Statistics on the Bibliography of Statian Studies

These statistics reflect the materials contained in these pages (excluding reviews) that deal predominantly with Statius. The data may not be complete or entirely accurate and may reflect a number of incidental factors, such as (a) improvements in providing subject information on the part of presses and journals; (b) the expansions in the number of journals published; (c) inconsistent methods of collecting information in the five major sources used (TOCS-IN, Gnomon, L'Année philologique, Jahrbuch für Alterthumswissenschaft, and Bursians Jahrbuch für Altertumskunde); and (d) inconsistent coverage of articles not dealing directly with Statius.

In the figures that follow, the term "journal" refers to a refereed serial publication and hence excludes articles in collections (such as supplemental volumes and Festschrifte). In Figg. 1, 2, 3, and 5, articles in collections are treated individually; they are not included in Fig. 4; and in Fig. 6, thee collections are treated as single books. Also in Fig. 6, "books" includes Programme and dissertations of all sorts. Given the different coverage of dissertations from different countries, there is some double counting in this category. The five-year rolling averages are backward-looking, such that data for 1900 refers to averaged sums from the years 1896-1900. Data do not include reviews and - especially for the most recent years - are subject to change.


1. Number of Publications on Statius (quot)
2. Number of Authors of Publications on Statius (quis)
3. Number of Publications per Surname (quoteni)

4. Number of Journals Publishing Articles on Statius (quibus auxiliis)
5. Coverage of Statius' Works (de quo)
6. Medium of Publication (ubi)

Figure 1. Number of Publications on S., 1900-2012

Figure 2. Number of Authors of Publications on S., 1900-2012

Figure 3. Number of Publications per Surname, 1900-2012

Figure 4. Number of Journals Publishing Articles on S., 1900-2012

Figure 5. Coverage of S.'s Works, 1900-2012
(Share; Five-year rolling average; Dedicated publications)

Figure 6. Medium of Publication, 1900-2012
(Share; Five-year rolling average)