Manuscript Studies: Achilleid
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, Harald, "On the Frequency of Ancilia in Medieval Manuscripts," in H. Anderson and David T. Gura, eds., Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 33 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020), 132-45
• Statistics on various types of marginal and ancillary texts (including commentary, vitae, and accessus) in the medieval manuscripts of Statius, intended as comparanda for other authors.
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Achilleus in Mainz: ein in der Martinus-Bibliothek neu gefundenes Handschriftenfragment von Statius' Achilleis als Zeugnis der spätmittelalterlichen Priesterausbildung," Mainzer Zeitschrift: Mittelrheinisches Jahrbuch für Archäologie, Kunst und Geschichte 2006 101: 29-35
• Im Rahmen der Schullektüre von der Spätantike bis ins späte Mittelalter vertritt die oft gelesene und abgeschriebene Achilleis das Epos. Sie machte mit dem im ganzen Mittelalter bekannten und für Allegorien beliebten Trojanischen Krieg vertraut und stellte wegen des manierierten Stils an das Textverständnis hohe Anforderungen. Ein Vergleich der insgesamt 116 Verse aus beiden Büchern der Achilleis in der neu gefundenen Handschrift mit neueren textkritischen Ausgaben ergibt, dass die Qualität des Textes recht gut ist. Mit Überblick über weitere im mittelalterlichen Schulunterricht beliebte Texte.
Castiglioni, Luigi, "Analecta," Studi italiani di filologia classica 12 (1904): 279-318
• Collation of manuscripts in Milan (M 60 Sup., N 127 Sup., and H 166 Inf.).
Clogan, P., "A Preliminary List of Manuscripts of Statius' Achilleid," Manuscripta 8 (1964): 175-8
Jakobi, R., "Quellenrekurs als textkritischer Schlussel in den Epen des Statius," Hermes 116 (1988): 227-232
Klotz, A., "Zur überlieferungsgeschichte der Epen des Statius," Philologus 63 (1904): 157-60
Munk Olsen, Birger, "P. Papinius Statius, II," in L'étude des auteurs classiques latins aux xie et xiie siècles, II: Catalogue des manuscrits classiques latins copiés du XIe au XIIe siècle: Liuius-Vitruuius. Florilèges. Essais de plume, Doc., Et. & Répertoires publ. par l'Inst. de rech. & d'hist. des textes (Paris: éd. du CNRS, 1985), 521-567
Reeve, M.D., "Statius," in L. D. Reynolds, ed., Texts and Transmissions (Oxford, 1983): 394-99
Riou, Yves-François, "Chronologie et provenance des manuscrits classiques latins neumés," Revue d'Histoire des Textes 21 (1991) 77-113
• Study of neumed manuscripts of Horace, Lucan, Statius, Terence, and Virgil.
Terzaghi, N., "Il codice P e l'Achilleide di Stazio," BPEC n.s. 4 (1956): 1-16
Traglia, A., "Osservazioni sul testo dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 97 (1969): 421-31
Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: L'Achilleide," C&S 43 (1972): 67-73
Manuscript Studies: Silvae
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, Harald, "On the Frequency of Ancilia in Medieval Manuscripts," in H. Anderson and David T. Gura, eds., Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 33 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020), 132-45
• Statistics on various types of marginal and ancillary texts (including commentary, vitae, and accessus) in the medieval manuscripts of Statius, intended as comparanda for other authors.
Appelmann, C., Studia Papiniana, Gymnasiums-Programm (Demmin, 1872)
• Detailed discussions of passages in the Silvae emended in Markland's and Imhof's editions.
Engelmann, Arthur, " target="_blank">De Statii Silvarum Codicibus, Inaug. Dissert. (Leipzig, 1902)
• The extant mss.of the Silvae are not all descended from the Matritensis, partially based on Politian's notes in the Corsiniana volume.
• Review: Vollmer, Deutsche Litteraturzeitung 37 (1902) 2332-33
Engelmann, A., "Ueber die Handschriften der Silven des Statius," Hermes 38 (1903): 285-91
• Believes that the Madrid manuscript is copied from the copy Poggio had made.
Flores, Enrico, "Sul codice M 3678 degli Astronomicon libri di Manilio," Vichiana 4th ser. 5.2 (2003): 171-77
• On the fate of the Matritensis between 1418 and 1879, including when it was (for a time) bound with Madrid, X 8514.
Goetz, Georg, De Statii Silvis emendandis disputatio. Jena, [1884]
• On the relationships between the manuscripts of the Silvae.
Goold, G.P., "Observationes in codicem Matritensem M.31," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 99 (1956): 9-17
• On the tradition of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae and Silius. 
Gronovius, J.F., Helenchus Antidiatribes Mercurii frondatoris ad P. Papinii Statii Sylvas (Paris: Pelé, 1640)
Imhof, A., De Silvarum Statianarum conditione critica, Programm der lateinischen Hauptschule (Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1859). Link.
• A discussion of the manuscripts (including partial collations of manuscripts in Mantua (now Roma, Vitt. Em. 1021) and Wroclaw) and of editors' emendations (esp. Markland, Hand, and Queck).
Klotz, Alfred, "Zur Überlieferung der Silvae des Statius," Hermes 38 (1903): 468-80
Müller, Otto, "Zu den Gedichten des P. Papinius Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 18 (1863): 189-200
• On echoes of the Silvae in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and criticism of Bentley's edition. Discussions of Silv. 4.4.1, 4.2.28, 5.2.142, 2.1.218;Ach. 1.72-76; Theb. 1.32-34, 2.12-3, 2.257-58, 2.342-43, 5.381-83, 7.640-41, 7.666-68, 10.100-1, 10.402, 10.668-69, 10.702-3, 11.470-71, 11.661, 3.648-49, 4.828-29, 1.291-93, 1.339-41, 3.183-87, 4.139-42, 3.291-94, 4.76-79, 7.436-38, 9.4-7, 11.278.
Nohl, Hermann, Quaestiones Statianae, Diss. inaug. (Berlin, 1871)
• On the chronology of Statius' works and the stemma of the manuscripts of the Silvae.
Postgate, J.P., "The Manuscript Problem in the Silvae of Statius," Classical Review 17 (1903): 344-51
Postgate, J.P., "The Manuscript Problem in the Silvae of Statius: Addendum," Classical Review 18 (1904): 43. 
Reeve, M. D., "Politian and Statius' Silvae," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 49 (1977): 285-6
• Politian probably consulted Poggio before his final edition/collation.
Reeve, M. D., "Statius' Silvae in the Fifteenth Century," Classical Quarterly 27 (1977): 202-25
• Construction of stemma of extant manuscripts and description of newly-discovered mss..
Reeve, M.D., "Statius," in L. D. Reynolds, ed., Texts and Transmissions (Oxford, 1983): 394-99
Riou, Yves-François, "Chronologie et provenance des manuscrits classiques latins neumés," Revue d'Histoire des Textes 21 (1991) 77-113
• Study of neumed manuscripts of Horace, Lucan, Statius, Terence, and Virgil.
Skutsch, F., "Ad Statii Siluas Symbolae," Fleckeis Jahrbuch 147 (1893): 473-4 
• On Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.
Thielscher, P., De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria, Programm (Tuebingen, 1906)
Thielscher, P., "De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria," Philologus 66 (1907): 85-134 
• A reconstruction of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.
Thielscher, P., "Zur Maniliusuberlieferung," Philologus 82 (1927): 167-80
Thielscher, P., "Remarks on the manuscript tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 51 (1957): 47-52
• A response to A. Wasserstein, "The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 47 (1953) 69-78.
Traglia, A., "Appunti per una nuova edizione delle Selve di Stazio," BPEC 8 (1960): 29-45
• Considerations on agreements among certain mss.
Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: Le Selve," C&S 40 (1971): 58-64
Vollmer, F., rev. of Arthur Engelmann, De Statii Silvarum Codicibus, inaug. dissert. (Leipzig, 1902), Deutsche Literaturzeitung (1902) 2332-33
• Contrary to Engelmann and in greement with Klotz, all mss. of the Silvae descend from the Matritensis. Vollmer notes that he places no trust in Politian's notes in the Corsiniana.
Vollmer, Friedrich, "Zur Ueberlieferung von Statius' Silvae," Hermes 38 (1903): 134-9
Wasserstein, A., "The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 47 (1953): 69-78
• The scholia of Paris lat. 8282 suggest a multiple tradition. We ought accept readings of Corsini of the Matritensis, which perhaps comes from Poggio's ms. See P. Thielscher, "Remarks on the Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 51 (1957) 47-52.
Wasserstein, A., "The manuscript tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 52 (1958): 111-112
• Response to criticisms of P. Thielscher (1957). Feels the old scholia of Paris lat. 8282 might contain pre-renaissance notes. 
Manuscript Studies: Thebaid
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, Harald, "On the Frequency of Ancilia in Medieval Manuscripts," in H. Anderson and David T. Gura, eds., Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 33 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020), 132-45
• Statistics on various types of marginal and ancillary texts (including commentary, vitae, and accessus) in the medieval manuscripts of Statius, intended as comparanda for other authors.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "à propos des conjectures dans le texte de la Thébaïde de Stace: L'enseignement des premiers incunables," Museum Helveticum 63.2 (2006): 100-103
• an examination of the first editions of the Thebaid indicates variants that may be derived from lost mss.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Le codex Buslidianus des épopées de Stace: La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 128 A 38," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60 (2016) 420-432
• Identification of the codex Buslidianus collated in editions from Bernartius' on.
Boussard, J., Étude des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace, Mém. de diplome d'ét. sup. Fac. de Paris. Summary in Revue des études latines (1935): 358
Boussard, J., "Le classement des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 30 (1952): 220-51
• The manuscripts belong to two large families, founded on variants in Book 10. Includes an attempt at a stemma. See D.E. Hill, "The Manuscript Tradition of the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly n.s. 16 (1966) 333-46.
Galán Vioque, Guillermo, "Jacques Philippe d'Orville en Turín," Maia 67 (2015) 167-180
• On d'Orville's research and work at Turin in 1726, especially on the Antologia Planudea, Theocritus, Heliodorus, and the Thebaid (Oxford, Bodleian Library, mss. D'Orville 260, 269, 433, 455, 190).
Hill, D.E., "The Manuscript Tradition of the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly n.s. 16 (1966): 333-46
• Contrary to Boussard ("Le classement des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 30 (1952) 220-51), Paris lat. 8051 is still the only known example of the p family. Remarks on lemmata.
Huelsenbeck, Bart, "A Nexus of Manuscripts Copied at Corbie, ca. 850-880: A Typology of Script Style and Copying Procedure," Segno e testo 11 (2013): 287-309 and pll. 1-10• Manuscripts produced at Corbie were actively collated and corrected. Implications for the Puteanus manuscript.
Jakobi, R., "Quellenrekurs als textkritischer Schlussel in den Epen des Statius," Hermes 116 (1988): 227-232
Klotz, A., "Zur überlieferungsgeschichte der Epen des Statius," Philologus 63 (1904): 157-60
Klotz, Alfred, "Probleme der Textgeschichte des Statius," Hermes 40 (1905): 341-72
• On the stemma and textual problems in the Thebaid, with special focus on the evidence of Priscian and the Puteanus.
Müller, O., "Aus alten Handschriften des Statius," Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 20 (1903): 192-97
• On (I) neumes in the Kassel and Puteanus manuscripts; (II) citations from the Disticha Catonis in the Puteanus; and (III) readings in the Bambergensis (and problems reading Kohlmann's apparatus), in response to H. Nohl's review of Kohlmann's 1883 edition of the Thebaid, Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 1 (1884): 1622 . Link.
Munk Olsen, Birger, "P. Papinius Statius, II," in L'étude des auteurs classiques latins aux xie et xiie siècles, II: Catalogue des manuscrits classiques latins copiés du XIe au XIIe siècle: Liuius-Vitruuius. Florilèges. Essais de plume, Doc., Et. & Répertoires publ. par l'Inst. de rech. & d'hist. des textes (Paris: éd. du CNRS, 1985), 521-567
Perez Gutierrez, U., "Aportaciones del manuscrito 148 de Tortosa a la tradición manuscrita de la Tebaida," Durius 6 (1978): 143-66
Reeve, M.D., "Statius," in L. D. Reynolds, ed., Texts and Transmissions (Oxford, 1983): 394-99
Riou, Yves-François, "Chronologie et provenance des manuscrits classiques latins neumés," Revue d'Histoire des Textes 21 (1991) 77-113
• Study of neumed manuscripts of Horace, Lucan, Statius, Terence, and Virgil.
Wilkins, A.S., "Barth's Mss. of the Thebais of Statius," Classical Review 10 (1896): 14-15
Wotke, C., "Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung der Thebais des Statius," in Eranos Vindobonensis (Wien: Alfred Hölder, 1893): 211-7
Ziolkowski, Jan M., "Between text and music: the reception of Virgilian speeches in early Medieval manuscripts," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 2004 No 52: 107-126
• Analysis of the neumes in Virgilian mss. An appendix (pp. 119-26) contains comparisons with neumes in mss. of Horace, Lucan, the Thebaid, and Terence.
Reports/Descriptions of Individual Mss.
Anderson, H., "On the editio princeps of Statius' Epics," SSRN Working paper (May 14, 2010). Available at:
Arrighetti, G., "Il Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958): 100-115
Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "La Tebaida de Estacio en el manuscrito 148 del Archivo Capitular de Tortosa," Habis 23 (1992): 63-95
• Connection with Hill's group DNtQdO. Full collation.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Le codex Buslidianus des épopées de Stace: La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 128 A 38," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60 (2016) 420-432
• Identification of the codex Buslidianus collated in editions from Bernartius' on.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "The Statius of Gronovius (Amsterdam, 1653) and the Manuscripts London BL Royal 15.C.X and 15.A.XXI," Classical Quarterly 66 (2016) 376-383
• Gronovius' 1653 edition is the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late 19th century. In accordance with contemporary practice, Gronovius selectively corrected a printed textus receptus. Gronovius's corrections are usually of great value and many of them promote readings that are still considered correct today. Regarding his sources, this article compares what Gronovius says in the commentary with his hitherto unstudied documents, in particular his collations, which are preserved in Leiden. Identification of two additional manuscript sources he used.
Bezzola, G., "Un frammento di codice della Tebaide di Stazio," Athenaeum n.s. 18 (1940): 51-3
• A fragment containing Theb. 11.307-500, with LP, in a private collection. 
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, Die wiedergefundene Bibliothek: Antike und mittelalterliche Autoren in Pergamentfragmenten der Mainzer Martinus-Bibliothek, Aus der Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz 9 (Mainz: Martinus-Bibliothek, 2012)
Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Ein neues Handschriftenfragment der Achilleis des Statius. Mainz, Martinus-Bibliothek, frag. lat. I (frM): Ach. I, 579 - 636, 2, 25 - 82," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 151 (2008): 326-50
Bouquiaux-Simon, O., "Un manuscrit de Stace à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Liège (Thébaïde 10.197-254)," Latomus 21 (1962): 839-847
Boussard, J., "Un manuscript inédit de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 14 (1936): 95-101
• On Paris, BN, lat. 8054, about as correct as the Puteanus, but of a different tradition. 
Castiglioni, Luigi, "Analecta," Studi italiani di filologia classica 12 (1904): 279-318
• Collation of manuscripts in Milan (M 60 Sup., N 127 Sup., and H 166 Inf.).
Crecelius, W., "Ein Düsseldorfer Statiusfragment," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 32 (1877): 632-6
de Angelis, V. "Un apografo del Vergilio ambrosiano," Studi petrarcheschi n.s. 3 (1986): 203-233 
Deycks, F., "Statii codicis Thebaidis egregii aliquot fragmenta accuratius examinata," Index lectionum hibernarum Monasteriensium 1865/6 (Münster, 1865): 4-14
Dilke, O.A.W., "The Value of the Codex Etonensis of Statius' Achilleid," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 46 (1949): 34
Dilke, O.A.W., "The Codex Etonensis of Statius' Achilleid," Classical Quarterly (1949): 45-6
Dilke, O.A.W., "A Paris manuscript of Statius, Achilleid," Latomus 17 (1958): 708-711
• On Bernensis 156, which is descended from Paris. 8040. 
Dilke, O.A.W., "The value of the Puteanus of Statius," AClass 5 (1962): 58-63
Dommerich, Johann Christoph, Ad P. Papinii Statii Achilleida ex membraneis Bibliothecae suae anecdota (Wolfenbüttel: Meisner, 1758)
• A transcription of the commentary on the Achilleid in Gud. lat. 292.2.
Ellis, Robinson, "An Oxford Ms. of Statius' Silvae," JPh 20 (1892): 17-24
• Partial collation of Oxford, Barlow 23.
Elter, A., and A. Klotz, "Eine Statiushandschrift in Palma," BPhW 33/4 (1905), coll. 1100-102
Forstner, Karl, "Frühe Salzburger Fragmente des Lactantius Placidus (10./11. Jh.)," Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft 21 (1995): 193-207
• Fragments of a manuscript in the Nachlass of Hans Oellacher.
Funaioli, G., "Da un codice di Valenciennes," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 21 (1915): 1-73 = Esegesi virgiliana antica (Milano, 1930): 444-508
Garrod, H.W., "The S. John's College (Cambridge) ms. of the Thebaid," Classical Review 18 (1904): 38-42 
Getty, Robert J., "Note on the Turonensis," Classical Quarterly 27 (1933): 139
Getty, Robert J., "The Saint-Germain Ms. of the Thebaid (Paris B.N. 13046)," Classical Quarterly 27 (1933): 129-39
Goold, G.P., "Observationes in codicem Matritensem M.31," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 99 (1956): 9-17
• On the tradition of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae and Silius. 
Grosse, H.F.E., Ueber eine Trierer Handschrift des Statius, Programm des Friedrichs-Collegs (Königsberg: Schubert und Seidel, 1866) 
Hahn, Hermann, Quaestionum Statianarum part. I. Diss. inaug. (Breslau, 1872)
• On the Breslau manuscript of the Silvae.
Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).
Huelsenbeck, Bart, "A Nexus of Manuscripts Copied at Corbie, ca. 850-880: A Typology of Script Style and Copying Procedure," Segno e testo 11 (2013): 287-309 and pll. 1-10• Manuscripts produced at Corbie were actively collated and corrected. Implications for the Puteanus manuscript.
Kelle, J. "Die klassische Handscriften: Statiushandschriften in Prager Bibliotheken," Abhandlungen der K. Bohm Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft 1 (1872): 22-27
Klotz, A., "Die Barthschen Handschriften," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 373-90
Klotz, A., "Bruchstücke einer Statiushandschrift," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 1 (1946): 153
Kohlmann, P., "Die Pariser Handschriften der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 34 (1876): 474-96
Lauletta, Mario, "Un commento medievale all'Achilleide di Stazio (considerazioni preliminari)," Vichiana 4a ser. 4.2 (2002): 261-79
• The manuscript Bruxelles, Bibl. Univ. probably belonged to a teacher and has notes from the 12th and 13th centuries and has links to a 9th century commentary.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XII secolo)," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.1 (2003): 54-93
• Edition of the accessus and commentary.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XIII secolo). 1," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.2 (2003): 249-68
• Edition of the accessus and commentary by the second hand.
Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (annotazioni di XIII secolo). 2," Vichiana 4a ser. 6.1 (2004): 70-96
• Edition of ff. 8r-16v of the Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis, with notes to 1.312-312 and 167 with an appendix of observations on the commentary.
Lauletta, Mario, "Parrasio e l'Achilleide di Stazio," AION (filol.): Annuali dell'Universitì degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 27 (2005): 155-64
• Notes on Parrhasius' glosses in Napoli, BN, IV.E.46, the incunable Napoli, BN, S.Q.X.F.6, as well as the Praefatio in Achilleidem of Parrhasius in Napoli, BN, V.D.15.
Manitius, Max, "Aus Dresdener Handschriften, II: Scholien zu Statius' Thebais," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 57 (1902): 397-421
Manitius, Max, "Handschriftliches zum Texte des Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 588-96
• Collation of the Dresden manuscripts of the Thebaid.
Manitius, Max, "Dresdener Scholien zu Statius Achilleis," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 59 (1904): 597-602
Mayer, H., "Über eine Berliner Handschrift der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 51 (1892): 381-84
• On Hamilt. 607. Link
Mayer, Herrmann, "Die Glossen in der Berliner Statius-Handschrift," Philologus 53 (1894): 194-7
Mazzoli Casagrande, M. A., "Frammenti membranacei di classici latini conservati a Pavia (secoli 14-15)," RicMed 10-12 (1975-77): 31-41
Perez Gutierrez, U., "Aportaciones del manuscrito 148 de Tortosa a la tradición manuscrita de la Tebaida," Durius 6 (1978): 143-66
Punzi, Arianna, "I libri del Boccaccio e un nuovo codice di Santo Spirito: il Barberiniano Lat. 74," Italia medioevale e umanistica 37 (1994) 193-203, with plate
• Identification of Vatican, Barb. Lat. 74 as the manuscript in the parva libraria of the library at Santo Spirito, referenced in Florence, BML, Ashb. 1897.
Schenkl, G., "De Statii Achilleidos codice etonensi," Wiener Studien 4 (1882): 96-101
Schmid, Konrad Arnold, "Achilleidos P. Papinii Statii pars," Ad Audiendam Plauti Fabulam Capteivei a quibusdam Primi Ordinis Alumnis In Auditorio Maiori Iohannei Die XVIII Octobris Hora Post Meridiem Quinta Publice Recitandam Patres Reip. Maxime Spectabiles Bonarumque Literarum Tutores et Fautores Invitat M. Conradus Arnoldus Schmid Iohannei Rector, Prog. Lüneburg (Lüneburg, 1756), 18-26
• A collation of a manuscript now in Wolfenbüttel (404.1 (1,13) Novi).
Schmidt, M., "Ein Scholion zum Statius," Philologus 23 (1866): 541-47
Schmitz, W., "Ein Düsseldorfer Statiusfragment," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 21 (1866): 438-443 = Beiträge zur lateinischen Sprach- und Literaturkunde (Leovardia: Chalmot, 1877): 159-66
Souter, A., "Collation of the Madrid Ms. of Stat. Silv.," Classical Review 12 (1898): 400, 441
Tranchant, H., "Le Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 3 (1934): 451-53
Tross, Ludwig, "Variae lectiones ad Statii Thebaid. V, 114. sq. et VI, 274. sq., ex antiqui codicis fragmento collectae," Kritische Bibliothek für das Schul- und Unterrichtswesen 2 (1820), 389-90• A collation of a fragment of the Thebaid in his collection in Hall (Westf.).
Weber, Carl Friedrich, De codice Statii Cassellano, Gymn. Prog. (Marburg, 1853)
Williams, R.D., "The Worcester fragments of Statius' Thebaid," Classical Review (1947): 88-90
Williams, R.D., "Two Manuscripts of Statius' Thebaid," Classical Quarterly 42 (1948): 105-112
Williams, R.D., "The Vienna fragment of Statius' Thebaid," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 23 (1949): 151-3
Studies of Incunabula and Printed Editions
Anderson, H., "On the editio princeps of Statius' Epics," SSRN Working paper (May 14, 2010). Available at:
Appelmann, C., Studia Papiniana, Gymnasiums-Programm (Demmin, 1872)
• Detailed discussions of passages in the Silvae emended in Markland's and Imhof's editions.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "à propos des conjectures dans le texte de la Thébaïde de Stace: L'enseignement des premiers incunables," Museum Helveticum 63.2 (2006): 100-103
• an examination of the first editions of the Thebaid indicates variants that may be derived from lost mss.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Texte et commentaires de la Thébaïde de Stace à l'ère de l'imprimerie: Transmission et histoire culturelle (1470-1851)," Dissertation, NeuchÂtel, 2008
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Emericus Cruceus' Conjectures on the Thebaid and the Achilleid (1620). A Supplement to the New Edition of Statius' Epics," Mnemosyne 64.2 (2011): 285-94
• Discussion of Cruceus' emendations and their sources. Passages include Théb. 1.227, 284-285, 439-440, 461; 2.17-19, 219, 401; 4.153, 481-482; 9.99-100, 500-501, 976; 10.16-17, 215-216; 11.54; 12.58-59, 620; Ach. 1.243-244; 2.93, 132-134.
Gronovius, J.F., Helenchus Antidiatribes Mercurii frondatoris ad P. Papinii Statii Sylvas (Paris: Pelé, 1640)
Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).
Klotz, A., "Die Barthschen Handschriften," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 373-90
Lauletta, Mario, "Parrasio e l'Achilleide di Stazio," AION (filol.): Annuali dell'Universitì degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 27 (2005): 155-64
• Notes on Parrhasius' glosses in Napoli, BN, IV.E.46, the incunable Napoli, BN, S.Q.X.F.6, as well as the Praefatio in Achilleidem of Parrhasius in Napoli, BN, V.D.15.
Wilkins, A.S., "Barth's Mss. of the Thebais of Statius," Classical Review 10 (1896): 14-15
Uncataloged Emendations and Textual Studies
Anderson, W.B., "Notes on Statius," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 178 (1941-1945): 10-12
Caviglia, F., "Problemi di critica staziani: La Tebaide," C&S 45-46 (1973): 45-46, 138-151
Cruceus, Emericus, P. Papinii Statii Silvarum Frondatio sive Antidiatribe (Paris: Du Pais, 1639)
Cruceus, Emericus, Ad P. Papinii Statii Silvas Muscarium siue Helelenchus (Paris: Michael Soly, 1640)
Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius: Thebaid X, XI and XII," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 120.3 (1992): 313-17
Gronovius, J.F., Diatribe in Statii Silvas ('s-Gravenhage: Theodorus Maire, 1637)
Håkanson, Lennart, Statius' Silvae: Critical and Exegetical Remarks with Some Notes on the Thebaid (Lund: Gleerup, 1969)
• Reviews: Kenney, Classical Review 85 (1971): 210-11; Luck, The American Journal of Philology 93 (1972): 493-94
Håkanson, L., Statius' Thebaid: Critical and exegetical remarks, Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet : Scripta minora (Lund: Gleerup, 1973)
• Review: Gossage, Classical Review 26 (1976): 271-72
Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).
Hall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 1 and 2," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989) 227-41
Hall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 3 and 4," Illinois Classical Studies 17 (1992): 57-77
Fhall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 5 and 6," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 17.2 (1992): 287-99
Hand, Ferdinand, Iani Gruteri Suspiciones in Statii Thebaidos libri I cum animadversionibus, Programm der Akademie (Jena, 1851)
Jakobi, R., "Quellenrekurs als textkritischer Schlussel in den Epen des Statius," Hermes 116 (1988): 227-232
Klotz, Alfred, "Probleme der Textgeschichte des Statius," Hermes 40 (1905): 341-72
• On the stemma and textual problems in the Thebaid, with special focus on the evidence of Priscian and the Puteanus.
Klotz, A., ed., Curae statianae (Leipzig, 1906)
• With an edition of Silv. 2.2 with commentary.
Klotz, Christian Adolph, "Animadversiones in P. Papinii Statii Thebaida," Miscellanea critica (Utrecht, 1763), 58-99
• Discussion of difficulty in understanding the Thebaid and extensive emendations to all 12 books.
Koch, Hermann Adolph, "Coniectanea in Statium," Coniectaneorum in poetas latinos pars altera. Gymnasium-Program, Frankfurt am Oder, 1865), 4-13
Liberman, G., "Textes à histoires: Virgile et Stace," MEFRA 106.2 (1994): 1137-49
Micozzi, L., "A lezione di ars amatoria nell'Achilleide," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 59 (2007): 127-44
• Statius uses Ovidian elegiac imagery in creating Achilles.
Müller, Otto, Quaestiones Statianae, Progr. Des Gymnasiums zum grauen Kloster (Berlin: Calvary, 1861)
Müller, Otto, Electa Statiana, Programm des Luisenstädtischen Gymnasiums (Berlin, 1882)
Polster, Ludwig, Quaestionum Statianarum, part. I. Gymnasiums-Programm von Wongrowitz (Leipzig: Teubner, 1878)
Sandström, C.E., Studia critica in Papinium Statium, Upsala Universitets Årsskrift (Upsala, 1878)
• Extensive exegetical and critical notes on the Silvae, , and Thebaid.
Serrao, M., "Alcuni problemi di critica testuale in Stazio epico," Anazetesis 8-9 (1983-84): 148-52
Shackleton Bailey, David R., "The Silvae of Statius," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 91 (1987) 273-282
• Textual notes on 26 passages.
Traglia, A., "Osservazioni sul testo dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 97 (1969): 421-31
Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: Le Selve," C&S 40 (1971): 58-64
Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: L'Achilleide," C&S 43 (1972): 67-73
Traglia, Antonio, Lezioni su Stazio e la "Tebaide" (Roma: Bulzoni, 1974)
Venini, P., "A proposito di una recente edizione della Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 122.4 (1994): 492-500
• A critical review of D.E. Hill, ed., Thebaidos Libri 12 (1983)
Watt, W.S., "Notes on Latin epic poetry," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 31 (1984): 153-70
• Textual and grammatical notes on Lucan, Silius Italicus and Statius.
Watt, W.S., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid," Eranos 85 (1987): 49-54
Watt, W.S., "Notes on Statius, Silvae," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft n.F. 14 (1988): 159-70
History of Scholarship
Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Appelmann, C., Studia Papiniana, Gymnasiums-Programm (Demmin, 1872)
• Detailed discussions of passages in the Silvae emended in Markland's and Imhof's editions.
Berlincourt, Valéry, "Emericus Cruceus' Conjectures on the Thebaid and the Achilleid (1620). A Supplement to the New Edition of Statius' Epics," Mnemosyne 64.2 (2011): 285-94
• Discussion of Cruceus' emendations and their sources. Passages include Théb. 1.227, 284-285, 439-440, 461; 2.17-19, 219, 401; 4.153, 481-482; 9.99-100, 500-501, 976; 10.16-17, 215-216; 11.54; 12.58-59, 620; Ach. 1.243-244; 2.93, 132-134.
Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11
Berlincourt, Valéry, "The Statius of Gronovius (Amsterdam, 1653) and the Manuscripts London BL Royal 15.C.X and 15.A.XXI," Classical Quarterly 66 (2016) 376-383
• Gronovius' 1653 edition is the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late 19th century. In accordance with contemporary practice, Gronovius selectively corrected a printed textus receptus. Gronovius's corrections are usually of great value and many of them promote readings that are still considered correct today. Regarding his sources, this article compares what Gronovius says in the commentary with his hitherto unstudied documents, in particular his collations, which are preserved in Leiden. Identification of two additional manuscript sources he used.
Criado, C., "Jupiter, emperador romano: La lectura politica de la Tebaida de Estacio," Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 14 (2000): 87-106
• Jupiter, presented as a malevolent god, could refer to Domitian. This is used to test the difference of opinion between European and Anglo-American schools regarding whether the poem is anti-Flavian.
Criado Boado, C., "Estacio y la crítica anglo-americana", Actas del X Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos. Alcalá de Henares del 21 al 25 de septiembre de 1999, vol. II (Madrid 2001), 333-39
Dominik, W.J., "Fama or Fata? A Note on Statius, Theb. 10.835," Liverpool Classical Monthly 19 (1994): 82-84
Fielding, Ian, "Statius and his Renaissance Readers: The Rediscovery of a poeta Neapolitanus," in Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 271-84
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).
Haupt, M., "Beiträge zur Berichtigung der Gedichte des P. Papinius Statius aus Richard Bentleys und Johann Schraders Aufzeichnungen," Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaft (1861): 1074-1084 = Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.126-136
• Transcription of notes of Bentley and Schrader.
Klotz, A., "Die Barthschen Handschriften," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 373-90
Lochmann, Johann Melchior, Professoris Eloquentiae Et Graecae Linguae Munus In Illustri Gymnasio Coburgensi Academico Auspicaturus Pauca Ad Defendendum Et Emendandum P. Papin. Statium Praefatur (Coburg, 1774)
• A defense of Statius against deprecators from Joseph Scaliger to Barth. A discussion of Juvenal 7.82-87 and Statius' success. A defense of his encomia and of his style. A lengthy discussion of Silv. 3.2.20 ("exploret rupes gravis ante molybdis").
Wilkins, A.S., "Barth's Mss. of the Thebais of Statius," Classical Review 10 (1896): 14-15