67 (2015) 167-180
• On d'Orville's research and work at Turin in 1726, especially on the Antologia Planudea, Theocritus, Heliodorus, and the Thebaid (Oxford, Bodleian Library, mss. D'Orville 260, 269, 433, 455, 190).
Lockwood, J.F., "On editing the Silvae of Statius," summary in PLCS 1 (Oct. 1947-May 1952): 4-5
• On the severity of judgement of the poems.
Newlands, Carole E., "Statius in an Ideological Climate," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 600-611
• On the reception of Statius in 17th century England and 19th century France.
Rabboni, Renzo, "Riflessioni sopra la divina tradduzione del libro X della Tebaide di Stazio, di anonimo bolognese," in Testi e linguaggi per Paolo Zolli, a cura del Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Università di Udine (Modena, 2001), 67-109
Rabboni, Renzo, "La collaborazione alla Tebaide del Bentivoglio attraverso le lettere," Studi e problemi di critica testuale 65 (2002) 147-200
Rabboni, Renzo, "La prima stesura della Tebaide del Bentivoglio," in C. Griggio and F. Vendruscolo, edd., Suave mari magno: Studi offerti dai colleghi udinesi a Ernesto Berti (Udine, 2008), 195-216
Rabboni, Renzo, "La prima stesura della Tebaide del Bentivoglio," in Claudio Griggio and Fabio Vendruscolo, edd., Suave mari magno...: Studi offerti dai colleghi udinesi a Ernesto Berti (Udine: Forum, 2008): 195-216
Rabboni, Renzo, "Viaggi d'epica nella Tebaide del Bentivoglio," La parola del testo 18 (2014) 103-22
Rabboni, Renzo, "La 'Tebaide' di Cornelio Bentivoglio: La stesura collaborativa, la parte del Frugoni e la princeps," La parola del testo 20 (2016) 105-14
Simons, Benedikt, "Der Trevi-Brunnen, Statius und Homer: Das Modell Nicola Salvis und die Bauten Clemens' XII," Philologus 156.2 (2012) 328-45
• An analysis of Ach. 1.51b-52 and Il. 13.25-31 indicates that Salvis' model of the Fountain of Trevi was influenced by Statius' and Homer's epiphanies of Neptune/Poseidon. A discussion of how Statius adapted his Homeric model.
Van Dam, Harm-Jan, "Wandering Woods Again: From Poliziano to Grotius," in Johannes J. L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta, edd., The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Supplement 306 (Leiden, 2008): 45-64
Alain of Lille 
Adkin, Neil, "Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus I.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?," Classica et Mediaevalia 55 (2004): 279-84
• Alan's attack on Walter does not indicate knowledge of Silv. 4.7.21-24. (Response to T. Gärtner, "Das Urteil," 1999).
Gärtner, Thomas, "Das Urteil des Alanus ab Insulis uber die 'Alexandreis' des Walter von Chatillon (Anticl. 1 166-170) - Ein übersehenes Silvenzitat im 'Anticlaudian,'" Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 35 (1999) 71-76
• Alan's text includes three verbal parallels to Silv. 4.7.21-24. Alan uses this to address the problem of the relative chronology of the Alexandreis and the Anticlaudianus. Cf. N.Adkin (2004).
C. Calcaterra, "La questione staziana intorno al Polinice e al Antigone," and "Gli studi staziani dell'Alfieri 'per la tragica,'" in Il barocco in Arcadia e altri scritti sul Settecento (Bologna, 1950), pp. 209-35 and 237-90
Alexander Neckam
Bisanti, Armando, "Il fior del giglio nella tradizione poetica latina e medievale (note ad Alessandro Neckam, Suppl. defect. 1.331-46)," MLatJb 40.1 (2005): 85-95
• Use of Statius to illustrate the brevity and fleeting nature of life and of existence, and the ephemerality of the flower.
Brugnoli, G., "Silio, Stazio, Ausonio e Foca Carm. de Verg. 38-39," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 40 (1988): 237-40
• Silius 8.209 could have come from Catullus 68.8 because of the way Statius read it. Silv. 3.5.1-2 contaminates the texts of Silius and Catullus. An echo of this is found in Focas, through Ausonius, Epic. In patr. 29-30, which comes directly from Statius.
Di Giovine, Carlo, "Ausonio e I modelli greci: note a Epit. 1-3 Green," BStudLat 28.2 (1998): 461-66
• For Epit. 3, three Latin sources are used: Aen. 12.336, Met. 13.398, and Theb. 7.47-48.
Floridi, Lucia, "De Glaucia inmatura morte praevento: Riflessioni su Auson. ep. 53 Gr.," Eikasmos 23 (2012): 283-300
• Ausonius' epitaph on the young Glaucia is derived from S. 2.1) and Martial 6.28-29, with Ausonius changing the view of love for a young boy to suit the tastes of his own time.
Floridi, Lucia, "De Glaucia inmatura morte praevento: Riflessioni su Auson. ep. 53 Gr.," Eikasmos 23 (2012): 283-300
• Ausonius' epitaph on the young Glaucia is derived from S. 2.1) and Martial 6.28-29, with Ausonius changing the view of love for a young boy to suit the tastes of his own time.
Kenney, E.J., "The Mosella of Ausonius," Greece & Rome 31 (1984): 190-202
• Influence of Virgil, Statius and Pliny the Younger.
Newlands, C., "Naturae mirabor opus: Ausonius' Challenge to Statius in the Mosella," Transactions of the American Philological Association 118 (1988): 403-19
Piras, Giorgio, "Ludus e cultura letteraria: la prefazione al Griphus ternarii numeri di Ausonio," in Giorgio Piras, ed., Labor in studiis: scritti di filologia in onore di Piergiorgio Parroni (Rome: Salerno, 2014), 111-41
• On the prefaces in Ausonius with reference to Martial and Statius.
• Reviews: Feraco, BStudLat 45 (2015) 787-790; Salanitro, Sileno 41 (2015) 442
Polymerakis, Fotis K., "D. M. Ausonii Cupido cruciatus," Η μιμηση στη λατινικη λογοτεχνια: πρακτικα Ε' Πανελληνιου συμποσιου λατινικων σπουδων ('Αθηνα, 5-7 Νοεμβριου 1993) = Imitatio in litteris Latinis: acta quinti Symposii studiorum Latinorum totius Graeciae, ed. Dimitrios E. Koutroumpas (Athenis d. V-VII m. Novembris a. 1993) (Athina: Panepistimio Athinon, 1996), 345-63
• Ausonius' use of his sources, includine the Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the Thebaid.
Vannucci, L., "Ausonio fra Virgilio e Stazio: A proposito dei modelli poetici del Cupido cruciatus," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 34 (1989): 39-54
Caspar von Barth
Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11
Klotz, A., "Die Barthschen Handschriften," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 373-90
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, "Lesefrüchte," Hermes 33 (1898) 513-14
• On the scholium, "dicunt poetam ista omnia a Graeco poeta Antimacho deduxisse," at Theb. 3.466 in Barth's edition.
Wilkins, A.S., "Barth's Mss. of the Thebais of Statius," Classical Review 10 (1896): 14-15
Wolff, É. "Les Adversaria de Caspar von Barth," Latomus 56 (1997): 40-53
Gottfried Benn
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, ed. Bernhard Kytzler, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004), 85-96
• A reprint of Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61; Reprinted in Bernhard Kytzler, Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004): 85-96
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Richard Bentley
Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).
Benvenuto da Imola 
de Angelis, V., "Benvenuto e Stazio," in P. Palmieri and C. Paolazzi, edd., Benvenuto da Imola: Lettere degli antichi e dei moderni (Ravella, 1991): 139-163
Benzo d'Alessandria 
Berrigan, J.R., "The Achilleid of Statius in the Chronicon of Benzo d'Alessandria," Manuscripta 16 (1972): 177-84
Schrader, R.J., "Beowulf's obsequies and the Roman epic," Comparative Literature 24 (1972): 237-259
• The funeral practices in Beowulf are similar to those in the Theb.
Mariotti, Italo, "Lezioni di Beroaldo il Vecchio sulla Tebaide," in R. Cardini et al., edd., Traditione classica e letteratura umanistica, per Alessandro Perosa, Umanistica 3 (Roma, 1985): 577-593
Anderson, D., "Boccaccio's Glosses on Statius," Studi sul Boccaccio 22 (1994): 3-134
• Boccaccio owned three manuscripts of the Thebaid. Reconstruction of their glossary traditions.
Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31
Cecchini, E., "Giovanni Boccaccio da Dante a Stazio," in R. Raffaelli, R.M. Danese, M.R. Falivene, and L. Lomiento, edd., Vicende di Ipsipile da Erodoto a Metastasio. Colloquio di Urbino, 5-6 maggio 2003, Letteratura a Antropologia 9 (Urbino: Edizioni Quattro Venti, 2005): 217-26.
Coulter, C.C., "Statius, Silvae 5.4 and Fiammetta's prayer to sleep," The American Journal of Philology 80 (1959): 390-5
• The Elegy of Madonna Fiammette of Boccaccio.
Hecker, O., Boccaccio-Funde (Braunschweig, 1901)
• Identified Firenze, BML plut. 38.6 as the manuscript used by Boccaccio as the source and inspiration for his Teseida. Cf. R.A. Pratt, "Chaucers' Use of the Teseida," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 62 (1947) 599.
Mussini Sacchi, Maria Pia, "Per la fortuna del Demogorgone in età umanistica," Italia medioevale e umanistica 34 (1991) 299-310
• The origin of the "Demogorgon" in Boccaccio's Genealogia and its humanistic diffusion. It derives from a gloss from Lactantius Placidus ad Theb. 4.514-516), which equates it with the neoplatonic δημιουργό&sigma.
Punzi, Arianna, "I libri del Boccaccio e un nuovo codice di Santo Spirito: il Barberiniano Lat. 74," Italia medioevale e umanistica 37 (1994) 193-203, with plate
• Identification of Vatican, Barb. Lat. 74 as the manuscript in the parva libraria of the library at Santo Spirito, referenced in Florence, BML, Ashb. 1897.
Anderson, D., "Theban History in Chaucer's Troilus," Studies in the Age of Chaucer 4 (1982): 109-133
Anderson, D., Before the Knight's Tale (Philadelphia, PA, 1988)
Clogan, P., "Chaucer and the Thebaid Scholia," Studies in Philology 61 (1964): 599-615
• Listing and analysis of Chaucer's knowledge and use of glossed manuscripts of the Thebaid.
Ginsberg, Warren, "Models of Translation: Ovid, Dante," chapter 2 of Tellers, Tales, and Translation in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
• On Dante's Statius episode.• Review: Meyer-Lee, The Medieval Review 16.10.30
Magoun, F.P., "Chaucer's summary of Statius' Thebaid 2-12," Traditio 11 (1955): 409-20
• Chaucers' Troilus and Cressyde 5.1485-1510 are based on the argumenta antiqua.
Pratt, R.A., "Chaucers' Use of the Teseida," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 62 (1947): 599
• A response to O. Hecker, Boccaccio-Funde (Braunschweig, 1901).
Wimsatt, J., "The sources of Chaucer's Seys and Alcyone," MAev 36 (1967): 231-241
• Ovid's influence has been exaggerated, while Virgil's and Statius' have been neglected.
Wise, B.A., The Influence of Statius upon Chaucer (Baltimore: J. Furst Co., 1911)
Albrecht, Michael von, "Proserpina's Tapestry in Claudian's De raptu: Tradition and Design," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989): 383-390
• Technique of presenting a series of pictures from different aspects; his use of speeches and similes; and his use of Virgil, Ovid, and Statius.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Innuptae ritus imitata Minervae: Une comparaison chez Claudien et ses connexions flaviennes," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• The scene at DR 1.84, Claudianus echoes Il/ 5.720-732 but his language echoes Silius Italicus (ritus imitata, 4.768-769) and the Thebaid (innuptae... Minervae, 12.529-539).
Bernstein, Neil W., "Light on the Water in Silius Italicus' Punica and Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 69 (2016) 1050-1057
• Among other points, the reception of the Hannibal passage (Sil. 7.143-145) in Statius (Theb. 12.270-273) and the use of both in Claudian (Rapt. Pros. 3.444-446).
Broganelli, Letizia, "Ne consanguineis certetur comminus armis: La rappresentazione artistica della guerra civile (e la figura dei Dioscuri) nell'In Gildonem di Claudiano," RCCM 55 (2013) 95-115
• Claudian summarizes the Thebaid in ll. 1-348 as a way of comparing contemporary Africa with Thebes, and makes the Dioscuri an example of concordia fratrum.
Budaragina, Olga, "Claudian's inamoenus uterque alveus and Its Sources," Hyperboreus 9.1 (2003): 135-39
• Claudian uses the adjective inamoenus in his description of the rivers of the Underworld (In Rufinum 5.466 ff.). This adjective is used only three times before: twice in Statius and once in Ovid, and always refers to the Underworld.
Cazzuffi, Elena, "Un paesaggio termale tra natura e ars: Claudiano Aponus (carm. min. 26)," in Lucio Cristante, ed., Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 8, 2008-2009, Incontri triestini di filologia classica 8 (Trieste: Università di Trieste, 2010): 135-54
• Claudian's passage confronts imperial literary loci amoenissimi: Silv. 1.2 and 1.3; Pliny, Epist. 8.20; and Ausonius, Mos. 341-344.
Cienfuegos García, Juan J., "La cueva del tiempo," Trivium: Anuario de estudios humanísticos 3 (1991) 29-48 with plate
• On late classical ephrasis, especially in Claudian, and how it uses and modifies Ovid and Statius.
Dilke, O.A.W., "Patterns of Borrowing in Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," RBPh 43 (1965): 60-61
• On his uses of Georgics 1-2, Lucan and the Achilleid.
Gärtner, Thomas, "Zur Sinnentendenz von Claudians mythologischer Dichtung De raptu Proserpinae," Classica et mediaevalia 58 (2007): 285-317
• Compared to the traditional narratives of the Proserpina myth, especially Ovid Met. 5, Claudian stresses the aspect that the rape of Proserpina is a symptom of a larger violent conflict between Dis and Jupiter. Claudian adopts this aspect from Theb. 8.
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Marrón, Gabriela A., "Imago rapti: La ira de Ceres en Claud., Pros. III 260-268," Emerita 81 (2013) 137-150
• Claudian's text is derived from the Thebaid, Iliad. 16, and a fragment of Ambrosius' Hexameron.
Miyagi, Tokuya, "Tradition and Innovation of Epithalamium: Statius and Claudian," Classical Studies 11 (1994) 227-242
• "In Medea, Seneca used the conventional model of epithalamium established by Catullus. Statius introduced new elements to this literary form: 1. positive employment of epic techniques; 2. application of words and motifs used in love poetryand insertion of fictional love story; 3. influence of pastoral poetry; 4. creation of a special function of Venus as coniugator and pronuba. All these elements also appear in the epithalamia of Claudian who also has an important place in the tradition and became a model to his successors in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries."
Parkes, Ruth, "Model Youths? Achilles and Parthenopaeus in Claudian's Panegyrics on the Third and Fourth Consulships of Honorius," Illinois Classical Studies 30 (2005): 67-82
• Examination of the parallels between Statius' poetry and Claudian's poems on the third and fourth consulships of Honorius allows us to appreciate the coherence and cleverness of Claudian's overall strategy in writing panegyric to a young emperor with little in the way of achievements. Claudian's solution involves the sustained evocation of characters from Statius' Thebaid and Achilleid in his characterization of Honorius. Attention is thereby particularly drawn to the emperor's youth, which is held out as an excuse for inachievement, a sign of future promise, and the reason for the regency of Claudian's patron Stilicho.
Parkes, Ruth, "Love or War?: Erotic and Martial Poetics in Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Classical Journal 110 (2014-2015) 471-492
• "A treatment of genre, love, and violence in De raptu Proserpinae, with particular reference to the precedents of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Statius' Achilleid" (from LAPH).
Pavan, Alberto, "Onorio cavaliere divino: Un episodio della fortuna di Stazio Tebaide 6: il Panegirico per il IV consolato di Onorio di Claudiano," Paideia 2007 62: 563-589
• On Claudian's use of Thebaid 6.
Pavarani, Cecilia, "Un modello di puer: Onorio in Claudiano," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 144 (2010) 209-234
• Claudian uses the concept of puer from Virgil's fourth Eclogue, and Statius' Parthonopeus and Achilles.
Pavarani, Cecilia, "La memoria di Stazio in Claudiano: Commento intertestuale," unpublished PhD Dissertation (Universita` degli studi di Milano, 2014)
• Available at:
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Riboldi, Chiara, "Venere nei carmi nuziali di Claudiano," in Quesiti, temi, testi di poesia tardolatina: Claudiano, Prudenzio, Ilario di Poitiers, Sidonio Apollinare, Draconzio, "Aegritudo Perdicae," Venanzio Fortunato, "Corpus" dei :Ritmi Latini", ed. Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, Studien zur Klassischen Philologie 153 (Bern, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2006), 13-35
• On Claudian's creative originality in his two epithalamia for Honorius and Maria and Palladius and Celerina. Claudian is simultaneously independent and dependent on his models.
Taisne, A.-M., "La Cérès de Claudien au miroir de Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2001.3 (2001): 298-316
Ware, C.M., "The poetics of Claudian: Panegyric in the ancient epic tradition," diss. Trinity College Dublin, 2006
• A poet who specifically associates himself with Homer, Ennius, and Vergil, and whose work alludes to the epics of Ovid, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, and Statius, Claudian's reliance on their works and his varied techniques for the incorporation of allusion is essential to the full understanding and appreciation of his poetry.
Wasdin, Katherine, "The Reluctant Bride: Greek and Roman Wedding Poems," PhD Dissertation (Yale University, 2009)
• Summary in ProQuest dissertations database, ID 305042031; Discussion of Sappho, tragic wedding songs and choral odes, Aristophanic wedding songs, Theocritus Id. 18, Catullus 61, 62 and 64, Seneca's Medea, and the wedding poems of Statius and of Claudian.
Wheeler, Stephen M., "The Underworld Opening of Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 125 (1995): 113-34
• Claudian's allusion in the poem's opening to the conventions of martial epic through parallelism with the beginning of Statius, Theb. 8 is part of a program to epicize his erotic material and conversely eroticize his epic models. This conflation reflects on a stylistic level the symbolic equivalence between martial and erotic violence that enables the rape of Proserpina to be a sacrificial substitute for war between Pluto and Jupiter.
Claudius Gothicus 
Bruggisser, Philippe, "Claude le Gothique, arbiter deorum. Une réminiscence de Stace dans les contexte de la propagande constantinienne," in G. Bonamente and H. Brandt, edd., Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bambergense, Historiae Augustae Colloquia, n.s. 10. Munera 27 (Bari: Edipuglia, 2007): 83-94
• Review: Paschoud, AntTard 15 (2007): 357-62• An expression inHist. Aug. Claud. 10.3 recallsTheb. 4.751-52, suggesting an imperial propaganda intended to show Constantine's apotheosis.
Claudius Marius Victorius
Gärtner, Thomas, "Statius Theb. 10,909 f. im Lichte spätantiker Imitationen," Museum Helveticum 58.2 (2001): 123-28
• The imitations of the passage by Claudius Marius Victorius (Alethia 3.210-237) and Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.129-134) suggest the reading, Quae non spes hominum!, which supports a variant in P.
Dante (see too Christianity)
Boccia, Alessandro, "Appunti sulla presenza di Stazio nella Divina Commedia," AIIS 18 (2001): 29-45
Brugnoli, G. "Due note dantesche," RCCM 7 (Studi in onore di A. Schiaffini) (1965): 246-51
Brugnoli, G., "Stazio in Dante," Cultura Neolatina 29 (1969): 117-25
• The implied Christianity of Statius is an invention of Dante, but he does serve as a link, in purgatory, between Virgil, who has departed, and Beatrice.
Caviglia, F., "Appunti sulla presenza di Stazio nella comedia," RCCM 16 (1974): 267-9
Clay, Diskin, "Dante's Parnassus: Raphael's Parnaso," Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 22.2 (2014) 3-32
de Angelis, V., "Magna questio preposita coram Dante et Domino Francisco Petrarca et Virgilio," Studi Petrarcheschi, n.s. 1 (1984): 103-209
• On Dante's involvement in a debate about the completeness/incompleteness of the Achilleid in the Middle Ages.
De Rosalia, Antonino, " Tesi, controtesi e qualche idea nuova su P. Papinio Stazio visto da Dante," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.471-90
• An examination of Statius' affinity to Christian virtues.
Fumagalli, Edoardo, "Il lauro e il mirto. Osservazioni e dubbi sullo Stazio di Dante," in N. Agapiou, ed., Anagnorismos, Studi in Onore di Hermann Walter per i 75 Anni, Farrago: Philologie & Typographie Néolatines (Bruxelles: Maison d'Érasme, 2009): 191-216
Ginsberg, Warren, "Models of Translation: Ovid, Dante," chapter 2 of Tellers, Tales, and Translation in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
• On Dante's Statius episode.• Review: Meyer-Lee, The Medieval Review 16.10.30
Hardie, W.R., "Virgil, Statius, and Dante," Journal of Roman Studies (1916): 1-12
• On Dante's estimation of the authenticity of the Culex. Discussion of Virgil and Statius in the Middle Ages.
Heil, Andreas, "Alma Aeneis: Studien zur Vergil- und Statiusrezeption Dante Alighieris, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 135 (Bern/Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2002)
• Reviews: Heinz, VoxLat 39 (2003): 296-300; Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 73 (2004): 697; von Albrecht, Wiener Studien 118 (2005): 213-32
Isola, P.A., L'incontro di Dante e Virgilio con Sordello e Stazio (Alatri: O. de Andreis, 1906)
Küppers, Jochem, "Dante und Statius," Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch 65 (1990): 77-106
Kytzler, B., "Die Darstellung von Ehe und Familie in den epischen und lyrischen Dictungen des Statius," VoxP 5 (1985): 63-74
• The depiction of domestic life yields a softness on which Dante would comment. This may be Dante's reason for seeing Statius as pre-Christian.
Landi, C., "Intorno a Stazio nel medio evo e nel purgatorio Dantesco," Atti e Mem. Padova 37 (1921)
Lubin, A., Studi preparatori illustrativi della Divina Commedia (Padova: L. Panada, 1881). Di essi, V., parte II.
MacKay, L.A., "Statius in Purgatory,: Classica et mediaevalia 26 (1965 [1967]): 293-305
• Statius represents poetic intuition and thus is secondary to revelation, which is an immediate form of divine appirition, according to Dante.
Marinčič, Marko, "Grška mitologija pri Staciju: Dante, Harold Bloom in meje politične psihologije [Greek Mythology in Statius: Dante, Harold Bloom, and the Limits of Political Psychology]," Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 12 (2010) 189-215 with plate
• Statius' supposed crypto-Christianity stems from Dante's psychological reading of the Thebaid, in which civil war results from a denial of faith. This stems in turn from a political-psychological reading of Flavian literature, in which repression (in Harold Bloom's concept of "anxiety of influence") prevents discussion of current events. The poem becomes a reaction to Virgil.
Martinez, R. L., Dante, Statius, and the Earthly City, Dissertation, U. California Santa Cruz, 1977. Summary in Dissertation Abstracts 38 (1978): 6707a-6708a.
Mestron, P. Th. R., "Dante-Statius," Hermeneus 41 (1969): 29-30
• Against A. Nolte, "De figuur van Statius in de Divina Commedia," Hermeneus 40 (1968) 21-36.
Mustard, W.P., "Note on Dante and Statius," Modern Language Notes 39 (1924): 120
Nolte, A., "De figuur van Statius in de Divina Commedia," Hermeneus 40 (1968): 21-36
• See P.Th.R. Mestron, "Dante-Statius," Hermeneus 41 (1969) 29-30.
Pastore Stocchi, M., "Il cristianesimo di Stazio (Purgat. XXII) e un'ippotesi del Poliziano," Miscellanea di studi offerta a Armondo Balduino e Biancha Bianchi per le loro nozze (Padova. 1962): 41-3
Porena, M., La prodigalità di Stazio nella Divina Commedia, extract from Glossa perenne: Giornale critico della letteratura italiana 3 (Milan, 1929)
• Exploration of Dante's claim of Statius' prodigiality. Link.
Reynolds, B., "The Aeneid in Dante's eyes," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 5 (1965-66): 1-13
• A discussion of Dante's deepening understanding of Virgil in terms of and in result of Dante's own life. Particular attention to the scene in which Statius appears.
Sante Bastiani, La Matelda e lo Stazio nella Divina Commedia (Napoli: Perrotta, 1865)
Scherillo, M., Lectura Dantis: Stazio nella "Divina Commedia," estratto dalla Miscellanea di Studi, pubblicata nel cinquantenario della R. Accademia scientifica letteraria di Milano (Milano: L.F. Cogliati, 1913)
• Review: E. Parodi, Bulletino della Società Dantesca Italiana 20 (1913): 184-193
Schiavo, G., Stazio nel Purgatorio: Contributo agli studi danteschi (Firenze, 1902)
Toffanin, G., "Dal mio taccuino dantesco (Virgilio e Stazio)," P&I 3 (1961): 48-53
Valerio, R., Stazio nella divina commedia: Studio critico-estetico (Acireale, 1901)
Walter, H., ed., C.S. Lewis: Collected Letters, Vol. 3 (London, 2007).
• Discussion of sponsus. On pp. 658-59: Theb. 2.230-35 and 2.255; pp. 660-61: Theb. 2.256 and 8.626-27; pp. 663-65: Theb. 2.233 and 8.626-27; pp. 718-19, esp. n. 80: 2.230-5. On Dante and Statius, pp. 718-19 and 1658-61.
Wenskus, Otta, "Von Statius zu Dante: Amphiaraos' Hadessturz und das Beben des Läuterungsberges," A&A 60 (2014) 141-151
• The earthquake at Purgatorio 20.124-138 recalls Amphiaraus' entry to the underworld.
Wetherbee, W., The ancient flame: Dante and the poets (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.
Miletti, Lorenzo, "Calderini, Poliziano, Barbaro e il 'ritorno' di Temesa nell'Umanesimo," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 1, 1-2 (2007) 39-52
• At the end of the 15th century, Domizio Calderini, Angelo Poliziano, and Ermolao Barbaro entered into a learned debate on the ancient city of Temesa in their commentaries on Pliny the Younger and Statius.
Arduini, P., "Alcuni esempli di tecnica allusiva nel proemio dell'Orestis di Draconzio," Orpheus 8 (1987): 366-380
Charlet, Jean-Louis, "L'hexamètre de Dracontius dans les Romulea," Vox Latina 191-192 (2015) 143-153
• A metrical comparison of Dracontius' Romulea shows that he used a verse structure closer to that of Statius and Valerius Flaccus than Virgil and Ovid.
Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," pp. 323-40 of étienne Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale. Collection des études Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité 200 (Paris: Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 2015)
•"Investigates Dracontius' Romuleon 10 for its intertextual borrowings from Valerius Flaccus and Statius, concluding that the Vandal poet refashioned the traditional stories according to his 'disenchanted' worldview," (from Bryn Mawr Classical Review).
Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," in Étienne Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale, Collection des études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 200 (Paris: Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 2015), pp. 323-340
Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," in É. Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale, Collection des études Augustiniennes (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015)
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Marrón, Gabriela, "Resonancias del sintagma candida bucula en el De raptu Helenae de Draconcio," Maia 66 (2014) 390-398
• Relationships with Ovid, Am. 3.5.10 and Silv. 4.8.25-31.
Moussy, C., "L'imitation de Stace chez Dracontius," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989): 425-433
• An analysis of the allusions to Statius in Dracontius, indicating each as involuntary or a meaningful intertextual reference.
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Schetter, W., "Medea in Theben," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft N.F. 6a (1980): 209-221
Theb. 2.65 (ventum erat ad Thebas) is reused identically by Drac. Romul. 10.366, who modifies in this way the myth of Medea, arriving with Jason not in Corinth but in Thebes. This allusion to Statius has the function of a signal to the audience: the Medea of Dracontius has to be seen and understood within the framework of the dark and furious world of the Thebaid.
Schetter, W., "Dracontius, Romulea 9.18-30," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 124 (1981): 81-94
• Echoes of Statius.
Summers, W.C., "Dryden and Statius," Classical Review 28 (1914): 268-9
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft (1927): 143
• On Dryden's use of Silv. 5.4 and Ach. 1.443.
Consolino, Franca Ela, "Echi pagani e cristiani nell'epitafio del vescovo Vittore: Per un'esegesi di Ennodio, Carm. 2, 95 (215 V)," in Marina Passalacqua et al., edd., Venuste noster: Scritti offerti a Leopoldo Gamberale, Spudasmata 147 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2012), pp. 419-441
• The poem echos the apotheoses in Virgil and Statius.
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Franciscus Patricius 
Smith, L.F., "The poems of Franciscus Patricius from Vatican Manuscript Chigi J VI.233," Manuscripta 10 (1966): 94-102, 145-159 and Manuscripta 11 (1967): 131-143
• On the collection of occasional poems dedicated to Aeneas Silvies Piccolomini, Pius II, and modelled probably on the Silvae.
Geoffrey of Vinsauf 
Fraker, C.F., "Oppositio in Geoffrey of Vinsauf and its Background," Rhetorica 11 (1993): 63-85
• On Geoffreys' observation of oppositio in Virgil, Ovid, Statius and Lucan, and of digressio in Virgil and Lucan.
Giovanni Colonna 
Sabbadini, R., "Giovanni Colonna biografo e bibliografo del sec. XIV," Atti della reale Accademia di Torino 46 (1910-11): 846
Giovanni del Virgilio 
de Angelis, V., "Une percorso esemplare della lezione sui classici nel Trecento: Giovanni Del Virgilio e l' Achilleide di Stazio," in L. Gargan and M.P. Mussini Sacchi, I Classici e l' Università Umanistica. Atti del Convegno di Pavia 22 - 24 novembre 2001, Percorsi dei Classici 10 (Messina: Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici, 2006): 225-60
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, ed. Bernhard Kytzler, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004), 85-96
• A reprint of Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61; Reprinted in Bernhard Kytzler, Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004): 85-96
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Lentini, A., "Citazioni di classici e di classici nell'Ars di Ilderico," Aevum 27 (1952): 240-250
• Critical evaluation of citations from Priscian, Festus, Diomedes, Isidorus, S. Augustine, and notes on the citations from Virgil, Terence, Cicero, Sallust, Juvenal, Ovid, Plautus, Lucan and Statius.
Jacob van Marelant 
Longen, Ludo, Van Achilles tellen loraghe: onderzoekingen over Marelants bewerking van Statius, Achilleis in de Historie van Troyen (Deventer, 1988)
• Discussion of Jacob van Marelant's use of the Achilleid.
John's Apocalypse
Woods, D. J., Statius' Silvae and John's Apocalypse: Some Parallels and Contrastive Motifs, PhD Dissertation (Dallas Theological Seminary, 1991)
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts 52 (1991-92): 1729A
Juan de Arjona
Barreda Edo, Pere-Enric, "Una interpolación de Juan de Arjona a su traducción al castellano de la Tebaida de Estacio," in Actas del VIII congreso español de estudios clásicos: (Madrid, 23-28 de septiembre de 1991) 3 (Madrid: Ed. Clásicas, 1994), 357-63
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Los traductores de la Tebaida de Estacio al castellano: Juan de Arjona y Gregorio Morillo," Anuari de filologia, Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina 18.6 (1995): 37-62
• On the translation begun by J. de Arjona and completed after his death by G. Morillo.
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Notas sobre la tradición textual de la Tebaida de Arjona," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 8 (1995): 255-79 and pll.
• Critical notes on the translation by Juan de Arjona.
Laurent de Premierfait 
Bozzolo, C. and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47
• Edition of his prose arguments to the Thebaid. Pp. 413-438: Jeudy, "L'Abrégé de la "Thébaïde" de Laurent de Premierfait"; 439-447: Bozzolo, "Le 'Dossier Laurent de Premierfait'". See C. Jeudy and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974) 143-80.
Jeudy, C., and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974): 143-80
• Transmission studies and an edition of unedited Compendia and Argumenta to the Achilleid, including that of Laurentius Campanus, but also an argument to Thebaid 6. See C. Bozzolo and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 
Klodt, C., "Ein trauriges Bild: Zum Motto von Lessings Abhandlung 'Wie die Alten den Tod gebildet' und zu einem weiteren Statiuszitat im 'Laokoon,'" A&A 48 (2002): 133-54
• Lessing used a poor version of Theb. 10.100-105. Also, Lessing misunderstands Theb. 5.61-69 in the Laokoon.
C.S. Lewis
Cuneo, A.P., "Selected Literary Letters of C.S. Lewis," Unpublished D.Phil. Dissertation (Merton College, Oxford University, 2001)
Walter, H., ed., C.S. Lewis: Collected Letters, Vol. 3 (London, 2007).
• Discussion of sponsus. On pp. 658-59: Theb. 2.230-35 and 2.255; pp. 660-61: Theb. 2.256 and 8.626-27; pp. 663-65: Theb. 2.233 and 8.626-27; pp. 718-19, esp. n. 80: 2.230-5. On Dante and Statius, pp. 718-19 and 1658-61.
Zweierlein, O., "Antike Motive beim Archipoeta und im Ligurinus," MLatJb 7 (1972): 102-24
• Ligurinus uses Statius as well as Horace and Ovid.
Medieval French Literature 
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Bognini, Filippo, "Classical Characters in the First Commentary on the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Unpublished Glosses from Ms. München, BSB, Clm 29220.12," in Forme di accesso al sapere in età tardoantica e altomedievale. 6, Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell'incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca statale, 24-25 settembre 2015, ed. Lucio Cristante and Vanni Veronesi [special issue], Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica 19 (Trieste: EUT, 2016), 59-74
• Edition and analysis of glosses on the Rhetorica ad Herennium attributable to Menegaldus. The glosses uses characters from Terence, Statius, Virgil, and Sallust in discussions of misericordia e mentitio (Rhet. Her. 2.31.50 and 3.2.3).
Gregorio Morillo
Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Los traductores de la Tebaida de Estacio al castellano: Juan de Arjona y Gregorio Morillo," Anuari de filologia, Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina 18.6 (1995): 37-62
• On the translation begun by J. de Arjona and completed after his death by G. Morillo.
Niccolò Perotti 
Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, "Campania in the Flavian Poets' Imagination," chapter 1 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019),
Review: Markus Kersten, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Mercati, G., Per la cronologia della vita e degli scritti di Niccolò Perotti, Studi e Testi 44 (1925)
Galán Vioque, Guillermo, "Jacques Philippe d'Orville en Turín," Maia 67 (2015) 167-180
• On d'Orville's research and work at Turin in 1726, especially on the Antologia Planudea, Theocritus, Heliodorus, and the Thebaid (Oxford, Bodleian Library, mss. D'Orville 260, 269, 433, 455, 190).
Abbamondi, A.,  Le Selve di P. Papinio Stazio ed un commento inedito di Giano Aulo Parrasio: Contributo alla critica staziana (Napoli, 1906)
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.
Abbamonte, G., "La Silva Somnus (5,4) di Stazio nella tradizione esegetica umanistica con un commento inedito di Aulo Giano Parrasio," Paideia 66 (2011) 41-51
Klein, T., Parrasios Epikedion auf Ippolita Sforza: ein Beispeil schopferischer Aneignung insbesondere der Silven des Statius, mit editio critica, Uebertragung, kommentar, Stud. zur Gesch. & Kultur. des Altertums R.1, Monogr. 3 (Paderborn: Schoeningh, 1987)
• Reviews: Quadlbauer, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 43 (1990): 99-101; Klecker, Wiener Studien 103 (1990): 285-86
Lauletta, Mario, "Parrasio e l'Achilleide di Stazio," AION (filol.): Annuali dell'Universitì degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 27 (2005): 155-64
• Notes on Parrhasius' glosses in Napoli, BN, IV.E.46, the incunable Napoli, BN, S.Q.X.F.6, as well as the Praefatio in Achilleidem of Parrhasius in Napoli, BN, V.D.15.
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Perotti, Niccolo 
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Ricerche sul commento inedito di Perotti alle Silvae di Stazio," Studi Umanistici Piceni 17 (1997) 9-20
de Angelis, V. "Petrarca, Stazio, Liegi," Studi Petrarcheschi, n.s. 2 (1985): 53-84
Poggio Bracchiolini
Blass, H., "Ueber die von Poggio zu den Zeiten des Kostnitzer Concils gefundene Handschrift des Quintilianus und von Statius Silven," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 30 (1875): 258-63
Clark, A.C., "The Madrid Ms. of Asconius [M.81]," Classical Review 10 (1896): 301-5
Clark, A.C., "The Literary Discoveries of Poggio," Classical Review 13 (1899): 119-30
Clark, A.C., "The Discoveries of Poggio: A Correction," Classical Review 15 (1901): 165-6
Clark, A.C., "Poggio and Asconius," Classical Review 17 (1903): 38
Clark, A.C., "Statius, Poggio and Politian," Classical Review 32 (1918): 166-7
Courtney, E., "On the Silvae of Statius," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 13 (1966): 94-100
• Politians' ms. the one used by Poggio and the exemplar of the matritensis. Discussion and interpretation of the S. at ten points. See A.J. Dunston, "What Politian saw: Statius, Silvae 1.4.88," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 14 (1967) 96-101.
Dunston, A.J., "What Politian saw: Statius, Silvae 1.4.88," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 14 (1967): 96-101
• Politian probably saw Matritensis 3678, but present evidence makes the problem insoluble. A reply to E. Courtney, "On the Silvae of Statius," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 13 (1966) 94-100.
Garrod, H.W., "Statius, Poggio and Politian," Classical Review 28 (1914): 265-6. 
• Review: Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 131
Goold, G.P., "Observationes in codicem Matritensem M.31," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 99 (1956): 9-17
• On the tradition of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae and Silius. 
Skutsch, F., "Ad Statii Siluas Symbolae," Fleckeis Jahrbuch 147 (1893): 473-4 
• On Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.
Slater, D.A., "Statius, Poggio, and Politian," Classical Review 32 (1918): 166-67
Thielscher, P., De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria, Programm (Tuebingen, 1906)
Thielscher, P., "De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria," Philologus 66 (1907): 85-134 
• A reconstruction of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.
Traglia, A., "Sulla tradizione delle Selve di Stazio," Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958): 60-76
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.
Bevegni, Claudio, "Poliziano lettore dei Moralia di Plutarco: Alcuni dati di ordine statistico," Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009) 205-219
• On Politian's knowledge of Plutarch in, among other works, his commentary on the Silvae.
Cesarini Martinelli, L., "Le Selve di Stazio nella critica testuale del Poliziano," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 47 (1975): 130-174
• Chronological reconstruction of Politian's studies in the Silvae. Reconstruction and classification of cod. Poggio. Appendix on rare mss.
Cesarini Martinelli, L., Angelo Poliziano: Commento inedito alle Selve di Stazio, INSR Studi e Testi 5 (Firenze: Sansoni, 1978)
•Review: Guida Prometheus 7 (1981): 189-90
Cesarini Martinelli, L., "Un ritrovamento polizianesco: il fascicolo perduto del commento alle Selve di Stazio," Rinascimento 22 (1982): 183-212
Danglard, J., Sur Stace et surtout de ses Silves (Clermont-Ferrand: Ferdinand Thibauer, 1864)
• (I) On Statius' relationship with his conpemporaries and his reception and influence in the Middle Ages; (II) His life and family; (III) On the composition of the Silvae, including their influence on Politian; (IV) The end of Statius' life and his relationship with Domitian; (V)-(XIV) Discussion of individual Silvae in groups.
Garzya, Antonio, "Sobre los commentarios de autores antiguos hechos por Poliziano" Vichiana 3a.2 (1991): 217-230
• Method and structure of Politian's commentaries.
Lauletta, Mario, "Achille, Iulio e il contadino: l'Achilleide di Papinio Stazio nelle Stanze e nel Rusticus di Angelo Poliziano," AION(filol) 23 (2001): 253-67
• On the reuse of elements from the Achilleid in Politian's last, incomplete poem.
Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "Silvas em três tempos: Emulação e engenho em Estácio, Poliziano, Quevedo," Alea: Estudos Neolatinos 19.3 (2017) 525-37
Marastoni, A., "Note alle Selve di Stazio," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 93 (1959): 437-452
• A discussion of 20 controversial passages in light of Politian's commentary.
Miletti, Lorenzo, "Calderini, Poliziano, Barbaro e il 'ritorno' di Temesa nell'Umanesimo," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 1, 1-2 (2007) 39-52
• At the end of the 15th century, Domizio Calderini, Angelo Poliziano, and Ermolao Barbaro entered into a learned debate on the ancient city of Temesa in their commentaries on Pliny the Younger and Statius.
Pastore Stocchi, M., "Sulle curae statianae del Poliziano," AIV 125 (1966-67): 39-74
• Politian's scholarly life was dedicated to the Silvae. The question of mitis Taras (S. 1.1.102-4) shows that Politian did not know the explanation of Poggio until after 1489. Issues of polemic with Domizio Calderini. The curae statianae allowed Politian to perfect his critical method.
Reeve, M. D., "Politian and Statius' Silvae," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 49 (1977): 285-6
• Politian probably consulted Poggio before his final edition/collation.
Wasserstein, A., "Politian's Commentary on the Silvae of Statius," Scriptorium 10 (1956): 83-9
Alexander Pope 
Aden, J.M., "The Change of Scepters, and Impending Woe: Political Allusion in Pope's Statius," Philological Quarterly 52 (1973) 728-38
· Pope's translation shows the manner in which he adapted the poem as a story of civil war and contending royal claimants to the contemporary political situation.
Hoffmann, Manfred, "Statianische Szenen im Peristephanon des Prudentius," Hermes 129.4 (2001): 533-541
Perist. 3.31-63 and 10.61-75 is influenced by Theb. 12. Prudentius also emulates individual scenes in the poem.
Nicolas Poussin 
McLanathan, Richard B.K., "'Achilles on Skyros' by Nicolas Poussin," Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 45.259 (Feb., 1947): 2-11
• The first version of the painting is based on a contemporary mythological reference. The second version (now in Richmond, VA) has many aspects that reflect the Statian version of the myth.
Kallendorf, H., and C. Kallendorf, "Conversations with the Dead: Quevedo and Statius, Annotation and Imitation," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 63 (2000): 131-68
Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "Silvas em três tempos: Emulação e engenho em Estácio, Poliziano, Quevedo," Alea: Estudos Neolatinos 19.3 (2017) 525-37
Socas, F., "Dos poetas insomnes: Estacio y Quevedo," in Pedro Sáez and Salvador Ordónez, edd., Homenaje al Profesor Presedo, Universidad de Sevilla Junta de Andalucia, Filosofía y letras 178 (Sevilla/Jerez: Caja San Fernando, 1994): 743-56
Clay, Diskin, "Dante's Parnassus: Raphael's Parnaso," Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 22.2 (2014) 3-32
Roman de Thèbes 
Battles, D., The Medieval Tradition of Thebes: History and Narrative in the Roman de Thebes, Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Lydgate, Studies in Medieval History and Culture (New York: Routledge, 2004)
Cormier, R.J., "The Problem of Anachronism: Recent Scholarship on the French Medieval Romances of Antiquity," Philological Quarterly 53 (1974): 145-157
• Adaptations of the Thebaid
Sarolli, G.R., "Il Roman de Thèbes, fonti e datazione," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 87 (1954): 283-320
• The Roman de Thèbes, written about 1200, is the work of a learned cleric who used Statius and Ovid.
Taous, Tatiana, "Les dénominations du champ de bataille dans l'Iliade, l'Ilias latina, la Thébaïde et le Roman de Thèbes: Linguistique et poétique," in Marie-Ange Julia, ed., Nouveaux horizons sur l'espace antique et moderne: actes du symposium "Invitation au voyage" juin 2013, Lycée Henri IV, Scripta receptoria 2 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2015), pp. 245-271 with plate
• A study of battlefields in Homer, Baebius Italicus, and Statius, and the motifs of blood, dirt, and desolation.
• Reviews: Bretin-Chabrol, Vox Latina 193-194 (2016) 264-265
Rouxel, Jean
Nassichuk, John, "Stace et Valerius Flaccus aux palinods normands de l'epoque de Charles IX: Trois epigrammes latines de Jean Rouxel (1571-1573)," Latomus 77.2 (2018) 441-63
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Monno, Olga, "Tenuissima virtus di corridori, inseguitori e fuggiaschi in Virgilio e Stazio," InvLuc 32 (2010): 105-13
• Servius ad Aen. 9.556 suggests that Virgil is the source for Th. 6.568 and hence Turnus is a model for Parthenopeus in this scene.
Sidonius Apollinaris 
Bitschofsky, Rudolph, De C. Solii Apollinaris Sidonii studiis statianis (Wien: Karl Konegen, 1881)
Bruzzone, Antonella, "Ovidio (e altri) in Sidonio Apollinare, carme 6," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), pp. 305-332
Consolino, Franca Ela, "Le mot et les choses: epigramma chez Sidoine Apollinaire," in Paola Francesca Moretti et al., edd., Culture and Literature in Latin Late Antiquity: Continuities and Discontinuities, Studi e testi tardoantichi 13 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), pp. 69-98
• Comparison of the epigrammain Sidonius with Martial, Pliny the Younger, and Statius.
Filosini, Stefania, "Ovidio nell'epitalamio per Ruricio ed Iberia (Sidon. Carm. 11)," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), pp. 349-376
Galand, Perrine and Sylvie Laigneau, edd., La silve: histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle, Latinitates 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013)
• Reviews: Charlet, Revue des études latines 91 (2013) 323-327; Furno, BiblH&R 76 (2014) Furno; T. Penguilly, "Une histoire de la silve: l'aventure d'un principe d'écriture dans les littératures européennes," Acta fabula: La recherche en litt&eeacute;rature 15 (2014)
Gärtner, Thomas, "Statius Theb. 10,909 f. im Lichte spätantiker Imitationen," Museum Helveticum 58.2 (2001): 123-28
• The imitations of the passage by Claudius Marius Victorius (Alethia 3.210-237) and Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.129-134) suggest the reading, Quae non spes hominum!, which supports a variant in P.
Hecquet-Noti, Nicole, "Le temple de Dieu ou la nature symbolisée: La dédicace de la cathédrale de Lyon par Sidoine Apollinaire (Epist. 2.10)," in Florence Garambois and Daniel Vallat, edd., Le lierre et la statue: La nature et son espace littéraire dans l'épigramme gréco-latine tardive, Mémoires du Centre Jean Palerne 37 (Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2013), pp. 217-231 and plates
• The poem collects allusions to the Silvae to describe the cathedrale at Lyon.
• Reviews: Cosenza, BStudLat 44 (2014) 323-325; Martin, Revue des études latines 92 (2014) 356-357; Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Vox Latina 191-192 (2015) 220-222; Richer, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3e sér. 87 (2013) 250-251; Tissi, L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 345-348
Hernández Lobato, Jesús, "El carmen 16 de Sidonio Apolinar: Muerte y resurrección de la poesía," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), 407-420
Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.
Montone, Francesco, "Vergilian Wolves in the Panegyric on Avitus by Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.361-368)," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (2013) 287-300
• In describing the Vandals as wolves, Sidonius uses Virgil, Statius, Silius, Valerius Flaccus, and Lucan.
Onorato, Marco, "Amore e Venere nel c. 11 di Sidonio Apollinare: Tra culto della varietas ed aemulatio staziana," Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d'Informazione Bibliografica 46 (2016) 79-109
• "The praise of Ruricio and Iberia in Sidonius' poem show how the author's varietas affects both the formal and the articulation of the composition, reminiscent of Silvae 1.2."
Pavan, Alberto, "Consenzio o le virtù dell'auriga: Una rielaborazione della gara delle quadrighe di Stat. Theb. VI in Sid. Ap. carm. 23 ad Consentium 304-427," Aevum(ant) n.s. 5 (2005): 227-50
• On Sidonius' use of the chariot races.
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Taisne, Anne-Marie "Présence de Stace dans les Carmina de Sidoine Apollinaire," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), 283-293
Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Sidonius, Polla and the Two Poets," The Classical Bulletin 50 (1973-74): 37-39
• Sidonius Apollinaris believed that Polla Argentaria re-married after Lucan's death. The source of his assumption is unclear. It is unlikely that she married Statius, as Sidonius implies. 
Fletcher, G.B.A., "Some Certain or Possible Examples of Literary Reminiscence in Tacitus," Classical Review (1945): 45-50
• Echoes of Virgil, Livy, Sallust, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, Statius, Lucan, Seneca, etc.
Ripoll, F., "De Thersite a Tacite: le contestataire anonyme du chant I de la Thebaide de Stace," Vox Latina 160 (2000): 45-57
Venantius Fortunatus 
Blomgren, S., "De Statii apud Venantium Fortunatum vestigiis," Eranos (1950): 57-65
• Fortunatus was inspired by the Ach., Theb., and Silvae, notably the Epithalamion, which he knew as well as the one of Claudian.
Dewar, Michael J. "Episcopal and Epicurean Villas: Venantius Fortunatus and the Silvae," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 297-313
Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, "Venance Fortunat et l'esthétique de l'ekphrasis dans les Carmina: L'exemple des villas de Léonce de Bordeaux,"Revue des études latines 88 (2010) 218-237
• On the descriptions of villas by Venantius Fortunatus. Use of Statius.
Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.
Katscher, R., "'Waltharius'-Dichtung und Dichter," MLatJb 9 (1973): 48-120 (Dissertation, Leipzig, 1958) 
• Similarities with Virgil, Statius, and Prudentius demonstrate the influences on Waltharius' epic technique.
Christa Wolf
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, ed. Bernhard Kytzler, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004), 85-96
• A reprint of Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.
Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61; Reprinted in Bernhard Kytzler, Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004): 85-96
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.