Statius Bibliography by Author

Abbamondi, A.,  Le Selve di P. Papinio Stazio ed un commento inedito di Giano Aulo Parrasio: Contributo alla critica staziana (Napoli, 1906)
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Ricerche sul commento inedito di Perotti alle Silvae di Stazio," Studi Umanistici Piceni 17 (1997) 9-20
Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, "Campania in the Flavian Poets' Imagination," chapter 1 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019),
Review: Markus Kersten, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.
Abbamonte, G., "La Silva Somnus (5,4) di Stazio nella tradizione esegetica umanistica con un commento inedito di Aulo Giano Parrasio," Paideia 66 (2011) 41-51
Abbamonte, G., "La ricezione della Silva di Stazio sulla Villa Sorrentina di Pollio Felice nei commentari umanistici," in P. Galand and S. Laigneau-Fontaine, edd., La silve. Histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 337-72
Abbamonte, G., "Naples: A Poet's City: Attitudes Towards Statius and Virgil in the Fifteenth Century," in J. Hughes and C. Buongiovanni, edd., Remembering Parthenope: The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present (Oxford, 2015), pp. 170-88
Abbamonte, G., "Papinio Stazio e il monte Gaurus produttore di vino," Vichiana 54 (2017) 119-127
Abrantes, Miguel Carvalho, "The Mystery of Achilles' Death," Humanitas (Coimbra) 71 (2018) 71-79
• On the myth of the death of Achilles in ancient art.
Adamietz, Joachim, "Zur Frage der Parodie in Juvenals 4. Satire," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 19 (1993): 185-200
• Juvenal's statement is neither about Statius nor about his De bello germanico. The Satire serves a moral-satiric goal and, in its alternation between epic and satiric portions, makes Domitian its target.
Adamini, G., "La raffigurazione del destino nella Tebaide di Stazio," Anazetesis 4-5 (1981): 15-28
• Fatum is not entirely destructive in S.. 
Adam, W., Poetische und Kritische Waelder: Geschichte und Formen des Schreiben 'bei Gelegenheit' (1624-1770), Beiheft zu Euphorion 22 (Heidelberg, 1988)
• On silvae as a genre after the poems' re-discovery.
Aden, J.M., "The Change of Scepters, and Impending Woe: Political Allusion in Pope's Statius," Philological Quarterly 52 (1973) 728-38
· Pope's translation shows the manner in which he adapted the poem as a story of civil war and contending royal claimants to the contemporary political situation.
Adkin, Neil, "Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus I.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?," Classica et Mediaevalia 55 (2004): 279-84
• Alan's attack on Walter does not indicate knowledge of Silv. 4.7.21-24. (Response to T. Gärtner, "Das Urteil," 1999).
Adkin, N., "Statius, Silvae 4,7,12: Castior amnis," Eirene 41 (2005): 85-86
• The phrase is to be explained as one of the very few instances in Latin literature of the rhetorical figure of transumptio.
Adkin, Neil, "More Additions to Maltby's Lexicon of Ancient Latin Etymologies and Marangoni's Supplementum Etymologicum: The Scholia to Statius," Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 45 (2009) 45-56
Agri, Dalida, "Marching Towards Masculinity: Female pudor in Statius' Thebaid and Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica," Latomus 73 (2014) 721-747
• A study of pudor in Statius and Valerius Flaccus.
Ahl, F.M., Kings, Men and Gods in the Thebaid of Statius, Dissertation, U. of Texas at Austin, 1966
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 27 (1967): 3437
Ahl, F.M., "Lucan and Statius," in T. James Luce, ed., Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome (New York: Scribner's, 1982): 2.917-41.
Ahl, F. M., "The Rider and the Horse: Politics and Power from Horace to Statius," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.1 (1984): 40-124
Ahl, F. M., "Statius' Thebaid: A Reconsideration," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 2803-2912
Ahl, Frederick, "Apollo: Cult and Prophecy in Ovid, Lucan, and Statius," in Apollo: Origins and Influences, ed. Jon Solomon (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1994), 113-134
Ahl, Frederick, "Transgressing Boundaries of the Unthinkable: Sophocles, Ovid, Vergil, Seneca and Homer Refracted in Statius' Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 240-265
Albrecht, Michael von, "Proserpina's Tapestry in Claudian's De raptu: Tradition and Design," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989): 383-390
• Technique of presenting a series of pictures from different aspects; his use of speeches and similes; and his use of Virgil, Ovid, and Statius.
Alexis, Louis E. M., School of Nero: Europe's first Christian Ruler Identified and Excerpts Edited from his Literary Heirs, Silius Italicus, Papinius Statius, Valerius Flaccus with Textual Notes, Commentaries, Illustrations (Aberdeen, 1975)
• Review: Usher, Classical Review 27 (1977): 279-81
Alfonsi, L., "Della concezione del destino in Tacito e Stazio," Aevum 28 (1954): 175-77 
Alonso, D., "Antecedentes griegos y latinos de la poesia correlativa moderna," in Estudios dedicatos a R. Menéndez Pidal, IV (Madrid, 1950): 3-25
• Diverse examples from Alexandrians, the Greek Anthology, S., Martial, and Claudian, show that poetic correlations, which were then popular in European poetry, were used in Greek poetry down to the second century BC and in Latin down to the first century AD.
Altamura, A., "Una testimonianza medievale sul cripto-cristanesimo di Stazio e di Claudiano," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 3 (1950): 81-82
• Unedited letter of Francesco da Fiano, a disciple of Petrarch (actually a defense of the Classics). 
Alton, E.H., "Notes on the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly 17 (1923): 175-186
• On Thebaid 4.41, 5.373, 9.218, 9.286, 10.618, 1.460, 1.656, 1.693, 2.64, 2.185, 2.251, 2.590, 2.607, 2.672, 3.314, 3.390, 3.539, 3.553, 3.658, 4.130, 4.170, 4.479, 4.485, 5.449-50, 5.543, 6.212, 6.341, 6.446, 6.773, 6.776, 6.992, 7.75-6, 7.177, 7.201, 7.25, 7.258, 8.116, 8.253, 8.582, 8.589, 9.338, 9.750-1, 9.843-4, 9.848-51, 9.855, 10.26, 10.441, 11.22, 11.46, 11.246, 11.274, 11.307, 11.329, 11.345. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 132-33
Álvarez, María Consuelo, Iglesias, Rosa María, "Estacio, poeta áulico," in P.P. Conde Parrado and I. Velázquez, eds., La Filología latina: Mil años más, 3 vols., Beltenebros 26-28 (Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, 2009), 1:17-532
• An analysis of Statius' relationship with his patrons and Domitian's court in the Silvae shows that Statius knew how to please his patrons and did not hesitate to do so.
Álvarez Morán, María Consuelo and Rosa María Iglesias Montiel, "La Hipsípila de Estacio leía a Eurípides," in Francesco De Martino and Carmen Morenilla, edd., El teatro clásico en el marco de la cultura griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental 16, Teatro y sociedad en la Antigüedad clásica: palabras sabias de mujeres, Le Rane 59 (Bari: Levante, 2013), pp. 15-45
• Evidence that the fragmentary Hypsipile of Euripides was known to and used by Statius.
Amato, Eugenio, "Per la cronologia di Dionisio il periegeta," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3.ser. 77.1 (2003): 7-16
• New arguments for the identification of Domitian with the emperor under whom the Romans destroyed the Nasamones, alluded to by Dionysius in ll. 208-10, are drawn from a comparison with the evidence of Dio Cassius and Statius.
Ambühl, Annemarie, "Sleepless Orpheus: Insomnia, Love, Death and Poetry From Antiquity to Contemporary Fiction," in Emma Jane Scioli and Christine Walde, edd., Sub imagine somni: Nighttime Phenomena in Greco-Roman Culture Testi e studi di cultura classica 46 (Pisa: ETS, 2010), pp. 259-284
• The significance of insomnia in ancient literature, esp. Call. Fr. 27 Pf., Verg., G. 4.464-515, Ovid, Met. 10-11, and Silv. 5.4.
Anagnostou-Laoutides, Eva, "Drunk with Blood: The Role of Platonic Baccheia in Lucan and Statius," Latomus 76.2 (2017) 304-323
Andersen Vinilandicus, Peter Hvilshøj, "Wie Melusine den Drachen verdrängte: Eine sagengeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Unverwundbarkeitsmotiv," Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung = Journal of Folktale Studies 50.3-4 (2009) 227-46 and plate
• Achilles' heel appears first in Apollodorus and the bathing in the River Styx appears first in Statius. Discussion of Statius' Achilles as a model for Seigfried.
Anderson, D., "Theban History in Chaucer's Troilus," Studies in the Age of Chaucer 4 (1982): 109-133
Anderson, D., Before the Knight's Tale (Philadelphia, PA, 1988)
Anderson, D., "Boccaccio's Glosses on Statius," Studi sul Boccaccio 22 (1994): 3-134
• Boccaccio owned three manuscripts of the Thebaid. Reconstruction of their glossary traditions.
Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31
Anderson, H., Medieval Accessus to Statius, PhD Dissertation, Ohio State U., 1997
Anderson, H., "Note sur les manuscrits du commentaire de Fulgence sur la Thébaïde," Revue d'histoire des textes 28 (1998): 235-38, with plates
Anderson, H., "Newly Discovered Metrical Arguments to the Thebaid," Mediaeval Studies 62 (2000): 219-53
• Edition of several new arguments to Books 1 and 6 as well as general arguments and non-dodecastich arguments.
Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77
Anderson, H., "On the editio princeps of Statius' Epics," SSRN Working paper (May 14, 2010). Available at:
Anderson, Harald, "Publius Papinius Statius," Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 13 (2020) 53-346
• Summary of Statius' medieval reception from antiquity to modern times, together with a list and description of pre-17th century commentaries and translations of his works.
Anderson, Harald, "On the Frequency of Ancilia in Medieval Manuscripts," in H. Anderson and David T. Gura, eds., Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 33 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020), 132-45
• Statistics on various types of marginal and ancillary texts (including commentary, vitae, and accessus) in the medieval manuscripts of Statius, intended as comparanda for other authors.
Anderson, Peter J., "Fame is the spur": Memoria, Gloria, and Poetry Among the Elite in Flavian Rome," thesis, Cincinnati, 2003
• Statius does not see the Silvae for his own immortalization, leaving that to the epics.
Anderson, W.B., "Statius and the Date of the Culex," Classical Quarterly 10 (1916): 225-26
• Nothing in Statius' poem (2.7.54-74) justifies a correction to Donatus' statement that Virgil took six years to write the Culex. See J.S. Phillimore, "Statius and the Date of the 'Culex'," Classical Quarterly 11 (1917) 106.
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142
Anderson, W.B., "Statius' Thebaid, Book 2," Classical Quarterly (1924): 202-208
• On lines 8 ff., 19 ff., 43, 58 ff., 128-33, 176 ff., 184 ff., 208 ff., 223 ff., 251 ff., 331 ff., 342 ff., 551 ff., 635 ff. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 134
Anderson, W.B., "Notes on Statius," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 178 (1941-1945): 10-12
Andouche, Iris and Paul Simelon, "Stace et la mortalité masculine," Latomus 54.2 (1995): 319-23
André, Jean-Marie, "Stace témoin de l'Epicurisme campanien," in Gabriele Giannantoni and Marcello Gigante, edd., Epicureismo Greco e Romano: Atti del Congresso Internazionale Napoli, 19-26 Maggio 1993, 3 vols., Elenchos: Collana di Testi e Studi sul Pensiero Antico, 25 (Napoli: Bibliopolis, 1996), 2.909-928
Anonymous, "Statius and his Age," rev. of Valpy, P. Papinii Statii Opera Omnia ex editione Bipontina cum notis et interpretations in Usum Delphini 1824, The British Quarterly Review 26 no. 52 (Oct. 1, 1857), 281-307
• On Statius' art and his personal sadness.
Anonymous, Silvae (Pisa: Giardino, 1985) [anonymous edition]
Anzinger, S., Schweigen im römischen Epos: zur Dramaturgie der Kommunikation bei Vergil, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, c2007)
Appelmann, C., Studia Papiniana, Gymnasiums-Programm (Demmin, 1872)
• Detailed discussions of passages in the Silvae emended in Markland's and Imhof's editions.
Appleby, M., Statius and the Art of Reference: Intertextuality and the Thebaid, PhD Dissertation, Yale University, 1998
Arci, F., Gli amplessi di Virgilio con Sordello e Stazio (Alatri: de Andreis, 1900)
Arduini, P., "Alcuni esempli di tecnica allusiva nel proemio dell'Orestis di Draconzio," Orpheus 8 (1987): 366-380
Arena, Antonelli, "Ad Statium: Le auctoritates linguistiche nel commento di Lattanzio Placido alla Tebaide di Stazio," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014), pp. 271-86
• Study of the authorities cited by Lactantius and his method of commentating.
•Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25
Argenio, R., trans., "Al Sonno (Statii Silv. 5.4); Alla moglia Claudia (Silv. 3.5)," Il mondo classico (1948): 68-73 [translation of Silv. 3.5 and 5.4]
Argenio, R., trans., "L'albero di Atedio Meliore (Statius, Silv. 2.3)," Il mondo classico n.f. 4 (1950) 135-37 [translation]
Argenio, R., "Stazio: Epistola lirica a Vibio Massimo," Rivista di studi classici 9 9 (1961): 213-16 [translation of Silv. 4.8]
Argenio, R., "La via Domiciana," RSC 13 (1965): 160-71 [Silv. 4.3 with translation and commentary]
Argenio, R., Stazio poeta degle affetti (Roma, 1966)
• Reviews: André, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 41 (1967): 363; D'Agostino, RSC 14 (1966): 184
Argenio, R., "Tre figure di madri," RSC 17 (1969): 219-223
• On Silv. 5.3.241-2 and maternal figures in Augustine, Petrarch, Gorki and Brecht.
Argenio, R., "Due Selve di Stazio commentate e tradotte," RSC 20 (1972): 13-31 [Silv. 1.5 and 1.6 with text, commentary and translation]
Argenio, R., "Due epicedii di Papinio Stazio: Silv. 2.1 e 5.5," RSC 20 (1972): 331-362 [text, commentary, and translation]
Aricò, G., "Sul mito di Lino e Corebo in Stat. Theb. 1.557-668," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 38 (1960): 277-285
• Conclusions on the art of S, his criteria of choice of myth and processes of elaboration and narration.
Aricò, G., "Stazio e l'Ipsipile euripidea: Note sull'imitazione staziana," Dioniso 35.3-4 (1961): 56-67
• Influence of Euripides in Books 4-6.
Aricò, G., "Stazio, Tebaide 4.665," Aevum 35 (1961): 273
• Keep the reading of the manuscripts.
Aricò, G., "Ovidio in Stazio, Theb. 5.505 ss.," Aevum 37 (1963): 120-23
• The model is Ovid, Met. 3.28-94.
Aricò, G., "Stazio e Arrunzio Stella," Aevum 39 (1965): 345-47
• Their affinity is in conjunction with the Silvae, not the Thebaid.
Aricò, G., "Interpretazioni recenti della composizione della Thebaide," ALGP 5-6 (1968-69): 216-233
• Recent studies of composition as well as baroque and classical models.
Aricò, G., "Adrasto e la guerra tebano (mondo spirituale staziano e caratterizzazzione psicologica)," ALGP 7-8 (1970-71): 115-131
• In this troubled universe, dominated by nefas, the pietas is that of the individual. In Vergil, the gods were the guaranty of justice.
Aricò, G., "Sulle tracce di una poetica staziana," BStudLat 1 (1971): 217-239
• Statius has a conscious classical poeticism, based on Augustan rhetorico-literary theories and in accordance with the cultural orientations of the Flavian reign. It is, however, difficult to attach him to a coherent system of ideas. Next to the idea of the poeta doctus and limae labor, one finds the survival of a neoteric motif of poetry as a iocus and a lusus as well as a Callimachean antithesis.
Aricò, G., Richerche Staziane (Palermo, 1972)
Aricò, G., "Adflato monte sepultum," BStudLat 2 (1972): 158-61
Silv. 5.3.104 ff. alludes to the stoic-peripatetic explanation that movements of air within the earth cause earthquakes and volcanoes.
Aricò, G., "Su alcuni aspetti del mito tebano nelle urne volterrane," ALGP 9-10 (1972-73): 106-110
• Interpretation of urns 2, 4 and 10 in light of the Thebaid
Aricò, G., "De Statii carminis, quod de bello germanico inscribitur, fragmento," ALGP 11-13 (1974-76 [1977]): 249-254
• Supports the fragment as being Statian. Hypothesis on the circumstances of the composition and edition of the poem.
Aricò, G., "La scuola di Papinio," Atti del congresso internazionale di studi vespasianei, Rieti settembre 1979 (Rieti : Centro di studi varroniani, 1981), 315-323
• Interpretation of Silv. 5.3.146-194.
Aricò, G., "Per il Fortleben di Stazio," Vichiana 12 (1983): 36-43
• On the Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques of Claudian; Statius in Cassiodorus; and Statius in the Gesta Berengarii
Aricò, G., "L'Achilleida di Stazio: Tradizione litteraria e invenzione narrativa," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986) 2925-2964
Aricò, G., "La vicanda di Lemno in Stazio e Valerio Flacco," in M. Korn and H.J. Tschiedel, edd., Ratis omnia vincet: Untersuchungen zu den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, Spudasmata 48 (Hildesheim, 1991), 197-210
Aricò, Giuseppe, "Plinio il Giovane e la poesia," in Storia letteratura e arte a Roma nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo: Atti del convegno, Mantova 8-9-10 ottobre 1992, Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze e Arti. Miscellanea 3 (Firenze: Olschki, 1995): 27-41
• Pliny's Letters, in particular 5.3.1, create a correspondence with Silv. 4 praef. This indicates that the publication of Silv. 4 preceded Pliny's Letters.
• Reviews: Fedeli, Aufidus 10.28 (1996): 147; Marconi, RCCM 38.1 (1996): 178-80; Ficca, BStudLat 26.2 (1996): 639-41; Malissard, Latomus 57.3 (1998): 748
Aricò, G., "Rileggendo l'Achilleide," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne. 1996): 185-99
Aricò, G., "Crudelis vincit pater: Alcune note su Stazio e il mito tebano," in Antonio Aloni, Elisabetta Berardi, Giuliana Besso, and Sergio Cecchin, edd., Atti del Seminario internazionale 'I Sette a Tebe. Dal mito alla lettura'. Torino 21-22 febbraio 2001, Università degli studi di Torino. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di filologia, linguistica e tradizione classica 'Augusto Rostagni' 18 (Bologna: Pàtron, 2002): 169-84
Aricò, Giuseppe, "Dialogando su Stazio con Paola Venini," in Per Paola Venini: Atti della giornata di studio, Pavia, 14 maggio 1999 (Pisa: ETS, 2003): 81-100
• On Discussion of his work on Statius and discussions of Theb. 4.393-96, 5.11-14, 11.1-2, 11.49-61, 11.89-91, and 11.409-15
• Review: Gasti, Athenaeum 93.2 (2005): 768-69
Aricò, Giuseppe, "... fugit omnia linquens (Stat. Theb. 11.441): Adrasto come Pompeo?," in Modelli letterari e ideologia nell'età flavia: Atti della 3a giornata ghisleriana di filologia classica (Pavia, 30-31 ottobre 2003), ed. Fabio Gasti and Giancarlo Mazzoli, Studia Ghislerian (Como: Ibis, 2005), 77-95
• The preparation for Adrastus' flight recalls Pompey in Lucan 7.689 ff.
Aricò, G., "... fugit omnia linquens (Stat. Theb. 11, 441): Adrasto come Pompeo?," in Fabio Gasti and Giancarlo Mazzoli, edd., Modelli letterari e ideologia nell' età Flavia. Atti della III Giornata ghisleriana di Filologia classica (Pavia, 30 - 31 ottobre 2003) (Studia Ghisleriana) (Pavia: Ibis, 2005): 77-95
Aricò, Giuseppe, "Leves libelli: Su alcuni aspetti della poetica dei generi minori da Stazio a Plinio il Giovane," CentoPagine 2 (2008): 1-11
• On new perspectives on the relationship between epic and non-epic poetry in the post-Augustan period, with focus on Statius, Martial, and Pliny the Younger.
Ariemma, Enrico Maria, "Il malaugurio delle ninfe e la matrigna duplicata: Echi virgiliani (e ovidiani) in alcune Silvae di Stazio," Vichiana 5 (1994): 78-94
• On the lamentations of nymphs in Aen. 4.166-70; Ovid, Her. 7.95-98; and Silv. 3.1.73-75, 4.2.1-2, and 5.2.118-20.
Arrighetti, G., "Il Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958): 100-115
Ash, Rhiannon, "War came in disarray... (Thebaid 7.616): Statius and the Depiction of Battle," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 207-220
• On the construction of the battle-scenes in Statius.
Asso, P., rev. of D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Silvae, Loeb Classical Library 206 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.10.05
Asso, P., rev. of R.D. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Vol. 2: Thebaid, Books 1-7; Vol. 3: Books 8-12, Loeb Classical Library, 207 and 498 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.11.02
Asso, Paolo, "Queer Consolation: Melior's Dead Boy in Statius' Silvae 2.1," The American Journal of Philology 131.4 (2010): 663-97
S. 2.1 shows the social expectations for how grief and love between a man and a boy should be expressed and offers insight into the Roman understandings of sexuality, personal comportment, and public morality.
Astbury, R., "Juvenal 10.148-50," Mnemosyne 28 (1975): 40-46
• Juvenal makes a subtle allusion to Theb. 10.84-6 and amuses himself by going beyond his model.
Augoustakis, A., "Unius Amissi Leonis: Taming the Lion and Caesar's Tears (Silvae 2.5)," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 207-21
Augoustakis, A. and C.E. Newlands, "Introduction: Statius's Silvae and the Poetics of Intimacy," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 117-25
Augoustakis, A., "An Insomniac's Lament: The End of Poetic Power in Statius' Silvae 5.4," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin literature and Roman History XIV, Collection Latomus 315 (Bruxelles: éditions Latomus, 2008): 339-47
• This poem, on an insomciac, occupies a key position between two epicedia for the dead at the end of the Silvae. This gives Somnus an infernal role and the loss of poetic power. The poem has intertextual allusions to Virgil's Dido and Ovid's exile.
Augoustakis, A., review of Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31 (2011)
Augoustakis, Antony, "Per hunc utero quem linquis nostro: Mothers in Flavian Epic," pp. 205-23 of Lauren Hackworth Petersen and Patricia Salzman-Mitchell, edd., Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome (Austin, TX: University of Texas Pr., 2012)
• In the Thebaid, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius Italicus, non-Roman mothers are depicted as Others, either having destructive powers that undermine the predominant male ideological code, or being a constructive apparatus that affirms the achievements of the male protagonists toward the manufacture of an imperial ideology. These make Romanness an idealized and utopian concept.
•Review: Johnson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.55
Augoustakis, Antony, "Per hunc utero quem linquis nostro: Mothers in Flavian Epic," pp. 205-23 of Lauren Hackworth Petersen and Patricia Salzman-Mitchell, edd., Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome (Austin, TX: University of Texas Pr., 2012)
• In the Thebaid, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius Italicus, non-Roman mothers are depicted as Others, either having destructive powers that undermine the predominant male ideological code, or being a constructive apparatus that affirms the achievements of the male protagonists toward the manufacture of an imperial ideology. These make Romanness an idealized and utopian concept.
•Review: Johnson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.55
Augoustakis, Antonios, ed., Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)
• Reviews: Stocks, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 68 (2015) 174-177; Simms, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015; Basile, BStudLat 45 (2015) 764-766
Augoustakis, Antony, "Statius and Senecan Drama," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 377-392
• Comparison of the necromancy of Theb. 4 and the Oedipus and the cannibalism at the end of Theb. 8 and the Thyestes.
Augoustakis, Antony, Statius, Thebaid 8. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016)
•Rev. A.M. McClellan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 20170332
Augoustakis, Antony, "Burial and Lament in Flavian Epic: Mothers, Fathers, Children," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)
• Study of female lament in Flavian poems and male lament in Thebaid, "arguing that whereas female lament undermines society's structures, male lament confirms them" (from Davis' review). •Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04
Augoustakis, Antony, "Achilles and the Poetics of Manhood: Re(de)fining Europe and Asia in Statius' Achilleid," Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2015-2016) 195-219
• "Examination of the Europe/Asia binarism in Statius's Achilleid as a means of understanding the polarities of male/female, West/East, Greek/barbarian, and ultimately Roman/non-Roman. Helen's abduction by Paris and the discourse on the succession of empires in Statius's poem reflect Thetis's own transformation of Achilles into a woman. Through his cross-dressing and the impregnation of Deidamia, marked in the text as a violent attack, Achilles comes of age on the liminally-other island of Scyros by replicating Paris's rapina. The 'European' Achilles incorporates both the effeminate traits of the East and the warlike manliness of the West; he also ultimately embodies the 'Asian' other, which he is destined to conquer."
Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, "Campania in the Flavian Poets' Imagination," chapter 1 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49
Augoustakis, Antony, Emma Buckley and Claire Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature, Phoenix Supplementary Volumes (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019)
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26
Augoustakis, Antony, "Haec Pietas, Haec Fides: Permutations of Trust in Statius' Thebaid," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 132-46
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26
Austin, N.J., and R. Morse, trr., "Thebaid 10," in A.J. Boyle and J.P. Sullivan, edd., Roman Poets of the Early Empire (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991)